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Group Members

13 members total, 9 receiving alerts immediately, 1 receiving alerts daily, and 1 receiving alerts weekly.
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  • Deborah Judah

    Deborah Judah

    I am an eLearning Advisor and teacher at medical school at University of Leeds. Currently studying for Master in Online and Distance Education with Open University. single parent of 3 boys,blogger with a love for cooking, reading and watching rubbish TV

    shared 179 items

    member since 2011-07-11

  • Kevin Campbell-Wright

    Kevin Campbell-Wright

    Father, advisor, journalist & busybody, making things happen with social media and innovation in education, local government, campaigns and community.

    shared 92 items

    member since 2011-07-11

  • Scott Hibberson

    Scott Hibberson

    A key part of my role is to help organisations explore the benefits of online learning and embed appropriate digital technologies in order to enhance the student experience. Specialties: My interests and specialities include staff development, project management, social media, managing digital...

    shared 61 items

    member since 2011-07-11

  • ashesnlp


    <object align="middle" id="InsertWidget_1b46c0fb-b9e8-4a05-b7d2-00924170b792" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="640px" classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" height="503px" codebase=",0,0,0"><param value="" name="movie" /><param value="high" name="quality" /><param value="transparent" name="wmode" /><param value="false" name="menu" /><param value="r=2&appId=1b46c0fb-b9e8-4a05-b7d2-00924170b792" name="flashvars" /><param value="sameDomain" name="allowScriptAccess" /> <embed align="middle" flashvars="r=2&appId=1b46c0fb-b9e8-4a05-b7d2-00924170b792" allowscriptaccess="sameDomain" src="" quality="high" menu="false" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="640px" pluginspage="" height="503px" name="InsertWidget_1b46c0fb-b9e8-4a05-b7d2-00924170b792" /></object>

    shared 28 items

    member since 2011-07-11

  • Kathy Boyer

    Kathy Boyer

    I work as an e-learning advisor for the JISC RSC YH. I am training to be an equine sports therapist though

    shared 17 items

    member since 2011-08-01

  • shared 36 items

    member since 2011-08-08

  • shared 3 items

    member since 2011-12-07

  • shared 3 items

    member since 2011-08-04

  • shared 1 items

    member since 2011-08-05

  • shared 2 items

    member since 2012-03-16

  • shared 0 items

    member since 2012-07-18

  • shared 0 items

    member since 2012-09-25

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