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Isabelle Jones

My Languages: Technology In Language Teaching SANAKO Conference, Altrincham Grammar School for Boys, 22nd October 2015 - 1 views

    My Languages:@Marie_Sanako Technology In Language Teaching SANAKO Conference,...
    My Languages:@Marie_Sanako Technology In Language Teaching SANAKO Conference,...
Tom Daccord

Teaching Blogs « Classroom201X - 6 views

    List of "Teaching Blogs" re ESOL, EFL, ELT, MFL, PLNs, and more.
Yuly Asencion

Teaching knowledge database | TeachingEnglish | British Council | BBC - 1 views

    glossary with terms related to EFL/ESL teaching
yc c

Web Literacy - Mozilla Learning - 1 views

    A framework for entry-level web literacy & 21st Century skills. Explore the map by selecting what you want to learn more about, to see definitions and activities. Start teaching others how to read, write and participate on the web with these free activities created by teachers, educators and technologists like you. Each featured activity includes step-by-step instructions and has been tested in schools, afterschool programs, libraries and community centers around the globe. Whether learning how to code, understanding why privacy matters, or creating openly-licensed web content, we believe teaching the web should be fun and engaging!
Samantha Coleman

Apply Teaching Jobs Abroad Online - 0 views

Thanks to Schools And Teachers, I was able to find a suitable teaching job abroad. The online job board offered me the opportunity to access various international teaching jobs and careers that are...

started by Samantha Coleman on 24 Sep 12 no follow-up yet
Nik Peachey

Development - ELT and the Crisis in Education | Delta Publishing - English Language Teaching - 0 views

    "In this first blog posting I'd like us to look at some of the major issues that are affecting education at this time and try to examine them in relation to English language teaching and how they may affect it."
    In this first blog posting I'd like us to look at some of the major issues that are affecting education at this time and try to examine them in relation to English language teaching and how they may affect it.
Samantha Coleman

Perfect Site to Look for Perfect Job - 1 views

started by Samantha Coleman on 21 Jan 13 no follow-up yet
Nik Peachey

Using action research to explore technology in ... - 0 views

    Using action research to explore technology in language teaching #edtech #ict #research…
Nik Peachey

Ten innovations that have changed English langu... - 0 views

    Ten innovations that have changed English language teaching #elt #tesol #efl #edtech #ell
Yuly Asencion

TFL: Glossary - 2 views

    TErms related to teaching foreign languages
yc c

Tools - Mozilla Learning - 2 views

    These tools are free and open source, and can be used in a variety of ways to teach learners how to read, write, and participate on the Web.

Free Spanish Course - 0 views

    This MOOC starts January 21st. this free Spanish course will use adaptive learning and native content to teach Spanish. Enrollment is open now and it is completely free.
Cara Whitehead

What's New? - 0 views

    Two New Free Games! Just in time for the Holiday Season - two brand new games! Test-N-Teach (TNT) is our new spelling game and Read-A-Word is our first-ever reading game. Both games are available to everyone!
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