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Insulin Overdose - 0 views

    An insulin overdose may lead to dangerously low blood sugar levels (which can be lethal). This article from the eMedTV Web library explains how to identify possible symptoms of an overdose and describes how this type of overdose may be treated.

Lethal injection - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 1 views

    Lethal injection is the practice of injecting a person with a fatal dose of drugs (typically a barbiturate, paralytic, and potassium solution) for the express purpose of causing the immediate death of the subject. The main application for this procedure is capital punishment, but the term may also be applied in a broad sense to euthanasia and suicide.

Muchausen Syndrome By Proxy - 0 views

    Munchausen by Proxy Syndrome (MBPS) is a deadly disorder of which awareness must be increased. It is characterized by a parent, usually the mother, who intentionally causes illness in her child. The disorder was named after Baron von Munchausen. There are different intensities and manifestations of this disorder.
    Munchausen by Proxy Syndrome (MBPS) is a deadly disorder of which awareness must be increased. It is characterized by a parent, usually the mother, who intentionally causes illness in her child. The disorder was named after Baron von Munchausen. There are different intensities and manifestations of this disorder.

Cops Investigate Dramatic New Moors Murders Evidence - UK & World News - News - People.... - 0 views

    some new evidence has been found in the keith bennett murder case. his body had never been found but a few women watched one night as 2 mysterious cloaked figures uncovered a grave and buried a large bag that could have been big enough to hold a body. the grave is being in=vestigated to see if it infact could be hiding keith bennetts body.

Mother's 'Last' Appeal To Moors Murderer - 0 views

    The mother of Moors murder victim Keith Bennett has appealed to Ian Brady to give her a "last chance" to find her son's body before she dies. In 1964, 12-year-old Keith was taken by Brady and his. accomplice Myra Hindley while he made his way to his grandmother's house in Longsight, near Manchester. Keith bennetts mother is appealing to ian brady so she can finally bury her son before she dies of cancer. brady refuses she guesses because he needs to hold onto some power, without that power he has nothing

Timeline: The Moors Murders - 1 views

    Last updated at 14:56 21 February 2006 The murder of five youngsters in the mid 1960s sickened the entire nation, particularly when it emerged that a couple ? Ian Brady and Myra Hindley ? had tortured their victims and buried them on Saddleworth Moor near Manchester. Timeline of what happened and when

The Moors Murders - 0 views

    I don't remember when I first saw the above photo, but it had been seared into my memory ever since. Usually, one tends to forget prison mugshots - thousands are made each day anyway - but not this one. a short overview of their crimes and sentences including pictures of hindley

Moors murders: new search for body of Keith Bennett - 0 views

    Mountain rescue team combs Saddleworth Moor with sniffer dogs for only victim whose remains have not been found. Keiths mother is leading rescue crews in search to find her son but have been unsuccessful so far.

Mother of moors murders victim Keith Bennett makes DVD appeal to Ian Brady to help find... - 0 views

    the mother of keith bennett, whos body has never been found, is trying to convince brady to tell her where to find her son before she dies of cancer. she believes that brady wont tell her because he needs to hold onto some sort of power, with keith found he will have no more.

Worst murders of this century in UK, Moors murders.... - 0 views

    "Worst murders of this century in UK, Moors murders...." this article talks about the motives behind the mudrers and why hindley hadnt had the maternal instinct to say no to brady

Ethics in human experimentation - 0 views

    An article outlining the guidelines of human experimentation, specifically in the case of the Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment (and its extension in Guatamala).

Burning Cross - 0 views

  • as a symbol of unity and loyalty.
  • n the past, some law enforcement officers might have turned a blind eye but now such attacks are not tolerated. Lawsuits have forced the organisation to curtail its activities and go underground. Despite a modest resurgence following Bush's jingoism of the early 2000's, membership of the KKK has shrunk to an all-time low as sympathisers move to other white nationalist hate groups and patriotic armed militia.
  • The function of the KKK is to either attack or drive away undesirables, through threats or terrorism.
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • The KKK see themselves as Good, Upstanding, All American Patriotic Christians and claim that lighting the cross is a symbol of their faith. The fire signifies Christ as the light of the world. Light drives away darkness and gloom. Fire cleanses and purifies.

Cross burning - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 2 views

    Cross burning or cross lighting is a practice widely associated with the Ku Klux Klan, although the historical practice long predates the Klan's inception. In the early 20th century, the Klan burnt crosses on hillsides or near the homes of those they wished to intimidate.

Joseph Stalin - 3 views

    Assuming power over the Soviet Union in 1933, he became Lenin's infamous successor. Source provides a lot of information regarding his war tactics and the reasons why he carried out the Five Year Plan so vigorously.

Vick agrees to plead guilty in dogfighting case - 0 views

    RICHMOND, Va. -- More than football, Michael Vick's freedom is the question now. With three associates prepared to testify that he brutally executed dogs and bankrolled gambling, the NFL star agreed Monday to "accept full responsibility" for his role in a dogfighting ring and plead guilty to federal conspiracy charges.

Biography: Joseph Stalin - 5 views

  • The man who turned the Soviet Union from a backward country into a world superpower at unimaginable human cost. Stalin was born into a dysfunctional family in a poor village in Georgia.
  • Stalin always felt unfairly treated by life, and thus developed a strong, romanticized desire for greatness and respect, combined with a shrewd streak of calculating cold-heartedness towards those who had maligned him.
  • Stalin never completed his education, and was instead soon completely drawn into the city's active revolutionary circles.
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  • Although Lenin found Stalin's boorishness offensive at times, he valued his loyalty, and appointed him after the Revolution to various low-priority leadership positions in the new Soviet government.
  • After Lenin's death in 1924, Stalin methodically went about destroying all the old leaders of the Party, taking advantage of their weakness for standing on arcane intellectual principle to simply divide and conquer them.
  • Stalin switched tactics, culminating in a vast reign of terror and spectacular show trials in the 1930s during which the founding fathers of the Soviet Union were one by one unmasked as "enemies of the people" who had supposedly always been in the employ of Capitalist intelligence services and summarily shot.
  • This depleted the Soviet Union of its brainpower, and left Stalin as the sole intellectual force in the country--an expert on virtually every human endeavor
  • Although the Soviet Union boasted that its economy was booming while the Capitalist world was experiencing the Great Depression, and its industrialization drive did succeed in rapidly creating an industrial infrastructure where there once had been none, the fact is that all this was done at exorbitant cost in human lives.
  • the discovery of a source of cheap labor through the arrest of millions of innocent citizens led to countless millions of deaths from the worst man-made famine in human history and in the camps of the Gulag.
  • As war clouds were gathering on the horizon in 1939, Stalin felt that he had scored a coup by striking a non-aggression pact with Hitler,
  • As a result, when the attack came, the Soviet army was completely unprepared and suffered horrible defeats, while Stalin spent the first several days after the attack holed up in his office in shock. Because the military had been purged of its best minds in the mid-1930s, it took some time, and many lives, before the Soviets were able to regroup and make a credible defense.
  • The Soviet Union was now a recognized world superpower, with its own permanent seat on the Security Council, and the respect that Stalin had craved all his life. Still, he was not finished. Returning soldiers and refugees were arrested and either shot or sent to the labor camps as traitors, entire nationalities that had been deported during the War, also as traitors, were not allowed to return to their homes, and in 1953, a plot to kill Stalin was ostensibly uncovered in the Kremlin itself.
    The man who turned the Soviet Union from a backward country into a world superpower at unimaginable human cost. Stalin was born into a dysfunctional family in a poor village in Georgia. Website I'm using to learn a lot about Stalin's background and how he is compared to other monstrous figures. First annotating, SendToDropbox source that provides a lot of details pertaining to his early life
    The man who turned the Soviet Union from a backward country into a world superpower at unimaginable human cost. Stalin was born into a dysfunctional family in a poor village in Georgia. Displays how Stalin rose from a poor peasant family to one of the most influential and evil characters of the 20th century.
    The man who turned the Soviet Union from a backward country into a world superpower at unimaginable human cost. Stalin was born into a dysfunctional family in a poor village in Georgia. The all-in-one PBS biography to Joseph Stalin's life.

Joseph Stalin in the Russian Revolution, Russian Civil War, and Polish-Soviet War - Wik... - 5 views

  • Stalin helped Lenin to evade capture by authorities and ordered the besieged Bolsheviks to surrender to avoid a bloodbath.
  • In the civil war that followed between Lenin's Red Army against the White Army, Stalin formed alliances with Kliment Voroshilov and Semyon Budyonny while leading troops in the Caucasus.
  • Stalin temporarily resigned from the party over its ban on bank robberies.
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  • In the wake of the February Revolution of 1917 (the first phase of the Russian Revolution of 1917), Stalin was released from exile.
  • On March 28, together with Lev Kamenev and Matvei Muranov Stalin ousted Vyacheslav Molotov and Alexander Shlyapnikov as editors of Pravda, the official Bolshevik newspaper, while Lenin and much of the Bolshevik leadership were still in exile. Stalin and the new editorial board took a position in favor of the Provisional Government (Molotov and Shlyapnikov had wanted to overthrow it) and went to the extent of declining to publish Lenin's 'letters from afar' arguing for the provisional government to be overthrown.
  • On June 24, Stalin threatened to resign when Lenin turned against the idea of an armed demonstration when the Soviet refused to support it.
  • Stalin put Lenin in five different hiding places, the last being the Alliluyev family apartment. Convinced Lenin would be killed if caught, Stalin persuaded him not to surrender and smuggled him to Finland[dubious – discuss]. He shaved off Lenin's beard and moustache, took him to Primorsky station then to a shack north of Petrograd, then to a barn in Finland.
  • Stalin challenged many of the decisions of Trotsky, who at this time was Chairman of the Revolutionary Military Council of the Republic and thus his military superior.
  • Stalin returned to Moscow in August 1920, where he defended himself before the Politburo by attacking the whole campaign strategy. Although this tactic worked, he nonetheless resigned his military commission, something he had repeatedly threatened to do when he didn't get his way.
    Throughout his evil reign, Joseph Stalin participated and was involved in many bloody battles; some more popular than others. Demonstrating his superior military strategies and techniques, Stalin was very triumphant in leading the Red Army; even contributing to put an end to Hitler's gruesome rule.

Serial Killer Ted Bundy Blamed Pornography for His Rape and Murderous Behavior - 0 views

    According to serial killer, Ted Bundy, what makes for good sex is an attractive woman that is convinced you are going to kill her. It is believed that Ted Bundy's first murder was an eight-year-old girl, Ann Marie Burr, but it was never proven. She was a piano student of his uncle Jack's.

Fifty-five years on, Stalin remains iconic figure | Russia | RIA Novosti - 3 views

  • While the details of his death remain a focus of conspiracy theories and rumors, there is no doubt that Stalin, along with Hitler and Mao Zedong, was one of the most iconic figures of the 20th century.
  • His mother was deeply religious, and entered Stalin in a local church school in 1888.
  • It was while undertaking studies for the priesthood that he joined a secret organization aimed at securing Georgia's independence from Russia
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  • In 1902, he was exiled to Siberia for his role in organizing a strike at a factory
  • "more tolerant, more loyal, more polite, more considerate of his comrades" succeed him.
  • In 1945, following Lenin's death and a brief power struggle with Leon Trotsky and his supporters, Stalin took control of the Soviet Union.
  • The 1930s saw the Soviet Union enter a period of political repression and purges known as the 'Great Terror.' The Communist Party, the Red Army and the secret police themselves were purged of 'disloyal' and counter-revolutionary members, and many executed following short interrogations.
  • "Death is the solution to all problems. No man - no problem," said Stalin at the height of the purges.
  • "Not a step back," was Stalin's slogan, and it was often literally enforced, with Soviet troops in some cases ordered to shoot to kill retreating soldiers. After the war, many Red Army men who had fallen into the hands of the enemy were sent to Gulags, the system of prison camps set up in the harsher areas of the Soviet Union.
  • killed Stalin by - at the very least - denying him medical aid after a stroke.
  • Beria, a well-known sadist and rapist whose favorite pastime was to cruise the streets of Moscow looking for girls to bring back to his house to assault, had designs on seizing the reins of the fledgling nuclear state following Stalin's death.
  • Stalin's legacy lives on today. Despite the purges and the famine in Ukraine, Gennady Zyuganov, head of the Russian Communist Party has compared Stalin to "the most grandiose figures of the Renaissance."
  • A recent poll by the All-Russian Public Opinion Center showed that more than half of all respondents believed Stalin's role in Russian history to be positive. 20% called him "wise and humane." Indeed a Russian schoolbook published in 2007 characterized Stalin's reign as "effective."
    MOSCOW, March 5 (RIA Novosti) - Exactly 55 years ago Joseph Stalin, the dictator who dragged the Soviet Union to superpower status, passed away in mysterious circumstances at his dacha just outside Moscow. A great source for crucial quotes on Stalin and information on the driving factors behind his iron-fisted character.

Why do people behave badly? Maybe it's just too easy - 3 views

  • People
  • People in the second group -- those who didn't have to physically press a button to get the answers -- were much more likely to cheat
  • orcing people to make an active, moral decision -- a 'yes' or 'no' to donating, for example -- is going to be much more effective than allowing them to passively skip over a request
    Many people say they wouldn't cheat on a test, lie on a job application or refuse to help a person in need. But what if the test answers fell into your lap and cheating didn't require any work on your part? If you didn't have to face the person who needed your help and refuse them?
    Many people say they wouldn't cheat on a test, lie on a job application or refuse to help a person in need. But what if the test answers fell into your lap and cheating didn't require any work on your part? If you didn't have to face the person who needed your help and refuse them? Would that change your behaviour?
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