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Nik Peachey

1 Week workshop: Easy Web 2.0 tools that you can use in your classroom - 5 views

    "Over the course of this event we will be looking at a small range of web based tools that will enable you to create motivating online language learning activities for your students. These can be used either in class or set as homework. You will have the chance to understand how these tools work, find out how to use them with students and be able to try your hand at creating and sharing activities with other teachers. By the end of the event you should have a small 'toolkit' of resources and ideas that will enable you to enhance your lessons though the effective and pedagogically sound use of technology."
    Over the course of this event we will be looking at a small range of web based tools that will enable you to create motivating online language learning activities for your students. These can be used either in class or set as homework. You will have the chance to understand how these tools work, find out how to use them with students and be able to try your hand at creating and sharing activities with other teachers. By the end of the event you should have a small 'toolkit' of resources and ideas that will enable you to enhance your lessons though the effective and pedagogically sound use of technology.
Nik Peachey

Nik's Quick Shout: Survey Results: Mobile learning for ELT - 1 views

    The purpose of the survey was to ascertain the level of awareness and openness to mobile learning among English language teachers. I also wanted to find out to what degree and how teachers were already using mobile learning both in their teaching and and professional development and to establish whether they would be willing to pay for and use mobile content. The survey also collected information about the teachers' existing access to mobile services and the kinds of device they are using to get access to mobile Internet.
Gramarye Gramarye

How to Learn English Verbs with an iPod - 0 views

    f you want to know how to learn English verbs with an iPod, you are in the right place. Rory Ryder has published a book called "101 English Verbs for your iPod", and it is FANTASTIC!
One World Rental

When and how you should go for IT rentals - 0 views

    Before going for MacBook pro rental to find the devices you need to make the presentation of your company or to go to an event, it is necessary to take into account certain considerations to know exactly what devices to rent.
yc c

Web Literacy - Mozilla Learning - 1 views

    A framework for entry-level web literacy & 21st Century skills. Explore the map by selecting what you want to learn more about, to see definitions and activities. Start teaching others how to read, write and participate on the web with these free activities created by teachers, educators and technologists like you. Each featured activity includes step-by-step instructions and has been tested in schools, afterschool programs, libraries and community centers around the globe. Whether learning how to code, understanding why privacy matters, or creating openly-licensed web content, we believe teaching the web should be fun and engaging!
Nik Peachey

Development - ELT and the Crisis in Education | Delta Publishing - English Language Tea... - 0 views

    "In this first blog posting I'd like us to look at some of the major issues that are affecting education at this time and try to examine them in relation to English language teaching and how they may affect it."
    In this first blog posting I'd like us to look at some of the major issues that are affecting education at this time and try to examine them in relation to English language teaching and how they may affect it.
Nik Peachey

Nik's Quick Shout: The Web 2.0 School of the Present - 3 views

    "The 'Web 2.0' age has brought us more than a bunch of social networking apps and free web tools, it has also brought about a fundamental shift in the way many web based companies do business. I started to wonder if that change could be mirrored in the physical market place by moving towards a new approach to the language school and the way technology is used in it and how it fits into the face to face business model."
    The 'Web 2.0' age has brought us more than a bunch of social networking apps and free web tools, it has also brought about a fundamental shift in the way many web based companies do business. I started to wonder if that change could be mirrored in the physical market place by moving towards a new approach to the language school and the way technology is used in it and how it fits into the face to face business model.

How to Connect Your WordPress Blog to Medium : Social Media Examiner - 0 views

    In this article, you'll discover how to automatically publish your WordPress blog posts on Medium.
Nik Peachey

Using the webcam to develop pronunciation - EnglishUp - 4 views

    The webcam can be a vital tool in helping to support our students' pronunciation habits and helping them to 'see' how words and expressions are pronounced and what particular pronunciation features they need to be aware of. So here are a few tips and examples to help you use your webcam to help with your students' pronunciation.
jorge johnson

comparative table of languages and languaes profile for the prospective learner - 6 views

    # Difficulty : Rating 1 (easiest) to 5 (hardest) of the difficulty of learning the language for an English speaker. Many additional factors will affect the difficulty you will experience when trying to learn a given language, especially the other languages you already speak. Such a rating system has obvious limitations but I take great care in assessing the difficulty of each language. Many of these ratings have been discussed on the language forum (see for example the discussion about Korean). People always complain that the rating given to their native language is 'too low' - I wonder how they would now since they never had to learn it as a foreign language. If you can make a case for a different difficulty rating for a specific language you are welcome to bring this up in the language forum. # Popularity : Subjective rating of how popular the language is with Western learners. This obviously varies a great deal from country to country, but is a good overall indicator of the availability of learning material for the language. I visit many physical language bookshops as well as some online ones and think I have a rather objective basis for establishing 'popularity' of a language with foreign language learners in the number of courses and books available for each language. # GDP : Nominal GDP of the countries where the languages is spoken. This gives an indication of the economic importance of the language on the international scene. We have not used PPP GDP as it emphasizes non-tradable goods. When a country uses several languages we used the percentage of speakers of the language multiplied by the country's GDP. If you feel that economic factors are meaningless in language learning, please disregard this column. # Countries : Number of countries where the language is an official language or where there are important communities who speak this language at home. This gives you an indication of the spread of the language across the globe. Some languages (English, Spa
Henry Jaxx

Learn It From The Expert - 1 views

started by Henry Jaxx on 21 Nov 12 no follow-up yet
Child Therapy

Coaching Both Parent And Child - 1 views

I want to see my kid happy and grow to his full potential. That is why, when I see him having trouble opening up to me or to other people, I feel bad as a parent. I feel that I am not doing a good ...

started by Child Therapy on 27 Sep 12 no follow-up yet
Alyssa Ruesch

Information Overload - 0 views

  • The debate over how we read, perpetuated largely by media insiders, is starting to seem like little more than a distraction from the real problem: We have access to more information than ever, yet we do not know what to do with it. We are desperately information-illiterate.
  • What matters is not that we are readers, but that we are critical readers.
  • Chronicle of Higher Education (Sept. 19, 2008): “Talk of a ‘digital generation’ or people who are ‘born digital’ willfully ignores the vast range of skills, knowledge, and experience of many segments of society. . . . The ethnic, national, gender, and class biases of any sort of generation talk are troubling.”
    • Alyssa Ruesch
      Look for this article.
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • It is about knowing what to do with information, how to find the good stuff, how to assess sources.
Nik Peachey

Nik's Learning Technology Blog: Creating Social Polls and Questionnaires Using Urtak - 4 views

    "The polls it creates are pretty simple. You just type in 'Yes , No' questions or statements and then click enter, give your poll a title and instructions and click on done. It seems like you can have as many questions as you like. The longest one I created had 45. Here are a couple that I created. Feel free to try them out and answer the questions to see how they work. "
    The polls it creates are pretty simple. You just type in 'Yes , No' questions or statements and then click enter, give your poll a title and instructions and click on done. It seems like you can have as many questions as you like. The longest one I created had 45. Here are a couple that I created. Feel free to try them out and answer the questions to see how they work.
Nik Peachey

Q & A with Wizer CEO Nira Mayorchik Sheleg | - 0 views

    Wizer is a fantastic free tool for creating simple digital worksheets that enable learners and teachers to do some pretty complex things. When I first discovered the tool a few months back I was really impressed by how easy it was to create really engaging blended learning content for class or homework, so it's great to be able to publish this Q & A with Nira Mayorchik Sheleg the Co-founder & CEO.
yc c

Illuminations: Computing Pi - 3 views

    The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics is a public voice of mathematics education, providing vision, leadership, and professional development to support teachers in ensuring mathematics learning of the highest quality for all students. With 100,000 members and 250 affiliates, NCTM is the world's largest organization dedicated to improving math education in preK‑12. The Greek mathematician Archimedes approximated pi by inscribing and circumscribing polygons about a circle and calculating their perimeters. Similarly, the value of pi can be approximated by calculating the areas of inscribed and circumscribed polygons. This activity allows for the investigation and comparison of both methods. Instructions:   In this applet, polygons are inscribed and circumscribed around circles. The area of the polygons around a circle of radius 1 are calculated on the left, and the perimeter of the polygons around a circle of diameter 1 are calculated on the right. Change the value of n to increase or decrease the number of sides in the polygons, and notice how the calculations of the areas and perimeters begin to approximate pi.
yc c

Welcome | Wordnik - 0 views

    * An example sentence-even if we've only found one sentence for a word, we'll show it to you. (And we'll show you where the sentence came from, too! * Related words: not just synonyms and antonyms, but words that are used in the same contexts. (For instance, cheeseburger, milkshake, and doughnut are not synonyms, but they show up in the same kinds of sentences.) * Images tagged by our friends at Flickr: want to know what a "pout" looks like? We'll show you. * Statistics: how rare is "tintinnabulation"? Well, we think you'll see it only about once a year. "Smile"? You might see that word Our goal is to show you as much information as possible many times, every day. * An audio pronunciation-and you can record your own! * Something YOU tell us! Use the "Contribute" links to tell us something-anything-about a word.
Beth Worthy

12 Spanish Words Difficult to Be Translated in English -PDF.pdf - 0 views

    Sometimes it's difficult to articulate how you feel.We may find ourselves at a loss for words especially during intense situations. People sometimes use more than one language to express their feelings or describe something.
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