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Contents contributed and discussions participated by Chole Lee

Chole Lee

Naturally shun: Heartburn & Candidiasis - 0 views

    Heartburn and candidiasis are two upcoming issues in the field of personal health and its disorders lets have a close look at them individually. Heartburn is also known by names like Dyspepsia and Gastritis. But, heartburn comprises of acid over secretion (gastritis) and acute burning sensation in chest region (epi-gastric pain).
Chole Lee

Best way to treat irritable bowel syndrome - 0 views

    Natural irritable bowl syndrome remedies enables one to get rid of this disease naturally. Pepper mint oil is a common natural product and when taken in the form of capsules the pepper mint paves way for the soothing effect in the digestive tract of the IBS infected person.
Chole Lee

What are the remedies for irritable bowel syndrome ? - 0 views

    Rate and comment your favorite publications, download documents and share your readings with your friends. Author : jacob walker Remedy the Constipation Right Away Our diet is one of the most important things in life that we have to take care about no matter what.
Chole Lee

What would you do for Natural Heartburn Cure ? - 0 views

    Natural heartburn cures are actually available in the form of foods, juices and beverages. However the effectiveness cannot be generalized and are hence individual specific. Some of these may be effective for you while some may not be effective but the good thing is that these have no side effects unlike medications.
Chole Lee

Food Quality and Bowel problems goes hand in hand - 0 views

    Food quality is a term applied to food substances that are rendered fit for consumption by the consumer. Any kind of food substance is characterized by shape, size color and texture .A food item also has to adhere to certain federal grade standards. There are certain Food Safety Act that are enforced by the legislation.
Chole Lee

Symptoms of gluten intolerance and leaky gut syndrome - 0 views

    Many people cannot tolerate gluten in their diet. They experience symptoms which signify that the food eaten had gluten in it. People who cannot tolerate gluten should stick to a diet that is gluten-free otherwise these symptoms can turn severe. So what exactly is gluten intolerance and why people suffer from it?
Chole Lee

The natural cleansers of the body-detox diets - 0 views

    Toxicity is a word of the Era, everything is becoming toxic these days right from the morning's coffee till last bite of desert we gulp in at night. It has become inevitable to avoid the impurity, it affects us in some or the other way and we become prone to diseases. There are new and new chemicals coming into existence which create air, water, food, and land pollution. We are actually, abusing our body with various types of drugs on daily basis.
Chole Lee

Improve your Food Habit with Detox Diet - 0 views

    With the increase in technology all the peoples are getting more and more futuristic. But it seems that nowadays people are no longer concern for their health and also for the quality of the food. Due to the degradation of the quality of the food our dilute system is diluting fast and there is a formation of the various toxic stuffs which gets deposit in our bodies.
Chole Lee

Cleansing yourself through detoxification - 0 views

    The quality of food is an important factor when it comes to meeting consumer satisfaction. Aside from appearance, size, flavour and colour, it also includes meeting federal standards. Food quality also has to meet sanitation requirements to ensure products are packaged and processed in a clean and safe environment. There are many instances, however, where people have been caught adulterating food for profit.
Chole Lee

Say No to Digestive problems by maintaining healthy colon - 0 views

    Digestive problem has become quite common and many of us have learnt to cope up with that, rather than find a permanent solution. Due to change in our lifestyle, most of us find it quite easy to grab a pack of fries and soft drinks, rather than spend time to elaborately plan and cook healthy food at home. This kind of routine certainly affects our digestive system and takes a toll on our overall health.
Chole Lee

Common Digestive Problems and treatment - 0 views

    Herbal medicine says digestive system is the most important part of our body which draws energy from the food that we take. Nowadays digestive problems are common in many countries. Wrong eating habit is the basic reason. Low fiber food and processed meals, animal fats, and increased level of stress are other common reasons for digestive problems or bowel problems. It can also appear in healthy looking peoples and goes undiagnosed as we think that it is not serious.
Chole Lee

How to recover from Irritable bowel syndrome ? - 0 views

    First, healthy diet can help to recover from irritable bowel syndrome. Nowadays, people depend mostly on fast and microwave foods. Second, exercise can also help to prevent IBS. Especially stress management therapy should be carried out. Third, proper medications also help in treating IBS.
Chole Lee

Is Your IBS and Candida Restricting you? - 0 views

    In search of several vegan recipes for Irritable bowel that may not involve gas-producing beans? The subsequent meal plans, try this recipe an Introduction to Low - fat Cooking,which have been designated for irritable bowel syndrome-friendly foods and preparation, and you don't have to be a vegetarian to enjoy them.
Chole Lee

Effective Irritable Bowel Syndrome Remedies - 0 views

    One of the most commonly used irritable bowel syndrome remedies is the medication available in the market. These medicines have been quite effective as an IBS treatment, even in those cases where the syndrome has been prevalent for a long period of time. Besides medicines, other major Irritable bowel syndrome remedies are interventions by psychologists and special set of exercises.
Chole Lee

Remedy the Constipation Right Away - 0 views

    Our diet is one of the most important things in life that we have to take care about no matter what. It is through the diet and the type of food we eat, that our health is maintained. Every part of our body and every constituting cell in it derives it energy and nutrition from food. Improper diet may result into gluten intolerance.
Chole Lee

Curing candidiasis - 0 views

    Candidiasis natural cure consists of an overhaul of the normal diet plan in addition to using herbs for treatment. It involves eliminating yeast and dairy products from the diet and so on. The remedy is slated to last a minimum of 11-12 weeks depending on how serious the problem is.For candidiasis natural cure, and even natural heartburn cures, a vegetarian diet is highly recommended.
Chole Lee

Burning sensation in heart: cure it naturally - 0 views

    Health comes first to every individual, because it is firmly believed that health is wealth. If a person is fit as fiddle, he/ she can move mountains. Fit people display confidence and positive approach towards everything. Smallest problems with health lead to lack of concentration, less productivity and many more problems.
Chole Lee

Home made heartburn remedies - 0 views

    Heartburn is a common medical condition wherein the victim suffers from an uncomfortable burning sensation in the chest area (hence the name ‘heart’-burn). However, despite the misleading terminology the condition has nothing to do with the heart and all to do with the stomach. …
Chole Lee

The best natural heartburn cures - 0 views

    Heartburn is a common condition affecting nearly 10% of the population at any given point of time. Fortunately there are several simple heartburn remedies that can be made easily at home. A glass of warm milk and honey for example is an excellent homemade remedy for heartburn as is a mixture of vinegar and water. Other natural heartburn remedies include mixing together a tablespoon each of apple cider vinegar and honey in a cup of warm water to make a homemade antacid mixture.
Chole Lee

Colon cleanse and detoxification - 0 views

    The very term detoxification and IBS[Irritable bowel syndrome] might not be known by many people but when affected by various ailments one would be new when introduced by the health practitioner to these popular cleansing programmers like colon cleanse, Fiber cleanse which enables your body to kick start a new metabolism.
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