Being able to cut-and-paste a Wikipedia answer about Social Darwinism into an online activity for credit suggests to me the need for more inspired activities, rather than a different technology. There are ways to stimulate thinking, rather than copying, about Social Darwinism -- thinking that you couldn't fake, whether that student is thinking in a classroom or at home. Part of what I take from this article is that schools are using online for the wrong reasons and in the wrong way. This shouldn't be an indictment of the medium, but of the way in which it has been integrated into the K12 system.
Digital Storytelling
Clay Animation Tutorial on clay animation
Digitales Tips and tricks for creating a digital story
Digital Story Telling Provides a wealth of links for creating digital stories
Digital Storytelling Resources Collection of resources by Meg Ormiston to help educators create powerful digital stories; Curriculum integration
Digital Storytelling Scoring Rubric Sample scoring guide
Educational Uses of Digital Storytelling Instructions, suggestions, resources, ideas
Kitzu Digital story kits for the classroom
Video in the Classroom Digital storytelling in the elementary grades and beyond