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henry klingberg

Typinferenz - 0 views

  • Schlussfolgerung oder Rückschluss
Hendy Irawan

Marc Logemann Blog: Ext GWT or SmartGWT or Vaadin - 0 views

    From a technical standpoint Ext GWT and SmartGWT are quite equal apart from the fact that Smart has more to offer on the server side. Vaadin with its complete different apprach (not from the programming style but from runtime behavior) needs to be compared in a different fashion. Things like GUI responsiveness and overall performance must be carefully checked. But on the pro side you have a very small js client with vaadin which results in fast startup in the browser. On the other hand, our product is a business product and we are planing to rewrite the AdminConsole. This is something that will be used in intranets in 95% of the time. It doesnt make much of a differnece if you load 100k or 1Mb from inside the LAN.
Davor Poldrugo

The ASF Resigns From the JCP Executive Committee - 0 views

  • Oracle provided the EC with a Java SE 7 specification request and license that are self-contradictory, severely restrict distribution of independent implementations of the spec, and most importantly, prohibit the distribution of independent open source implementations of the spec.  Oracle has refused to answer any reasonable and responsible questions from the EC regarding these problems.
  • In the phrase "fail to uphold their responsibilities under the JSPA", we are referring to Oracle's refusal to provide the ASF's Harmony project with a TCK license for Java SE that complies with Oracle's obligations under the JSPA as well as public promises made to the Java community by officers of Sun Microsystems (recently acquired by Oracle.)
  • it should be noted that the majority of the EC members, including Oracle, have publicly stated that restrictions on distribution such as those found in the Java SE 7 license have no place in the JCP - and two distinguished individual members of the EC, Doug Lea and Tim Peierls, both have resigned in protest over the same issue.
  • ...9 more annotations...
  • By approving Java SE 7, the EC has failed on both counts : the members of the EC refused to stand up for the rights of implementers, and by accepting Oracle's TCK license terms for Java SE 7, they let the integrity of the JCP's licensing structure be broken.
  • The Apache Software Foundation concludes that that JCP is not an open specification process
  • and finally, the EC is unwilling or unable to assert the basic power of their role in the JCP governance process
  • In short, the EC and the Java Community Process are neither.
  • To that end, our representative has informed the JCP's Program Management Office of our resignation, effective immediately.  As such, the ASF is removing all official representatives from any and all JSRs. In addition, we will refuse any renewal of our JCP membership and, of course, our EC position.
  • Okay ! Java's privatized now... What now ?
  • Thank god I moved off Java in time. Suddenly Oracle is the new Death Star, replacing Microsoft.
  • This is a sad, sad day in the Java community. I hoped that Oracle would back-peddle and realize the folly of their ways. Now Java will be to Oracle what .NET is to Microsoft and it will be the death of Java as we know it.
  • Posibly in few years we'll see Apache as a new Sun for "Java", followed by Eclipse, Google, etc... I hope this is a great movement done by Apache for the community. We'll see... The objetive of Oracle are Enterprises that cannot move from Java because of hight investments, it will earn a lot of money from them. Oracle ignores the community because is not going to pay for (expensive, as all the rest of Oracle products) licenses... We'll se...
    The Apache Software Foundation has resigned its seat on the Java SE/EE Executive Committee. Apache has served on the EC for the past 10 years, winning the JCP "Member of the Year" award 4 times, and recently was ratified for another term with support from 95% of the voting community. Further, the project communities of the ASF, home to Apache Tomcat, Ant, Xerces, Geronimo, Velocity and nearly a 100 mainstay java components have implemented countless JSRs and serve on and contribute to many of the JCPs technical expert groups. We'd like to provide some explanation to the community as to why we're taking this significant step.

Guide: Writing Testable Code (Miško Hevery) - 2 views

    "To keep our code at Google in the best possible shape we provided our software engineers with these constant reminders. Now, we are happy to share them with the world."
Baron M

GAME OVER - Java Server Faces | ComeSolveGo - 0 views

  • Almost everything is wrong with the framework
  • Little control over generated HTML
  • While you need basic functionalities, everything is fine. When you need to modify the component (which is configurable, right?) you are facing the problems
  • ...8 more annotations...
  • EXTREMELY idiotic thing - because JSF has their famous lifecycle with lots of magic phases, some backing bean getters are called multiple times!
  • Back button problem.
  • Unreadable URLs. JSF always does the POST.
  • JSF is submitting a form on itself so it could call a backing bean method to handle an event. Of course, if you have a request, there is unnecessary repeated initialization, getter calls, postconstruct etc
  • Reusability? Good joke…
  • JSF - you are FIRED!
  • IDE support
  • Development of custom component? No way, extremely complicated. Extensible? In the movie, maybe…
    I think many people have the same feeling (of course including me)
Tomas V

untitled - 0 views

    The best Java framework
Hendy Irawan

XStream - a simple library to serialize objects to XML and back again. - 0 views

    XStream is a simple library to serialize objects to XML and back again. Features Ease of use. A high level facade is supplied that simplifies common use cases. No mappings required. Most objects can be serialized without need for specifying mappings. Performance. Speed and low memory footprint are a crucial part of the design, making it suitable for large object graphs or systems with high message throughput. Clean XML. No information is duplicated that can be obtained via reflection. This results in XML that is easier to read for humans and more compact than native Java serialization. Requires no modifications to objects. Serializes internal fields, including private and final. Supports non-public and inner classes. Classes are not required to have default constructor. Full object graph support. Duplicate references encountered in the object-model will be maintained. Supports circular references. Integrates with other XML APIs. By implementing an interface, XStream can serialize directly to/from any tree structure (not just XML). Customizable conversion strategies. Strategies can be registered allowing customization of how particular types are represented as XML. Error messages. When an exception occurs due to malformed XML, detailed diagnostics are provided to help isolate and fix the problem. Alternative output format. The modular design allows other output formats. XStream ships currently with JSON support and morphing.
Hendy Irawan

Super Csv - A free CSV reader/writer... - 0 views

    best, fastest and most programmer friendly free CSV package for Java. Super Csv's unique features raises the bar and sets a new standard for CSV packages. Super Csv is designed around solid Object-oriented principles, and thus aims to leverage your Object-oriented code, making it easier to write and maintain.

Organize Projects - Google Web Toolkit - Google Code - 0 views

    • anonymous
      Gears.gwt.xml does not define andy entry point. It can only be inherits
  • two ways to approach loading them
  • nclude each module with a separate <script> tag
  • ...118 more annotations...
  • Create a top level module XML definition
  • Compile the top level module
  • the second approach will lead to much better end-user performance
  • each module has to be downloaded separately by the end-user's browser
  • each module will contain redundant copies of GWT library
  • conflict with each other during event handling
  • Linkers are divided into three categories, PRE, POST, and PRIMARY
  • one primary linker is run for a compilation
  • everal linkers are provided by Core.gwt.xml, which is automatically inherited by User.gwt.xml.
  • monolithic JavaScript file.
  • cross-site deployment model.
  • standard iframe-based
  • <add-linker name="xs" />
  • The GWT compiler
  • packaging its output with the Linker subsystem
  • responsible for the final packaging of the JavaScript code
  • providing a pluggable bootstrap mechanism
  • re-use an existing Java API for a GWT project,
  • <super-source>
  • "re-root" a source path
  • to emulate part of the JRE not implemented by GWT
  • tells the compiler to add all subfolders of com/example/myproject/jre/
  • to the source path
  • com/google/myproject/gwt/jre/java/util/
  • most commonly used elements in the module XML file.
  • <inherits name="
  • herits all the settings from the specified module
  • <entry-point class=
  • Entry points are all compiled into a single codebase
  • when the onModuleLoad() of your first entry point finishes, the next entry point is called immediately.
  • Any number of entry-point classes can be added
  • <source path="
  • resources get copied into the output directory during a GWT compile.
  • client subpackage is implicitly added to the source path
  • <public path="path" />
  • treated as a publicly-accessible resource.
  • resources get copied into the output directory
  • the public subpackage is implicitly added to the public
  • <servlet
  • For RPC, this element loads a servlet class
  • mounted at the specified URL path
  • path=
    • anonymous
      monting location
  • class="
    • anonymous
      Which servlet class
  • URL path should be absolute
  • @RemoteServiceRelativePath attribute
  • you must configure a WEB-INF/web.xml in your war directory to load any servlets needed.
  • n development mode,
  • <script src="
  • external JavaScrip
  • <stylesheet src="
  • Extends the set of values
  • for an existing client property
  • <replace-with-class>
  • <generate-with-class>
  • <when-property-is
  • three different types of predicates are
  • <when-type-assignable
  • <when-type-is
  • <all>
  • <any>
  • <none>
  • GWT libraries are organized into modules
  • you want to inherit at least the User module
  • contains all the core GWT functionality
  • including the EntryPoint class
  • widgets and panels
  • History feature
  • Internationalization
  • DOM programming, and more
  • Low-level HTTP
  • Use the following syntax to cause an external JavaScript file to be loaded
  • before your module entry point is called.
  • as if you had included it explicitly using the HTML <script
  • loaded before your onModuleLoad() is called.
  • all included scripts will be loaded when your application starts, in the order in which they are declared.
  • associate external CSS files with your module
  • GWT.getModuleBaseURL() + "foo.css" in client code
  • module's public path
  • useful when
  • inheritance makes resource inclusion particularly convenient.
  • If you wish to create a reusable library that relies upon particular stylesheets or JavaScript files, you can be sure that clients
  • see the documentation for FileSet for a general overview
  • <public>
  • <super-source>
  • <source>
  • includes
  • excludes
  • defaultexcludes
  • casesensitive
  • By default, the patterns listed here are excluded.
  • defaultexcludes is true
  • <script src='myApp/myApp.nocache.js'></script>
  • <script> tags always block evaluation of the page
  • <img> tags do not block page evaluation
  • two simultaneous connections
  • The body.onload() event will only fire once all external resources are fetched, including images and frames.
  • GWT selection script
  • like a normal script tag
  • but the compiled script will be fetched asynchronously.
  • Parsing is blocked until externalScriptZero.js is done fetching and evaluating.
  • myApp/myApp.nocache.js completes
  • the compiled scrip
  • (<hashname>.cache.html
  • begins fetching in a hidden IFRAME (this is non-blocking).
  • onModuleLoad() is not called yet, as we're still waiting on externalScriptOne.js
  • body.onload() fires
  • onload='alert("w00t!")
    • anonymous
      is the last line executed
  • put the GWT selection script as early as possible
  • because it won't block any other script requests
  • <img> tags are not guaranteed to be done loading when onModuleLoad() is called
  • <script> tags are guaranteed to be done loading when onModuleLoad() is called
  • multiple EntryPoints
  • will all be called in sequence as soon as that module (and the outer document) is ready
  • multiple GWT modules within the same page
  • each module's EntryPoint will be called as soon as both that module and the outer document is ready
  • EntryPoints are not guaranteed to fire at the same time
  • or in the same order
  • in which their selection scripts were specified in the host page

Large scale application development and MVP - Part II - Google Web Toolkit - Google Code - 0 views

  • itself
    • anonymous
      The View Implementation
  • @UiHandler("
  • presenter.onAddButtonClicked();
  • ...91 more annotations...
  • onAddButtonClicked
  • eventBus.fireEvent(new AddContactEvent());
  • presenter needs to know more about the view
  • view needs to know more about the data model
  • data types are typically homogeneous within column borders
  • ColumnDefinition abstract class
  • houses the any type-specific code (this is the third party mentioned above)
  • ColumnDefinition
  • ColumnDefinition(s) would be created outside of the presenter
  • we can reuse its logic regardless of what view we've attached ourself to
  • update our views such that we can set their ColumnDefinition(s).
  • setColumnDefinitions
  • this.columnDefinitions = columnDefinitions;
  • so that we can pass in
  • a mocked ContactsView instance when testing our ContactsPresenter
  • in our AppController, when we create the ContactsView,
  • new ContactsViewColumnDefinitions().getColumnDefinitions();
  • we can initialize it with the necessary ColumnDefinition(s).
  • contactsView.setColumnDefiniions(
    • anonymous
      Initialize ContactsView with the necessary ColumnDefinition(s)
  • With our ColumnDefinition(s) we can pass the model untouched.
  • As mentioned above we were previously dumbing down the model into a list of Strings
  • current solution
  • List<String> data
  • display.setData(data);
  • how that data type is rendered.
  • use generics
  • third party that abstracts
  • knowledge of a cell's data type
  • stringing together a list of these classes
  • providing the necessary render()
  • and isClickable()/isSelectable() override
  • ContactsViewColumnDefinitions<ContactDetails>
  • columnDefinitions =      new ArrayList<ColumnDefinition<ContactDetails>>()
  • ColumnDefinition<T>
  • ContactsPresenter
  • ContactsViewImpl
  • ColumnDefinition<T> columnDefinition = columnDefinitions.get(j);
  • the presenter can pass the model untouched
  • the view has no rendering code
  • that we would otherwise need to test. And the fun doesn't stop there.
  • presenter.onItemClicked(
  • presenter.onItemSelected
  • ClickEvent
  • cell.getCellIndex()
  • columnDefinition.isClickable()
  • SelectEvent
  • columnDefinition.isSelectable()
  • return shouldFireClickEvent;
  • return shouldFireSelectEvent;
  • respond to user interaction in different ways based upon the cell type that was clicked
  • use them for rendering purposes
  • defining how to interpret user interactions
  • we're going to remove any application state from the ContactsView
  • replace the view's getSelectedRows() with a SelectionModel
  • The SelectionModel is nothing more than a wrapper around a list of model objects.
  • ContactsPresenter holds on to an instance of this class
  • onItemSelected
  • Having the ColumnDefinition create a new widget for each cell is too heavy
  • Replace our FlexTable implementation with an HTML widget
  • calling setHTML()
  • Reduce the event overhead by sinking events on the HTML widget
  • rather than the individual cells
  • update our ContactsView.ui.xml file to use a
  • HTML widget rather than a FlexTable widget.
  • <g:HTML ui:field="contactsTable">
  • Inefficiencies related to inserting new elements via DOM manipulation Overhead associated with sinking events per Widget
  • for each item ask our column definitions to render accordingly
  • each column definition
  • render itself into the StringBuilder
  • rather than passing back a full-on widget
  • calling setHTML on a HTML widget
  • rather than calling setWidget on a FlexTable.
  • This will decrease your load time, especially as your tables start to grow.
  • we're reducing the overhead of sinking events on per-cell widgets
  • instead sinking on a single container
  • ClickEvents are still wired up via our UiHandler annotations
  • get the Element that was clicked on
  • and walk the DOM until we find a parent TableCellElement
  • we can determine the row
  • shouldFirdClickEvent() and shouldFireSelectEvent()
  • to take as a parameter a TableCellElement rather than a HTMLTable.Cell.
  • faster startup times via Code Splitting.
  • runAsync() points
  • split portion of your code is purely segmented
  • not referenced by other parts of the app
  • it will be downloaded and executed at the point that it needs to run
  • Do we really want to download all of that code before the user even logs in?
  • Not really.
  • simply grab the login code, and leave the rest for when we actually need it
  • wrap the code that creates the ContactsView and ContactsPresenter in a runAsync() call
  • as optimizations such as this one become easier and easier to implement.
enderson james

News Distribution Software - SAAS solutions - 0 views

    News publishing software offering news distribution, press release submission tools which submit your news or PR in 100 or more business news sites.
samantha armstrong

FixComputerpProblemsSite Surely Knows How to Fix Computer Problems! - 1 views

I was having problems with my laptop before. Good thing FixComputerpProblemsSite helped me fix it. And they are really the experts when it comes to solving any computer related issues. They can eas...

fix computer problems java web development opensource framework programming eclipse spring jsf library

started by samantha armstrong on 07 Jun 11 no follow-up yet
Javier Neira

REST for Java developers, Part 4: The future is RESTful - JavaWorld - 0 views

  • Tyranny of the Common Form. The social costs of getting everyone to agree to the definition of these central models always outweigh the technical costs of implementing them.
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