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yc c

Google AJAX Language API - Google Code - 0 views

    With the AJAX Language API, you can translate and detect the language of blocks of text within a webpage using only Javascript. In addition, you can enable transliteration on any textfield or textarea in your web page. For example, if you were transliterating to Hindi, this API will allow users to phonetically spell out Hindi words using English and have them appear in the Hindi script. The language API is designed to be simple and easy to use to translate and detect languages on the fly when offline translations are not available. We plan on adding more exciting capabilities to the AJAX Language API in the future, so stay tuned. So what is the difference between Translation and Transliteration? Transliteration is the process of phonetically converting a word written in one script into another. Transliteration should not be confused with translation, which involves a change in language while preserving meaning. With transliteration, it is the sound of the words that are converted from one alphabet to the other.
David Kaul

Need Of Language Translation Services - 0 views

    Translation services are used in various aspects of communication, be it for translating a book into another language for publication, communicating with overseas clients who do not understand English, for creating multilingual websites etc.
David Kaul

Selecting a Quality Translation Company - 0 views

    When you hire a professional translation firm, you want to build a long-term relationship that will ensure accuracy, consistency and timely translations. I have compiled a list of tips for assessing the skills of a translation company.
yc c

Online dictionary service in English, Spanish, German and other languages by Collins Le... - 3 views

    This online translator allows the translation of words, texts, phrases, idioms, expressions in French, Spanish, Italian, German, Russian, Portuguese, Hebrew, Japanese. Translation tools include: translation memory like Across, Trados, SDL, Dejà Vu, but also instant translation systems, machine translation like Reverso, BabelFish, Systran. Online dictionaries: Collins, Merriam-Webster, Larousse, LEO, Oxford, langenscheidt.
Nik Peachey

Nik's Daily English Activities: Translate a Video Clip - 1 views

    Translation can be a very useful tool in helping you to learn a language. It can make you think much more closely about the relationship of your language to the language you are learning. Translating also makes you think very carefully about the meaning of the text you need to translate and how to express it in your own language. Translation is also a valuable skill and one that could help you to get work. Today's activity uses a site called Social Translator where you can find lots of translated videos, and texts and some that are waiting to be translated.
David Kaul

Useful Tips When Choosing Spanish Translation Services - 0 views

    Are you interested in Spanish translation services? In that case, you will have a number of choices, because many organizations provide this particular service. Allow me to share some vital things to consider before deciding on the best one to suit your needs.
David Kaul

Errors of Your Ways - 0 views

    Working in the translation services industry, I have come to appreciate the hard work and superior skills of the vast majority of professional translators. On the other hand, I have also come across my fair share of issues and mistakes, most of which re-occur in various guises.
Gramarye Gramarye

Learn English with an Electronic Language Translator - 0 views

    Students of foreign languages, often English and tourists often purchase electronic translators to help them communicate. This article gives the low-down on buying an electronic translator
yc c Translation - 3 views

    Translate text/webpage, create chatroom w translation, search+translate Has API Combines several translation services, eg:  MorphoLogic Számítástechnikai Kft. - Hungary SYSTRAN - France Linguatec GmbH - Germany Sp. z o. o. - Poland СКАЙКОД (SKYCODE) - Bulgaria Amebis, d. o. o., Kamnik - Slovenia Sunda Systems Oy - Finland PROMT GmbH - Germany SIA 'Trident MT' - LatviaGramTrans - Norway Lingenio - Germany
Day Translations

Language Confused - 0 views

    Professional Translation Services, a global provider of translation solutions. Visit our website at and Spanish translation site Read more: Under Creative Commons License: Attribution No Derivatives
yc c

pootle:index · Translate Toolkit & Pootle - 0 views

    Pootle is a user-friendly web portal that makes the translation process so much simpler. It allows online translation, work assignment, gives statistics and allows easy volunteer contribution. You can run Pootle as an Internet server like these projects or run your own copy on an Intranet (for individual work, team work or Translate@thons).
Sara Kennedy

"Let It Go" - Google Translate Version | SMOSH - 0 views

    Illustrates some of the downfalls of an online translator
yc c

MyMemory - Machine translation meets human translation - 0 views

    Collaborative online translator - many language supported
Gramarye Gramarye

Electronic translators for language learning - 0 views

    Many language students like to use electronic translators. I teach English and over the years I have watched them grow in popularity. Students love them, there is no doubt about that. Teachers are not so united. Some think they are great, and others hate them. For me, it has taken some time to befriend them, and work out how to take advantage of them in the classroom.
Nik Peachey

Daily English Activities - 0 views

    Daily autonomous online learning for students of EFL and ESL
    Daily autonomous online learning for students of EFL and ESL. Translation can be a very useful tool in helping you to learn a language. It can make you think much more closely about the relationship of your language to the language you are learning. Translating also makes you think very carefully about the meaning of the text you need to translate and how to express it in your own language.
Day Translations

The Language Journal: Lost in translation, again and again? - 0 views

    Without clear communication, the whole lot is irrelevant. Imagine being in a foreign country, thousands of miles away from home, where the natives speak a language you barely know.
yc c

ForiSearch: Foreign Image Search - 0 views

    Translate and search! Use your native language to search for images from foreign language websites.
yc c

Tibetan-English-Dictionary - Diamond Way - 0 views

    The Dharma Dictionary is an ongoing project involved in compiling Buddhist terminology and translation terms to bridge the Tibetan and English languages. Begun in 1979, it has slowly grown to a database of approx 5 megabytes with 65,000 entries. Comparatively, the Tibetan-English Dictionary of Sarat Chandra Das has approximately 27,000 entries. The project is supported by Rangjung Yeshe Translations and Publications, located in the Kathmandu valley of Nepal.
Rahul Malik

Benefits of Website Localization Services - 0 views

    Companies will definitely increase revenue if they have their presence internationally in multilingual international languages. Most internet users will naturally feel more comfortable and understand a company better if their information, products or services are presented in their native language and will increase the scope of adding new users and customers. If you want to get your website localized ensure that you get the expertise of both a website designer and a cross cultural communications consultancy to have maximum impact on the target audience.
yc c

ABBYY Lingvo Online Dictionary & Translator - Latin, Russian, Ukrainian... - 2 views

    Lookup + Translate latin - + many estern languages (with virtual keyboard)
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