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Chole Lee

Are Your Sleep Habits Making You Fat? - 0 views

    As if losing weight isn't hard enough in the first place, now our sleep habits might be making it even harder! A recent study done at Wake Forest University School of Medicine and published in the journal Sleep found that in people under 40 who got five or fewer hours of sleep per night the accumulation of fat around the organs―also known as visceral fat―was higher.
Chole Lee

Genetically Modified Sugar Beets Prematurely Permitted - 0 views

    Genetically modified foods are responsible, in part, for the widespread use of chemical herbicides. RoundUp-ready GM crops are being planted across the country, allowing for the liberal use of the toxic chemical herbicide RoundUp.
Chole Lee

Fluoride in Water Supplies - 0 views

    Some consider the fluoride put into our water supplies to be harmful when ingested long term. There have been valid concerns that the amount ingested is unregulated and can be a health risk, especially in young children and those with kidney disease, while the benefit of fluoridation has long been questioned.
Chole Lee

Animals and Cancer - 0 views

    Many animals living within polluted waters suffer high rates of cancerous tumors. For example, the beluga whales in the St. Lawrence Estuary. Cancer is one of the major causes of death and disease in these whales. Their tissues are contaminated with high levels of industrial chemicals. So much so that their carcasses are considered "toxic waste".
Chole Lee

Celiac Disease - 0 views

    Celiac disease is when the presence of a protein called gluten from grains such as wheat, barley or rye triggers an immune system attack upon the small intestine. This can cause severe damage and result in long term health problems.
Chole Lee

Omega 3 Deficiency - 0 views

    Did you know that Omega-3 Deficiency is a major killer? The sixth biggest killer of Americans according to a new study just released. That's right - according to the study funded by the CDC and performed by Harvard University there are between 72 to 96 thousand Preventable deaths each year due to Omega-3 deficiency.
Chole Lee

Alzheimer's and Inflammation - 0 views

    For some time now scientists have known that a high accumulation of a protein called amyloid beta in the brain is responsible for Alzheimer's. In this disease, this amyloid beta protein accumulates because a transporter protein, called LRP, that pushes amyloid out of the brain and into the bloodstream malfunctions.
Chole Lee

Aerotoxic Syndrome - 0 views

    Have you ever felt just completely sick after lengthy airplane travel? Headache, nausea respiratory distress and muscle aches? A very toxic chemical called tricresyl phosphate is commonly used to prevent wear inside the engines.
Chole Lee

Child Eczema - 0 views

    Can you imagine putting your infant or young child into a bath of bleach water with the raw skin associated with eczema? Well that is exactly what a study published in the journal Pediatrics is suggesting. The bleach, being an antibacterial will help eliminate bacteria on the skin as a result of so much scratching.
Chole Lee

Protect Your Family with Probiotics and Enzymes - 0 views

    One of the best ways to protect yourself and your family from pathogenic bacteria on food is to take a daily probiotic supplement. Probiotics, or your good bacteria, found in the digestive tract have the ability to produce substances that kill bad bacteria eaten on food.
Chole Lee

March of Dimes Recommends DHA Supplementation - 0 views

    Recently, the March of Dimes has made a new recommendation for pregnant women - the consumption of omega-3 fatty acids. Specifically, they are recommending that women should get at least 200 mg of DHA daily
Chole Lee

Weight Loss Drug Alli May Cause Liver Damage - 0 views

    Leaving fat undigested in the intestines can lead to a host of digestive problems. In fact, side effects of Alli include oily and loose stools, fecal incontinence, frequent or urgent bowel movements or flatulence.
Chole Lee

Playgrounds That Use Recycled Rubber - Too Toxic for little Timmy? - 0 views

    The rubber can contain lead and other toxins. Wait a minute! Now I understand that dumping rubber into landfills is not environmentally friendly, sure. But where do we dump it instead? The place where we find our most precious resources - children!
Chole Lee

Keep Your Immunity High with a Good Probiotic - 0 views

    One of the best ways you can help keep your immunity high against is to take a very therapeutic potency probiotic supplement. Those of you who know me, know how much I tout the benefits of probiotics.
Chole Lee

Mercury in the Diet: How Does it Get There and What Do We Do About It? - 0 views

    We all know that mercury is found in higher concentrations in fatty fish, right? But do we know how it gets there? And do we know how to avoid it without having to avoid the health benefits of the healthy omega-3 oils that are found in some fatty fish?
Chole Lee

Chinese Drywall Fears - 0 views

    New information being released about defective drywall coming from China and how this could impact your health. But, did you know that you are exposed to toxins everyday. What can you do to help you and your family in our modern toxic environment?
Chole Lee

Hip Hip Hooray- Get rid of BPA! - 0 views

    BPA, which is Bisphenol A, has been used in commerce for more than 50 years, even though the first evidence of it being hazardous to human health was shown in the 1930s.
Chole Lee

New Information about Second Hand Smoke - 0 views

    In this video blog I discuss a new study from Columbia University that looked at CT scans of over 1,700 persons and found that those who grew up with smokers had more "emphysema-like" holes in their lung tissue
Chole Lee

Probiotics and Your Family Vacation - 0 views

    A good probiotic supplement will help keep your family's immune system stay strong and ready to fight off bacteria and viruses you may come into contact with on your vacation.
Chole Lee

Kick the Sugar Habit! - 0 views

    We've consumed way too much sugar, resulting in higher rates of obesity and related conditions like high blood pressure, high triglycerides, heart disease, stroke, and diabetes, and that's just naming a few! Excess sugar consumption also feeds harmful yeast like Candida in the gut
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