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David Ellena

5 Ideas To Bring Parents Into The Learning Process | The Principal of Change - 0 views

  • Here are some ways that we can build strong connections with the parents in our school communities:
  • 1.  Use what the kids use
  • If we can connect using mediums (blogs, YouTube, Twitter, etc.) that our students use, not only are we building an understanding and instructional leadership within our schools, but we are familiarizing our parents with many of the tools that their children will be using. 
  • ...7 more annotations...
  • 2. Have an open mind
  • You may not have all parents excited about the changes that are happening in school, but they are out there.  You have to find them which leads into the next point.
  • 3.  Tap into parent leadership
  • One thing that we have to realize is that parents are more likely to listen to other parents.
  • What is imperative is that we connect with parents that have a voice with others and get their feedback on new initiatives.
  • 4. Focus on open communication
  • 5.  Create learning opportunities
    Involving parents is critical in student success
Jennie Bales

Leading a Coaching Culture For Learning: Key Concepts and Strategies for Principals - QSPA - 0 views

    Coaching in education has grown rapidly in education contexts in the last 5 years (van Nieuwerburgh, 2012). It has moved beyond the provision of coaching as a professional learning activity for school leaders to include: coaching training as a leadership development skill; various coaching initiatives designed to enhance teaching practice as well as coaching involving students either by staff or even by fellow students. Educators have embraced coaching in all of these school conversational contexts.

How to Make Money as a Freelance Writer - - 0 views

    Freelance writing is one of the most popular ways to earn money online. However, it's not always an easy road to travel. If you're not interested in writing, I don't think this is a good job for you as it involves a lot of writing practice to improve your skills until you're good enough to get jobs from any client in the world! However, if you're interested in writing then here are a few websites you can check out to start you off. Read more
Jason Finley

The School-Community and College-Readiness Connection - 0 views

    "It's human nature-if we feel we belong, we are more likely to view ourselves as having the potential to achieve. It's troubling that this simple principle seems to have been lost in the debate about educational reform."
    Being involved in a number of school transformation initiatives I have found that this principle can have a very powerful impact on students and their learning. But, there are also bigger lessons here which can/should be applied to whole school community. jf
Courtney Jablonski

Education Week Teacher: Hybrid Teaching Roles Promote Student Success - 0 views

  • a hybrid teacher role as Data Strategist. I was charged with the task of organizing the various data points that, taken collectively, offer useful clues about student achievement, progress, and deficiency. The data lens could zoom out to a schoolwide perspective that might inform staff development planning, narrow to a classroom or grade-level view offering insight on skills requiring remediation, or focus on a single student being considered for referral to the school psychologist for a learning disability.
  • There is growing evidence that teacher empowerment as school leaders is linked strongly with teachers' tendency to engage in behaviors that accelerate student growth: soliciting parent involvement, communicating positive expectations, and being willing and able to innovate in the classroom.
  • In addition to measurable student impact, teachers that lead schools are better equipped to guide their own professional development, share their expertise, and develop explicit and implicit systems of accountability, while experiencing more respectful, trusting, and professional cultures.
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • Title 1 funding that traditionally would have paid for an additional literacy specialist was allocated for the data strategist position.
  • The possibilities are endless when an individual's interests and skills are considered within the context of a school's needs. Such roles might also include community liaisons responsible for connecting families with various social services while plugging students into local job, volunteering, or community service opportunities. A keen interest in 21st-century skills might develop into a role that guides students to collaborate with others, synthesize information, and create something unique and useful for their peers.
  • The most prevalent barrier to hybrid teaching roles is the district-mandated staffing plan that leaves buildings with little opportunity to determine how personnel are allocated.
Courtney Jablonski

Education Innovation: Your School's Secret Change Agents - 6 views

  • “Somewhere in your organization, groups of people are already doing things differently and better. To create lasting change, find areas of positive deviance and fan their flames.”
  • school staff takes ownership of the quest for change
  • identifies preexisting solutions (what is working) and amplifies them across the school
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • Flows From Solution Identification To Problem SolvingPossible source of solutions is expanded through discovery of new parameters
  • Identifies school stakeholders beyond those directly involved with the problem
    Love the suggestions made in this article. Thinking and acting outside of the box often provides avenues to success.
Helen Otway

Smart Ad Campaign Gets Parents Involved - My Modern Metropolis - 0 views

    Great ideas for wall paintings in a school.
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