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Chole Lee

Food Allergy and Sensitivities-A Growing Problem - 0 views

    Food allergies and sensitivities are essentially the result of a breakdown in gut mucosal immune regulation in response to food antigens that pass through the gut. The gut-associated lymphoid tissue (GALT) makes up about 80 percent of the body's immune system, and it resides in and around the gut. The job of the immune system in the gut is to respond to foreign invaders, like pathogens, by destroying them
Chole Lee

The Ups and Downs of Heart Health - 0 views

    Optimum heart health involves paying attention to a lot of different factors. There's cholesterol (but not just cholesterol-there's good cholesterol, bad cholesterol, total cholesterol, oh my!), triglycerides, blood pressure, and inflammation markers like C-reactive protein - not to mention omega-3 levels and even vitamin D! Trying to look after your ticker is enough to make your head spin.
Chole Lee

Omega-3 for Mama and Babe - 0 views

    Omega-3 fatty acids from fish oil are high in EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid). These fatty acids have been associated with heart health, joint health, brain health, gut health… the list goes on and on. The two often go hand in hand, and for most conditions, researchers don't know the perfect ratio of EPA to DHA. But for infant health, DHA is the fatty acid that shines.
Chole Lee

How Your Gut Affects Your Heart - 0 views

    Did you ever think that what goes on in your gut could affect your heart? It may seem far-fetched, but it's not. Think about it: the intestinal lining is connected to the bloodstream, which acts as a direct communication line with the heart and the rest of the body.
Chole Lee

Cell Phone Radiation-Beware - 0 views

    When Prevention Magazine is touting it, you know people are listening-cell phone radiation is hazardous to our health. The National Institutes of Health has reported that cell phone radiation increases the amount of glucose in the area of the head closest to the phone.
Chole Lee

Antibiotic Resistance, What Can I Do? - 0 views

    Think about it, when was the last time you washed your hands with soap that wasn't antibacterial? Heck, it's almost impossible just to find normal soap these days, and instead every label and package screams "antibacterial" in a way that makes plain old soap seem downright ineffective.
Chole Lee

Wed, July 21st on the Poop Scoop: Hormonal Imbalance and Its Effect on the Brain | Bren... - 0 views

    What if there was a better, safer way to help people we love who are suffering from depression, anxiety, even insomnia? What if we could find a way to deal with addiction―from everyday food cravings to a need for alcohol and even drugs―that focused on the body as a whole rather than just the symptom?
Chole Lee

Beef for Dinner? Think Again. - 0 views

    The article, which focused on how our country's beef supply is inspected, stated that the USDA's Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS), in conjunction with the Environmental Protection Agency, "is not accomplishing its mission of monitoring the food supply for…dangerous substances, which has resulted in meat with these substances being distributed in commerce."
Chole Lee

Protect Your Family with Probiotics and Enzymes - 0 views

    One of the best ways to protect yourself and your family from pathogenic bacteria on food is to take a daily probiotic supplement. Probiotics, or your good bacteria, found in the digestive tract have the ability to produce substances that kill bad bacteria eaten on food.
Chole Lee

Child Eczema - 0 views

    Can you imagine putting your infant or young child into a bath of bleach water with the raw skin associated with eczema? Well that is exactly what a study published in the journal Pediatrics is suggesting. The bleach, being an antibacterial will help eliminate bacteria on the skin as a result of so much scratching.
Chole Lee

Aerotoxic Syndrome - 0 views

    Have you ever felt just completely sick after lengthy airplane travel? Headache, nausea respiratory distress and muscle aches? A very toxic chemical called tricresyl phosphate is commonly used to prevent wear inside the engines.
Chole Lee

Alzheimer's and Inflammation - 0 views

    For some time now scientists have known that a high accumulation of a protein called amyloid beta in the brain is responsible for Alzheimer's. In this disease, this amyloid beta protein accumulates because a transporter protein, called LRP, that pushes amyloid out of the brain and into the bloodstream malfunctions.
Chole Lee

Omega 3 Deficiency - 0 views

    Did you know that Omega-3 Deficiency is a major killer? The sixth biggest killer of Americans according to a new study just released. That's right - according to the study funded by the CDC and performed by Harvard University there are between 72 to 96 thousand Preventable deaths each year due to Omega-3 deficiency.
Chole Lee

Celiac Disease - 0 views

    Celiac disease is when the presence of a protein called gluten from grains such as wheat, barley or rye triggers an immune system attack upon the small intestine. This can cause severe damage and result in long term health problems.
Chole Lee

Animals and Cancer - 0 views

    Many animals living within polluted waters suffer high rates of cancerous tumors. For example, the beluga whales in the St. Lawrence Estuary. Cancer is one of the major causes of death and disease in these whales. Their tissues are contaminated with high levels of industrial chemicals. So much so that their carcasses are considered "toxic waste".
Chole Lee

Fluoride in Water Supplies - 0 views

    Some consider the fluoride put into our water supplies to be harmful when ingested long term. There have been valid concerns that the amount ingested is unregulated and can be a health risk, especially in young children and those with kidney disease, while the benefit of fluoridation has long been questioned.
Chole Lee

Genetically Modified Sugar Beets Prematurely Permitted - 0 views

    Genetically modified foods are responsible, in part, for the widespread use of chemical herbicides. RoundUp-ready GM crops are being planted across the country, allowing for the liberal use of the toxic chemical herbicide RoundUp.
Chole Lee

Are Your Sleep Habits Making You Fat? - 0 views

    As if losing weight isn't hard enough in the first place, now our sleep habits might be making it even harder! A recent study done at Wake Forest University School of Medicine and published in the journal Sleep found that in people under 40 who got five or fewer hours of sleep per night the accumulation of fat around the organs―also known as visceral fat―was higher.
Chole Lee

Bacteria in Bottled Water - 0 views

    Bacteria are everywhere, but at very low amounts they pose no threat to our health. It's when the levels of bacteria are much higher that we need to worry, especially folks who are more vulnerable to bacterial infections, like infants, older adults, pregnant and nursing women, and people who are immunocompromised .
Chole Lee

Easy Exercise 101: Get Practical! - 0 views

    Little things like taking the stairs instead of using the elevator can make a BIG difference. Don't believe me? Just try it! And if it's only one or two floors, why not go back down and then climb right back up? It only takes minutes, and even if you feel silly, chances are nobody will see you―they're probably all taking the elevator!
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