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MedlinePlus: Secondhand Smoke - 2 views

  • National Cancer Institute
    • E Booth
      authority: this seems like it is a reliable source

Recent rapper's death raises questions about violence in music - 1 views

  • Last Updated - 3/20/97
    • J Carney
      Currency : Over 10 years old.
  • Friday, March 21, 1997
    • J Carney
      Currency : REALLY OLD!!!!

UFO Sightings page - 1 views

shared by m robinson on 23 Apr 09 - Cached
    • m robinson
      There are numerous spelling errors in this article.
    Lots of UFO sighting in Texas

Student Research Center - powered by EBSCOhost: Gangland, New York City, Part 2 - 1 views

shared by k burgess on 01 Jun 09 - Cached
  • Most children get in gangs because they want money or protection or they want the notoriety. Eighty percent of the gang related crime is done by those who wanted to be a gang member. Some youth as young as nine years old are joining gangs.
    • k burgess
      most people are joining gangs to be pertected or they feel as though they will be rewarded with money or needed idems
  • They think that they've got no other choice
    • k burgess
      if they knew they had another path they could take then maybe most of the kids that are joining gangs wouldn't get involved in them.
  • you get locked up — oh well; you get shot — oh, well. You've just got to deal with it
    • k burgess
      because they think they have no onther choice they think they will do better in the world if they risk destroying the rest of their life by either getting shot or locked up.
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • Last week, a Staten Island "mob group" of four teenagers including Steven Molinaro, the 17-year-old grandson of Staten Island Borough President James Molinaro, were charged with attempted murder and gang assault for stabbing Richard Orloski, 14, with a knife and an ice pick.
    • k burgess
      they also feel that they have to do crimes just to fit into the gang they feel as though they can't let their gang brothers down. well what happens when they dicided that it is not a battle they can win after you have lost hafe the people that you know? what happens when they dicided to give in and forget to tell you? what happens when you get shot because one of your gang brothers dicided to not have your back they way you have his? what will you do then? whenyour dead in the ground is that a good time to relize that gang life isn't right for you. well you know what? that's when it is just to late.
  • The Los Angeles police focused on "bonafide bangers," but slept on the small Salvadoran gang. "Big mistake," she proclaimed. "In a very short period of time, MS-13 has arguably become the biggest and most dangerous gang in the world."
    • k burgess
      now they are talking about how dangerous gangs can get in big towns.

Ghosts - research, evidence, and discussion. - 1 views

shared by khpearce on 21 Apr 09 - Cached
    • khpearce
      I'm a bit skeptical of this site. The ads are a red flag for me. Even though the people behind it are supposedly "experts," this is a field where a lot of people claim to be experts when they aren't. It might be okay, but double-check everything.
    I'm a bit skeptical of this site. The ads are a red flag for me. Even though the people behind it are supposedly "experts," this is a field where a lot of people claim to be experts when they aren't. It might be okay, but double-check everything.

Media Effects on Teenagers - 0 views

  • Negative Media Effects on Teenagers There are several negative media effects on teenagers as well. Media is responsible for creating ideals about body image, owing to which several teenagers (especially girls) suffer from inferiority complex and resort to unhealthy practices to lose weight and get skinny. The amount of excessive violence in media – be it the television, movies or the video games, tends to increase aggressive tendencies in teenagers. The amount of celebrity hype created by the media causes many children to make irrational demands for designer clothing, accessories and other perks of the celebrity life that they are exposed to. Glorification of unhealthy habits like smoking, drug abuse, unprotected sex and alcohol can encourage these habits in teenagers, which can permanently scar their lives.
    • i ignaciuk

Drill Now for Alternative Energy (RedState) | Republican Leader John Boehner - 0 views

  • Sep 15, 2008
    • c Valinski
  • We need alternative energy sources – wind, solar, biomass, clean coal, nuclear.
    • c Valinski
      different energy sources
  • The money in this trust fund would be plowed directly into development and implementation of clean, renewable energy sources throughout the United States – the kind of alternative energy we need, ultimately, in order to permanently end America’s foreign energy dependence.
    • c Valinski
      Ending our dependence of foreign oil

Student Research Center - powered by EBSCOhost: Go Solar with Outdoor Lights - 0 views


Student Research Center - powered by EBSCOhost: Horse racing's danger is revealed once ... - 0 views

shared by m leone on 22 Apr 09 - Cached

Student Research Center - powered by EBSCOhost: Oil-tanker crew member chronicles strug... - 0 views

shared by V Dang on 23 Apr 09 - Cached
  • Mar. 31--After the grounding of the Exxon Valdez, alcohol was found in the blood of the tanker captain, Joe Hazelwood.
    • V Dang
      Sometimes, people drink while sailing, and that highers the risk of an oil spill.
  • e and other addicts continued destructive binge drinking on shore.
  • National Transportation Safety Board investigation concluded that his judgment was likely impaired by drinking.
  • ...5 more annotations...
  • Exxon Valdez oil spill helped curb shipboard drinking in the tanker fleet
  • Hazelwood was acquitted in court of operating the vessel under the influence of alcohol,
  • Hagar would arrive for tanker duty, sickly and hung over.
  • nce boarded a tanker in California with cocaine still in his system.
  • Alcohol and drug abuse is a very serious problem throughout society,

Student Research Center - powered by EBSCOhost: The dangers of passive smoking - 0 views

  • Passive smoking causes 53,000 annual deaths
    • E Booth
      currency: how recent is this infomation?

Student Research Center - powered by EBSCOhost: Game Boy - 0 views

shared by J Carney on 22 Apr 09 - Cached
  • 2/24/2003
    • J Carney
      Currency : Old, but still good.
  • By allowing boys (or grown men) to control a topless woman as their player
    • J Carney
      Connection : There are characters like the is guitar hero and grand theft auto games too.
  • The draw started with "Grand Theft Auto: Vice City," which came out this fall and has my otherwise evolved friends and family running down hookers with stolen cars.
    • J Carney
      Comment : GTA games aren't only about hookers and car jacking, but also gun shotting at people and causing other larger than life crimes.
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • By Lauren Sandler Lauren Sandler is a freelance writer in New York City.
    • J Carney
      Authority : Tells you she is a freelance writer, but do people know what that is?

Student Research Center - powered by EBSCOhost: Major oil spill in Alaska - 0 views

shared by V Dang on 22 Apr 09 - Cached

Student Research Center - powered by EBSCOhost - 0 views


EBSCOhost: How TOBACCO Ads Target Teens - 0 views

    how tobacco advertisements influence teens

Student Research Center - powered by EBSCOhost: Med watch: Dr. Siegal's Cookie Diet - 0 views

shared by V Dang on 23 Apr 09 - Cached
  • Dr. Siegal's Cookie Diet, $59 for one-week supply of 42 meal-replacement cookies,
  • Flavors in oatmeal raisin, chocolate, blueberry, banana and coconut
  • Controls your hunger so you can stick to your diet
  • ...15 more annotations...
  • ow-calorie, low-carbohydrate diet.
  • Six cookies (500 calories) are eaten in a day,
  • replacing breakfast and lunch
  • 00-calorie dinner.
  • ieters include lean protein, fruit, vegetables, whole grains, healthy fats and low-fat dairy in the dinner
  • even if it ends up being more than 300 calories.
  • cookies are standardized in size and calorie count, the diet eliminates the problem of oversize portions
  • lead to weight gain.
  • 800-calorie diet like this is lacking in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, dairy and fiber, as well as an exercise plan
  • should be a part of a healthy weight loss plan.
  • diet is not meant to be used for a long period.
  • cookies lack a transitional plan to help dieters get back to eating normally and maintain weight loss
  • dieticians warn that once people resume normal eating habits, they are likely to regain weight after drastic diets like this
  • 90-calorie cookies are dry and don't taste good
  • Less expensive imitators now exist

Search Results - THOMAS (Library of Congress) - 0 views

shared by c Valinski on 23 Apr 09 - No Cached
  • irects the Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to review EPA policies regarding the use of mobile to stationary source trading of emission credits under the Clean Air Act to determine whether such trading can provide both nonattainment and attainment areas with additional flexibility in achieving and maintaining healthy air quality and increasing use of alternative fuel and advanced technology vehicles, thereby reducing United States dependence on foreign oil.
    • c Valinski
      this is what i need
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