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"Write now is good." - 0 views

    My name is Kristin Gorski. I'm a freelance writer and editor. "Write now is good." is my personal blog about writing, creativity and inspiration.

Blog writing, marketing, and design - Blogging Bits - 0 views

    Written by Pakistani blogger Mohsin, Blogging Bits offers advice on blog writing and promotion.

Blogging for Fiction Writers - 0 views

    Basics tutorial in setting up a free Blogger blog, uploading images and placing text for fiction writers wanting to publishe illustrated stories onto the web.

100+ Free Open Courseware Links for Writers | - 0 views

    Free Courses for Writers - 100 listed.

Useful Sites for Beginners to Creative Writing - 0 views

    Lists 20 links of interest to writers

How Not to Write: The Art of Writing without Writing - 0 views

    If You're reading this blog, you're not writing. Distractions found at this writing blog.

Writer Unboxed - 0 views

    A group blog dedicated to exploring genre writing.

Time to Write - 1 views

    Jurgen Wolff has written for television (including "Family Ties", "Benson", and "The Love Boat"), movies, print, and the web. In addition to writing, he's a writing coach, creativity expert, and hypnotherapist who shares his thoughts on brainstorming, maintaining focus, and the writing process on his blog.

ConceptDraw MINDMAP: mindmapping and brainstorming tool overview - 0 views

    ConceptDraw MindMap - purchaseable MindMapping software, for Mac and Windows. Integrates with MS Office and project management software.

Becoming A Writer Seriously - 0 views

    Tom Colvin has written features, taught English and history, worked in the corporate world, and is working on a non-fiction book. His site covers tools and insider secrets for writers.

Authonomy Home Page - 0 views

    authonomy is a website from HarperCollins which promises some interesting dynamics. Part social network, part self-publishing (on the net), the site is setup to let authors publish their manuscripts onto the web, and have these rated by, commented on and read by the authonomy community. Top rated or supported books are promised that in the future HarperCollins wants to look at these for possible publishing. The site also contains top ranked books on the frontpage, and an active forum.

A Writer's Words, An Editor's Eye - 0 views

    Lillie Amman's blog

oDesk - 0 views

    Freelance jobs and workers. Lots of blogging, development and freelance writing positions.
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