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in title, tags, annotations or urlHow Georgia Dome's Stadium-Grade Wi-Fi Supports the Ultimate BYOD Project | StateTech Magazine - 0 views
AT&T Continues Commitment to Education, Donates Wi-Fi and Tablets to Harlem Children's Zone - 0 views
Call for wi-fi revolution in classrooms | Herald Scotland - 0 views
Is the iPad mini Right-priced for Education? - The Mac Observer - 0 views
"It's that last part that intrigues me, however. I know that many, many families and schools will be hard-pressed to digest even the 16 GB wi-Fi model at $329 in K-12 -- educational discounts notwithstanding. As we know, Mr. Cook likes to brag about how well the iPads are doing in schools, but two factors remain missing: a really affordable price and strong corporate initiatives in the K-12 marketplace. Is Apple missing an opportunity?"