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ClipFlair - 0 views

    Using audiovisual material in the foreign language classroom

TFL: Glossary - 2 views

    TErms related to teaching foreign languages

Faculty to Faculty: VoiceThread - 0 views

    Faculy reflect on what they like about using VoiceThread in Foreign language teaching

The Mezzofanti Guild - 0 views

    Named in honour of one of the most historically renowned hyperpolyglots and a personal hero of mine, Cardinal Giuseppe Gasparo Mezzofanti (1774 - 1849), this site is a small but ambitious project aimed at offering some unique foreign language learning tips from my own experience, travel advice, anecdotes, encouragement and another handy place for like-minded individuals to connect.

Type accents online Czech French German Italian Polish Portuguese Romanian Spanish Swe... - 0 views

    If you have the need to type anything in a foreign language which has accents and other strange-looking characters, and you only have a US keyboard, your life used to be miserable. You can type foreign characters by clicking a button or by pressing an intuitive keyboard shortcut (Ctrl+Letter) that doesn't require you to grow additional fingers and doesn't block normal letters.

Inicio/Home - Sra. Odom's Spanish Class Website - 5 views

    This is the website for Sra. Odom's (formerly Sra. Bivens') Spanish Classes.

Helps Understand Foreign Language Text - 1 views

    This tool allows you to find dictionary words and expand your vocabulary in many different languages including Bulgarian, Dutch, Finnish, French, Galician, German, Greek, Hungarian, Ido, Indonesian, Italian, Kurdish, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Serbian, Spanish, Swedish, Vietnamese and many others.

Twine - Organize, Share, Discover Information Around Your Interests - 0 views

    Impressed by the "tour" of Twine and how nuanced it seems to be, I registered for the beta.
    Eventually useful in upper-level language courses? A Quintura for foreign languages on a social-networking scale?

Teaching Languages in a Virtual World - A community to support the TESOL EVO 2010 session - 2 views

    A Ning community to support the TESOL EVO 2010 session

Kaleidoskop, Alltag in Deutschland - Orientierung - Führerschein 02 - 0 views

  • Viele Jugendliche möchten den Führerschein so bald wie möglich machen. Frühestens mit 17 geht das. Bis zum 18.Lebensjahr muss dann im Auto immer ein Erwachsener als Begleitung dabei sein.
    • Andrew Graff
      In welchem Alter kann man in Deutschland mit dem Führerschein anfangen?
  • Nur wer beide Prüfungsteile besteht, erhält den Führerschein.
    • Andrew Graff
      Gibt es bei uns auch zwei Prüfungsteile?
  • Es gibt viele Fahrschulen. Sie bieten Kurse zur Vorbereitung auf die Prüfung an. Zuerst kommt die theoretische Prüfung und anschließend die praktische Fahrprüfung. In der Theorie werden mindestens 26 Unterrichtsstunden verlangt und in der Praxis 13 Fahrstunden
    • Andrew Graff
      Muss man in Deutschland in eine Fahrschule gehen? Wie ist der Führerscheinprozess in deinem Land?
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • Ein Führerschein kostet viel Geld. Im Schnitt ca. 2.000,- Euro.
    • Andrew Graff
      Wieviel kostet ein Führerschein in deinem Land?
    To anyone in this group who happens upon this note/page: I am simply experimenting with diigo and foreign language texts online. Obviously just adding traditional comprehension questions to a text with diigo's floating sticky notes is the easier part/path of least innovation. I am trying to figure out how to maximize interactivity, creativity, and personalization while also reinforcing those grammatical/vocab stepping stones which a learner needs to be able to appreciate the onus of the creativity the new-fangled teacher is laying upon them :) . Please drop comments and suggestions below!

Doug's teaching and technology page at LSS - 1 views

    Foreign Language Technology Resources at UW Madison

Internet Archive: Details: The Sims Teach German -- Video Games for Foreign Language Le... - 0 views

    Ravi Purushotma

Internet Activities for Foreign Language Classes - 13 views

    Info/activities for FL classes - the web reading strategies info is good

Selecting a Quality Translation Company - 0 views

    When you hire a professional translation firm, you want to build a long-term relationship that will ensure accuracy, consistency and timely translations. I have compiled a list of tips for assessing the skills of a translation company.
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