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David Ellena

Doing the Leadership Tango - Promising Practices - Management - - 0 views

  • Effective leadership is akin to a tango. Everyone knows who is the formal leader before the dance begins. But once the action starts effective leadership reflects a flexible dynamic moving partnership, quality of a relationship. knowing your ABCs—“awareness” of your “behavior” and its “consequences”—is a key leadership building block.
  • The behaviors reflect a simple relationship model comprising eight styles and two energy modes. "Describe," "prescribe," "appreciate" and "inspire" reflect push energy—being understood by you and getting my points across to you. "Attend," "ask," "understand" and "empathize" reflect pull energy—striving to understand the points you are trying to get across to me.
  • Leaders must be aware of their follower’s style, needs and preferences.
    Knowing your people is a key skill in successful leadership
Jason Finley

Tom Vander Ark: Show What You Know - 0 views

    "Like diplomas, credentialing is a market signalling activity -- credentials tell the world what you know and can do. With all of the new learning options, it is becoming more important to have widely recognized means to show what you know and can do."
    This is the evolution of education. Certificates of Focus, online learning, competency-based learning, internships, ELOs...the signs are everywhere. It is just going to take a school with the guts to blow up the system and make real and deep changes.
David Ellena

Positive Leadership: Success Without Collateral Damage | INSEAD Knowledge - 0 views

  • "You don’t lead by hitting people over the head—that’s assault, not leadership.” – Dwight Eisenhower
  • But to get that success, you are beating up your team. You make them feel like they are never good enough.
  • Talking with my boss and my team members about the situation was the first step in a long journey to turn my negative, overly-critical style into a leadership approach that would continue to pursue the highest standards of performance – without beating up my team. 
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  • I quickly realised that I couldn’t change what I didn’t notice, and my critical, negative approach was something that was so ingrained in me that I didn’t even know it was there. The humbling experience of asking others for help, to let me know when I was engaging in destructive behaviour, was the second step
  • I began to express appreciation in ways that I had never done before. Rather than pointing out the one thing that wasn’t perfect, I found the many things that my team members were doing well and let them know how much I appreciated their hard work and their levels of excellence.
  • Fourth, I stopped talking in terms of “me” and started talking in terms of “we” when it came to success
  • Unleash the strengths and the positive energy of others around you by emphasising and building on employees’ strengths Use deliberate communications to help connect day to day work with a higher purpose that has meaning for your employees Praise your employees for specific positive things that they have done Take time to encourage your employees and support them when times are stressful Offer to help out to ease the load when someone is struggling Keep a gratitude log of all of the positive things you are grateful for Call or send personalised notes of gratitude on Thanksgiving, New Year’s and employees’ birthdays Be compassionate Practice forgiveness with yourself and others And, most importantly, take care of yourself, manage your own stress and energy, so that you can be a positive force each and every day no matter what happens around you
    A positive team is crucial to great leadership
David Ellena

Tips for a College Ready Culture from Principal of the Year - Getting Smart by Getting Smart Staff - cpchat, edchat, edleaderhip, edleaders, education, WAedchat | Getting Smart - 0 views

    Know what I love @ this article? Not 1 mention of test scores
David Ellena

The Best Way for New Leaders to Build Trust - Jim Dougherty - Harvard Business Review - 0 views

  • I spent more than four hours  listening in to client support calls at the call center.  I shared headsets with many of the team, moving from desk to desk to speak to the reps. To say they were surprised is an understatement: Many CEOs never visit the call center, and virtually none do it their first afternoon on the job.
  • I made this my priority partly because I wanted to know what customers were saying—but also to make an internal statement.
  • Without trust, it is very unlikely you will learn the truth on what is really going on in that organization and in the market place. 
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  • Without trust, employees won’t level with you—at best, you’ll learn either non-truths or part truths.
  • The best way to start building trust to take the time and meet as many individual contributors as you can as soon as you can.
  • Many leaders see their role as directing and giving information, rather than gathering.  There is pressure to “come up with the answer” quickly or risk looking weak.  Too many new leaders believe they’re expected to know the answer without input or guidance. Nothing could be further from the truth.
  • Doing this correctly takes time—but less than you might think.
    • David Ellena
      I could be trusted with the powerful
  • Later on my first day at Intralinks, I began arranging meetings with individual contributors. That’s where my learning really began. Over the next few weeks I met with over 60 individual contributors. Not only did I learn a lot, but I convinced them that I cared what they thought and could be trusted with the truth.
  • Instead of just laying this out in an all-hands meeting, I began laying out the plan in one-on-one meetings in which I talked about how each individual’s feedback had helped guide my thinking.
  • None of this could have happened without building the trust of the team. New leaders must remember that many of the best insights on how to fix a company lie with employees further down the org chart. Creating a trusting, honest dialogue with these key personnel should be every new leader’s top priority.
    Some great advice for new leaders about earning trust
Arnie Bieber

Social-Emotional Wellbeing Survey SEW | ACER - 0 views

    Something I would like us to consider.
David Ellena

2014 Resolution: Tame Your To-Do List | Connected Principals - 0 views

  • Look at your to-do list and ask, “What are the things on here that can only be accomplished by me?
  •  That becomes your to-do list, and everything else gets delegated.  You know who can handle what.  When those tasks are delegated appropriately, they will be done promptly and efficiently.  You may even find they’re done better than you would have done them–especially if you believe enthusiastic buy-in and positive reception by the people they’re intended for are important.
  • You are surrounded by people that want to help (and want to help you!).
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  • Teachers, when looking over your lesson plans, ask, “Can this lesson be executed without kids?”  I know this sounds laughable, but there are such lessons.  Take, for example, the following lesson: Teacher plans the lesson Teacher dictates expectations Teacher lectures Teacher tells students what to write down Teacher gives kids worksheets to do at home (maybe parents do them..?) Teacher grades all worksheets
    Some really good advice for teachers and admin
David Ellena

Guest Post by Greg Richardson - Leadership and Ambiguity | elumn8 - 0 views

  • We like our leaders to be confident, clear, in control. We take comfort from leaders who have a vision, who are insightful, who know where they are going.
  • We are not nearly as comfortable with ambiguity. Ambiguity is uncertain. We do not know what is going to happen with ambiguity.
  • We are not reassured when leaders are ambiguous. We trust them less.
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  • The difficulty for leaders, and for us, is that many significant challenges are ambiguous.
  • Leadership is turning ambiguity into measurable action steps, translating what we fear into what we can do.
  • Leadership is turning ambiguity into measurable action steps, translating what we fear into what we can do.
    Some great advice on handling ambiguity 
David Ellena

Leading Blog: A Leadership Blog: How to Find Leadership Blindspots - 0 views

    Do you know where your blind spots are?
Miguel Dionis

Contemporary educational ideas all my staff should know about | headguruteacher - 0 views

  • I want my teachers to be as up-to-date as possible within their own subject domains
  • certain ideas depending on the books they’ve read
David Ellena

Everything You Need to Know About Giving Negative Feedback - Sarah Green - Harvard Business Review - 0 views

    Some great advice on giving constructive criticism
David Ellena

What Your Students Really Need to Know About Digital Citizenship | Edutopia - 0 views

    Digital Citizenship for your students
David Ellena

7 Secrets First-Time Leaders Want to Know - Lolly Daskal | Leadership | Lolly Daskal - 0 views

    7 Secrets for first time leaders, & good reminders for all leaders 
Jason Finley

Inside Stanford's famous course on creativity - Fortune Management - 0 views

    Only about one in three applicants gets into the course, but a new book tells what goes on behind the classroom door, and how it applies to real-world companies.
    "...trying to create something truly new means generating lots and lots of ideas, with the understanding that most of them are going to be flops. Few businesses are prepared to tolerate, much less encourage, the inevitable failures."
    Top management knows that "on average, about one-third of all projects they attempt will work out," Seelig writes. "That means that, in order to get four successes, they need to do a dozen experiments."
David Ellena

How do you differentiate and develop talent without leaving others behind? | SmartBlogs SmartBlogs - 0 views

  • Be as clear and transparent as possible as to how participants are selected.
  • Letting people know the selection criteria helps clear up some of the mystery behind why someone was selected and why others were not. It also helps provide developmental targets to those not selected
  • Use a comprehensive selection process.
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • Train managers how to give feedback.
  • Managers need to learn how to have candid conversations with their employees about their performance and potential.
  • Provide development for ALL employees.
    Some advice on leadership development activities.
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