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Peggy George

Google U.S. Government Search - 0 views

    Google U.S. Government Search offers a single location for searching across U.S. Government information, and for keeping up to date on Government news. You can choose to search for content located on either U.S. federal, state and local Government websites or the entire Web -- from the same search box.
    Google continues to add services--this is one stop shopping for searches related to U.S. Government. Could be really valuable for compiling data for student research. You can make it your homepage and personalize it by adding other content feeds to the page. You can have separate personalized content on both your Google U.S. Government Search and homepages.

Ratio Analysis of Regional Dependence and Independence in Measuring the Regional Financial Capability of the Jambi Provincial Government| Jurnal Prajaiswara - 0 views

    ABSTRACT Introduction/Main Objectives: This study aims to analyze the ratio of regional dependence and independence in measuring the financial capacity of the Jambi Provincial Government for the 2016 - 2020 Fiscal Year. Background Problems: How big is the ratio of the contribution of Regional Original Revenue (PAD) to transfer funds from the center in the Jambi Provincial Government APBD in funding development financing for 2016-2020?. Research Methods: The research is quantitative using secondary data in the form of Regional Original Income and transfers funds from the Jambi Province Government Budget Realization Report for the 2016 - 2020 Fiscal Year. Finding/Results: Based on the results of the ratio analysis, the degree of financial dependence of the Jambi Provincial Government in the 2016 - 2020 fiscal year is classified as moderate, with an average overall ratio of 63.60%, meaning that the Jambi Provincial Government in carrying out development financing is still dependent on transfer funds from the center. Meanwhile, the degree of regional financial independence is also classified as moderate/participatory, with an average overall ratio of 57.13%. Conclusion: The contribution of regional Original Revenue in funding development financing cannot be entirely relied upon and still relies on transfer funds from the center.
Peggy George

The Lesson Plans Page - Election Lesson Plans, Political Campaign Lesson Plans, Teacher Resources, teaching resources, theme, unit, educator, education resources, resource, printables, worksheets - 0 views

    Great compilation of lessons and resources for elections (all grade levels). The resources continue to grow and you can contribute your own lessons to this site.
    Entire collection of lesson plans and teacher resources for elections, government, voting, constitution, electoral college, teen voting and civic engagement, etc. from

Factors Affecting Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) in Jambi Province Government Employees| Jurnal Prajaiswara - 0 views

    ABSTRACT This study aimed to examine the Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) of employees and the factors that influence it. The sample in this study was 120 employees of the Jambi Provincial Government. The data collection method used a questionnaire and was analyzed using verification analysis. The analytical tool in this study used Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA). The results of this study explain that OCB can be influenced by internal factors, namely job satisfaction, organizational commitment, employee morale, and work motivation, and external factors, namely leadership style and corporate culture, the highest and most influential factors in employee job satisfaction.

Government/Election Teaching Materials Brainstorming tool | MindMap Ai - 0 views This mind map serves as a comprehensive resource for teaching materials related to government and elections. It will cover key topics such as the electoral process, the role...

ai Artificial Intelligence Brainstorming tool Idea generation Multi-format input support election UK CA AUS

started by larusan on 23 Sep 24 no follow-up yet
Peggy George Obama's site inviting participation - 0 views

    I really like this web site which models web 2.0 communication inviting participation throughout the site on issues, stories, etc. while providing helpful information. Check it out. It also provides a link to a Presidential Transition Directory. The Transition Directory was developed to introduce Presidential nominees, appointees, and members of the President-elect's Transition Team to the operation of the Federal government and to the resources available to help them begin their service in the new Administration. Very helpful organizational chart and other information for students learning about government.
    Up to date announcedments and information about Barack Obama. He invites people to share their inspiring stories from the campaign and election day. Every page invites people to provide feedback on his agenda for the presidency. Excellent model for web 2.0 and a tool for communication.
Jeff Johnson

Where McCain, Obama stand on the issues (The Associated Press) - 0 views

    The plans of presidential candidates are never set in stone, if only because circumstances and the makeup of Congress change after the election. The uncertainty is even deeper in this election because Democrat Barack Obama and Republican John McCain laid out most of their agenda before the government committed up to $700 billion to address the financial crisis. Obama acknowledges what is true for both: "The next president will have to scale back his agenda and some of his proposals." Yet neither candidate has spelled out what promises might have to be postponed or changed. With that caution, here's a look at where McCain and Obama stand on a selection of issues.

Strengthening the Role of Widyaiswara in Improving the Quality of Human Resources Towards the Smart ASN 4.0 Concept| Jurnal Prajaiswara - 0 views

    ABSTRACT Widyaiswara occupied an important role in forming quality ASN including in realizing the Smart ASN 4.0 concept. Smart ASN who have the ability to master technology will push the Indonesian government system into a bureaucracy that is in line with the spirit of the industrial revolution 4.0. All types of public services can be implemented on a digital basis and integrated in such a way that public services become more optimal. Widyaiswara as one of the elements in the development of electronic-based civil servant competencies is required to have the ability to prepare needs at every stage of the training process. The training stage is the implementation of training and education and training evaluation and development. Digital competence is needed by widyaiswara to compile materials that will be used in e-learning at that stage. The role of widyaiswara must exist starting from planning, content creation and evaluation to ensure learning objectives are achieved.

The Role of Change Leaders in Improving The Performance of Public Organizations| Jurnal Prajaiswara - 0 views

    ABSTRACT In an organization, performance assessment is very important because this assessment can be used as a measure of the success of the organization within a certain period. The assessment can be used to improve or enhance the performance of the organization concerned. Government organizations are public organizations that aim to meet the needs and interests of the public, so the performance of these public organizations can only be said to be successful if they can realize their goals and mission. The success of an organization in improving its performance cannot be separated from the role of a leader, especially a change leader. A successful leader is an l leader who can mobilize aspects of input or resources, such as employees, budgets, facilities and infrastructure; information; and organizational culture. As well as those relating to the management process, planning, organizing, implementation, budgeting, supervision, and evaluation.
Caroline Bucky-Beaver

The Best Sites To Learn About U.S. Presidential Elections | Larry Ferlazzo's Websites of the Day... - 0 views

    List of links specifically examined for use in ELL/ESL classrooms
Peggy George

Piggy Tale Election Social Studies Lesson Plan, Thematic Unit, Activity, Worksheet, or Civics, American History, or Government Teaching Idea - 0 views

    Nice basic lesson plan for K-2 students to help them understand the concept of voting on a ballot and having a reason for voting the way they did.
    Lesson plan for K-2 students from HotChalk lesson plans page. Uses 3 little pics and asks kids to vote on which version of the story they believe. Helps kids understand what happens when you vote on a ballot.
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