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cafe software

Better Control of My Sales and Inventory - 1 views

I did not imagine using a point of sale cafe system can be a turning point for my business. Everything is transparent and clear. I can track everything from how many glasses of wines I sold down t...

started by cafe software on 14 Mar 12 no follow-up yet
Roland Gesthuizen

The Learning Registry - 0 views

  • the Learning Registry is an open source technical system designed to facilitate the exchange of data behind the scenes, and an open community of resource creators, publishers, curators, and consumers who are collaborating to broadly share resources,
    The Learning Registry is a new approach to capturing, sharing, and analyzing learning resource data to broaden the usefulness of digital content to benefit educators and learners. Not a website or repository… not a search engine… and not a replacement for the excellent sources of online learning content that already exist…
Claude Almansi

Position der Schweizer Wirtschaft zum Geistigen Eigentum - 0 views

  • Erfinder auf dem Gebiet der Elektrizität und des Kraftwerkwesens. Seine Verdienste gründen in erster Linie auf der Marktfähigkeit seiner Erfindungen, die er mit ausserordentlichem Geschick zu einem ganzen Sysetm von Stromerzeugung, Stromverteilung und Anlieferung des Stromes beim Verbraucher verbinden konnte.
    • Claude Almansi
      See (unacknowledgd source): "Erfinder und Unternehmer mit Schwerpunkt auf dem Gebiet der Elektrizität. Seine Verdienste gründen in erster Linie auf der Marktfähigkeit seiner Erfindungen, die er mit Geschick zu einem ganzen System von Stromerzeugung, Stromverteilung und innovativen elektrischen Konsumprodukten verbinden konnte."
  • Erfinder auf dem Gebiet der Elektrizität und des Kraftwerkwesens. Seine Verdienste gründen in erster Linie auf der Marktfähigkeit seiner Erfindungen, die er mit ausserordentlichem Geschick zu einem ganzen Sysetm von Stromerzeugung, Stromverteilung und Anlieferung des Stromes beim Verbraucher verbinden konnte. Im besonderen Masse ist eine Erfindung Edisons auch heute noch mit der Elektrizität in jedem Privathaushalt verbunden.
    Wikipedia plagiarism by Forschungsstandort, the gremium on intellectual property of economiesuisse.
Jeff Johnson

Welcome to SIF - 0 views

    The SIF Certification Program has been designed to certify SIF-enabled software applications. A SIF-certified application is one that meets the conformance requirements and has been certified as conformant through the SIF certification program. As a condition of participation in the program, the applicant must warrant and represent that their product meets the applicable conformance requirements, which include conformance to the applicable SIF Implementation specification(s) as interpreted by SIFA from time to time, and a passing result from a current version of the SIF-approved test suite(s).
Mike Chelen

Open Source Enterprise Content Management System (CMS) by Alfresco - 0 views

    Alfresco is the Open Source Alternative for Enterprise Content Management (ECM)
Claude Almansi

Utimaco's Lawful Interception Management System - 0 views

    Utimaco LIMS distinguishes itself among competitive solutions by its comprehensive multivendor support. It integrates seamlessly with more than 200 different network nodes (switches, routers, gateways, application servers) by all leading infrastructure vendors. Utimaco LIMS enables realtime monitoring of telephony, fax, SMS, MMS, e-mail, VoIP, Push-to-Talk and other IP-based communication services. The modular architecture of LIMS facilitates cost-efficient LI solutions for small operators and is scalable for surveillance networks with several thousand concurrent intercepts. Utimaco LIMS mediates and delivers data in accordance with international LI standards by ETSI, 3GPP, ANSI/ATIS and Cablelabs. The highest security requirements are implemented in LIMS to protect all private data from eavesdropping and manipulation.
Marc Lijour

Open-source challenge to Microsoft Exchange gains steam - 1 views

  • An open-source, cloud-based e-mail alternative to Microsoft Exchange called Open-Xchange has signed up two new service providers and predicts it will have 40 million users by the end of 2011.
  • Open-Xchange has tripled its user base from 8 million to 24 million paid seats since 2008
  • Open-Xchange has 7 million users in North America today, but says most of its 2011 growth will occur on this continent, in part due to new agreements with service providers Lunarpages of California and Cirrus Tech in Toronto.
  • ...7 more annotations...
  • Open-Xchange's strategy is to make e-mail cheaper for both partners and customers. Open-Xchange mailbox prices vary by service provider, but will typically cost $5 per user per month, about the same as Microsoft's own Exchange Online.
  • Gartner profiled Open-Xchange last August in a MarketScope report on e-mail systems, giving it a rating of "caution," one of its lowest ratings, behind "promising," "positive" and "strong positive."
  • Open-Xchange has tripled its user base from 8 million to 24 million paid seats since 2008
  • An open-source, cloud-based e-mail alternative to Microsoft Exchange called Open-Xchange has signed up two new service providers and predicts it will have 40 million users by the end of 2011.
  • An open-source, cloud-based e-mail alternative to Microsoft Exchange called Open-Xchange has signed up two new service providers and predicts it will have 40 million users by the end of 2011.
  • An open-source, cloud-based e-mail alternative to Microsoft Exchange called Open-Xchange has signed up two new service providers and predicts it will have 40 million users by the end of 2011.
  • An open-source, cloud-based e-mail alternative to Microsoft Exchange called Open-Xchange has signed up two new service providers and predicts it will have 40 million users by the end of 2011.
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