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Cynthia Feist

How to Make a Book Stand Out of a Pizza Box - 1 views

    Video tutorial on creating a book stand from a pizza box..clever way to provide access to reading and recycle!
Christopher Bugaj

UDL Presentation at OCALI 2012 - 1 views

    Educating Students Who Need Intensive Supports in a UDL Environment This slide presentation was developed by participants of the 2012 Ohio Center for Autism and Low Incidence (OCALI) Conference to provide an overview of how students with disabilities (who need intensive supports) can be served in an educational environment that has integrated the principles of Universal Design for Learning.
lcps at

HIAT - Universal Design for Learning - 1 views

    UDL Walk-Through Process
lcps at

Teaching All Students: Data, data, data... - 2 views

    neat strategy for collecting data using address labels
lcps at

Free Technology Toolkit for UDL in All Classrooms - Spread the Word! - 1 views

    Great UDL resources available
lcps at

TRE Center: Assistive Technology and Universal Design for Learning, AT and UDL, for NY State Schools - 2 views

shared by lcps at on 14 Mar 12 - Cached
lcps at

Math Resources | UDL Resources - 2 views

    math UDL resources
Christopher Bugaj

Sitting Pretty in the Digital Age - 2 views

    A video about low-tech ergonomic solutions using items commonly found around a school environment.
lcps at

Scholastic: Tools Room Organizer - 1 views

  • classroom organization, room set up, furniture arrangement
Sally Norton-Darr

CSEFEL: Center on the Social and Emotional Foundations for Early Learning - 2 views

    thrmometer feelings faces socail situation stories
Cynthia Feist

Mini-DIY: How to Make Your Own Laptop Mounted Document Holder - 1 views

    Do it yourself instructions on making an inexpensive laptop mounted document holder
Stacy McBain

Do2Learn: Educational Resources for Special Needs - 2 views

    Great source of information for social skills, behavior, picture cards and academic areas at varying age/skill levels.
Sally Norton-Darr

Assistive Technology Internet Modules - 3 views

    comprehensive self-study multi-media modules regarding Assitive Technology: ◦AT Assessment Process in the School Environment ◦AT Assessment Tools ◦AT Consideration in the IEP Process ◦AT Supports and Services in the IEP ◦Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) ◦Overview of Assistive Technology (AT)
Judith Schoonover

Simon Technology Center Videos - 1 views

    Simply Said is an ongoing video series designed by the PACER Center to explain complex topics in easy-to-understand language. The videos feature simple drawings that make it quick and easy to learn. This format makes this resource especially easy to share. The series covers topics from Assistive Technology to Accessible Instructional Materials.
Judith Schoonover

The Center for Universal Design - About UD - 1 views

    Universal design is the design of products and environments to be usable by all people, to the greatest extent possible, without the need for adaptation or specialized design.
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