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Israa El-sakka

أخبار مصر - الاذاعة الاسرائيلية: الحكومة الاسرائيلية تضع قائمة بالمواد المحظو... - 1 views

    يادي الذل و يا دي العار مصر مشاركة في الحصار و مدير المخابرات رايح جاي يشارك مع الأشقاء الإسرائيليين في خنق الفلسطينيين الله يخربيــــــــــــــــــتكم
liveinfreedom .

BBC News - Today - Assassinations 'a neccessary step' - 1 views

    "The assassination of a leading Hamas commander in Dubai is being firmly linked to the Israeli secret service, Mossad, who attempted a similar assassination attempt on Khaled Meshal, chairman of Hamas' political bureau, in Amman in 1997. "
star sapphire

Colombian Emerald : A Treatise to the king of Emeralds - 0 views

    The crystals of emerald which are usually of a blue green colour are unfortunately often shattered owing to various geological events.
liveinfreedom .

Is it legal to murder a terrorist? If Israel killed the Hamas chief, they can mount a s... - 0 views

    "I don't know whether Israel did or did not assassinate the leader of the Hamas military wing, Mahmoud al-Mabhouh, in that hotel in Dubai last month. But assuming for argument's sake that Mossad did make the hit, did it have the right to engage in this "extrajudicial assassination"?"
liveinfreedom .

Who's Planning Our Next War? - 0 views

  • He failed with North Korea. Will he accept failure in Iran, though there is no hard evidence Iran has an active nuclear weapons program?
    • liveinfreedom .
      N. Korea a FAILURE; he says. Here's a perfect example of OPINION bullshit. Buchanan must know something I don't know or he don't know what I know about N.Korea. When a rogue nation like N.Korea invites American technicians to help them remove thier nuclear prosesses then how can Buchanan say that Bush has failed in N. Korea. As of the 28 Jue 2008 , N.Korea has "demolished" the nuclear reactor cooling towers there in N.Korea. I don't know WHY Buchanan says that Bush has failed in stay tuned in to Buchanan
    • liveinfreedom .
      This report by Buchanan has to the WORST one that he has ever published. Is Buchanan wrong or not? I'm really puzzled by this report from Buchanan because it contradicts everything that I know about the Iran issues.
  • William Kristol of The Weekly Standard said Sunday a U.S. attack on Iran after the election is more likely should Barack Obama win.
  • Ehud Olmert came home from a June meeting with Bush to tell Israelis: "We reached agreement on the need to take care of the Iranian threat. ... I left with a lot less question marks regarding the means, the timetable restrictions and American resoluteness. ...
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  • "George Bush understands the severity of the Iranian threat and the need to vanquish it, and intends to act on the matter before the end of his term
  • Israel lacks the stealth and cruise-missile capacity to degrade Iran's air defenses systematically and no longer has the element of surprise.
  • For the U.S. military to let Israel over-fly Iraq would make us an accomplice.
  • Israel would also have to over-fly Turkey, or Syria and U.S.-occupied Iraq, or Saudi Arabia to reach Natanz. Turks, Syrians and Saudis would deny Israel permission and might resist.
  • Would Iran attack Israel with rockets, inviting retaliation with Jericho and cruise missiles from Israeli submarines? Would she close the Gulf with suicide-boat attacks on tankers and U.S. warships?
  • Vice President Cheney is said to favor U.S. strikes. Secretary of Defense Robert Gates and Mullins are said to be opposed.
  • Moving through Congress, powered by the Israeli lobby, is House Resolution 362, which demands that President Bush impose a U.S. blockade of Iran, an act of war.
    I find this one hard to believe about N. Korea. Israel appears to be assured that America will aid with intervening in Iran.
    Is Buchanan WRONG with his analysis...It appears that he is WRONG and has made a terrible BLUNDER that aids the enemies to use his comments as propaganda against America, thereby degrading America's image in the wordl.
liveinfreedom .

Israel has a year to stop Iran bomb, warns ex-spy - Telegraph - 0 views

  • "As an intelligence officer working with the worst-case scenario, I can tell you we should be prepared. We should do whatever necessary on the defensive side, on the offensive side, on the public opinion side for the West, in case sanctions don't work. What's left is a military action
  • Iran's military said it might hit the Jewish state with missiles and stop Gulf oil exports if it came under attack. Israel "is completely within the range of the Islamic republic's missiles,"
  • More than 40 per cent of all globally traded oil passes through the 35-mile-wide Strait of Hormuz, putting tankers entering or leaving the Gulf at risk from Iranian mines, rockets and artillery
  • ...5 more annotations...
  • "If [Republican candidate John] McCain gets elected, he could really easily make a decision to go for it.
  • Israeli officials believe the diplomatic process is useless and have been pressing President Bush to launch air strikes before he leaves office on January 20 next year.
  • If it's Obama: no. My prediction is that he won't go for it, at least not in his first term in the White House."
  • He warned that while it would be preferable to have American support and participation in a strike on Iran, Israel will not be afraid to go it alone.
  • we may update the Americans that we are intending or planning or going to do something. It's not a precondition, [getting] an American agreement," he said.
    A former head of Mossad has warned that Israel has 12 months in which to destroy Iran's nuclear programme or risk coming under nuclear attack itself. He also hinted that Israel might have to act sooner if Barack Obama wins the US presidential election.
    Israel is telling America that Iran IS NOT getting a nuc weapon. HOORAY! AND! Obama IS a threat to America as is Iran
Israa El-sakka

أخبار مصر - لبنان يتقدم بشكوى ضد اسرائيل الى مجلس الأمن لاختطاف مواطن لبناني - 0 views

    إسرائيل تختطف مواطناً لبنانياً من داخل الأراضي اللبنانية لساعات قبل تسليمه لقوات اليونيفيل
liveinfreedom .

Son of Hamas founder spied for Israel for more than a decade - Times Online - 0 views

  • Mr Yousef’s work will be far more damaging to Hamas, whose brutality he denounced. Dubai police have suggested that Mahmoud al-Mabhouh, the top Hamas militant found dead in a hotel room in the emirate on January 20, may have been betrayed by an insider from the Islamist movement.
    "The son of one of Hamas's founding members was a spy in the service of Israel for more than a decade, helping prevent dozens of Islamist suicide bombers from finding their targets, it emerged today. " Mosab Hassan Yousef
liveinfreedom .

'Moses was high on hallucinogenic drug when he received Ten Commandments,' claims top a... - 1 views

    "'Moses was high on hallucinogenic drug when he received Ten Commandments,' claims top academic Last updated at 00:20 05 March 2008 Comments (0) Share When Moses received the Ten Commandments from God, he was summoned right to the top of Mount Sinai. But the man who led the Children of Israel to safety may have been even higher at the time, if an Israeli academic is to be believed. Psychology professor Benny Shanon says it was likely Moses was hallucinating under the influence of a mind-altering drug at the time of his biblical achievements."
Rachel Rachel

Israel: 'Painful Price Must Be Paid on Shalit Deal' - Politics & Government - Israel Ne... - 0 views

    Israel: 'Painful Price Must Be Paid on Shalit Deal'
    If Israel gave the terrorist the DEATH sentence automatically they would NOT have to deal with the bastards ever again over prisoner swaps. If anyone commits a crime involving "terrorism" it is the DEATH penalty within seven days for trial and execution, no less. AND! bury the bastards in PORK so that they get the message that they WILL NOT go to heaven as clean martyrs but they will go to HELL as dirty PORKER infidels and UNCLEAN ... How else can you stop them ?
liveinfreedom .

Sarkozy Offers Help in Mideast Talks - - 0 views

  • During his three-day state visit to Israel, which began on Sunday, Sarkozy has said an Israeli-Palestinian deal could be reached soon, striking a far more optimistic note than most observers, who highlight Olmert's weakness at home and divisions among the Palestinians.
    OLEH! He's doing just what we expected him to do as the new president of France.
    Nice to have another country working for peace in the mid-east.
Rachel Rachel

Rice: Israel-PA Accord Still Possible by Year's End - News Briefs - Arutz Sheva - 0 views

    Rice: Israel-PA Accord Still Possible by Year's End
    WOW! Bush has said that their is more than a better chance at obtaining a peace agreement between Palestine and Israel. Now after completing SIX completed agreements that provided ALL that Arafat wanted and that he did not sign one could believe that a peace described by Bush is more than feasible. HOORAY ! Bush ...though he fucked up somewhat on other issues he could be successful with this initiative of peace between the parties.
liveinfreedom .

U.S. says exercise by Israel seemed directed at Iran - International Herald Tribune - 0 views

  • A second, the official said, was to send a clear message to the United States and other countries that Israel was prepared to act militarily if diplomatic efforts to stop Iran from producing bomb-grade uranium continued to falter.
  • But American officials were also told that Israel had prepared plans for striking nuclear targets in Iran and could carry them out if needed.
  • "They are clearly nervous about this and have their air defense on guard," a Bush administration official said of the Iranians.
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • Two sets of advance Russian-made radar systems were recently delivered to Iran. The radar will enhance Iran's ability to detect planes flying at low altitude.
  • Mike McConnell, the director of national intelligence, said in February that Iran was close to acquiring Russian-produced SA-20 surface-to-air missiles. American military officials said that the deployment of such systems would hamper Israel's attack planning, putting pressure on Israel to act before the missiles are fielded.
    Iran is getting nervous about aircraft fying in the air corridors adjacent to their air space. Israel is making arrangments to remove the nuclear sites in Iran.
liveinfreedom .

BBC News - CCTV of Hamas militant murder suspects - 0 views

    \nAdvertisement\n\nPolice in Dubai investigating the killing of Hamas militant Mahmoud al-Mabhouh have released CCTV of the alleged suspects.\n\nDubai's police chief Lt Gen Dhafi Khalfan Tamim said the professional hit squad of 11 people were using six British passports, three Irish, one French and one German passport. Jeremy Bowen reports.
Israa El-sakka

Israeli judge: Learn from Nazis - 1 views

    ya laaaaaaaaaaaaahwyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
    ya laaaaaaaahwy is not adapting nazi tactics against humanity
Israa El-sakka

تخوفات في تل أبيب من قيام حركة حماس بنقل شاليط خارج القطاع عبر أنفاق سيناء - 0 views

    إســــــرائيـــل يا هـــــــــابلة وسعت منكوا قووووووي
Israa El-sakka

Confusion over Gaza aid ship route - Middle East - Al Jazeera English - 0 views

    "as been diverte"
liveinfreedom .

YouTube - Al Arabiya airs failed Times Square bomber tape - 0 views

    How more of an IDIOT can the world tolerate. This JERK has BRAINWASHED HIMSELF into believing he is a warrior when in truth he is a STUPID BRAINWASHED IDIOT! AND YES! HE'S A TERRORIST WHO WOULD KILL HIS MUSLIM BROTHERS AND SISTERS IN N.Y. He spits out all this archaic INSANITY derived from another MUSLIM NUT Al Ghazali... who was another ILLITERATE IDIOT OF THE 11th century. "AlArabiya | July 14, 2010 Al Arabiya airs failed Times Square bomber tape Faisal Shahzad made suicide video Al Arabiya airs failed Times Square bomber tape"
liveinfreedom .

ANIMALS OF THE WORLD -- Muslims Attack Village, Slaughter 8 Christians with Machetes an... - 0 views

    "Muslims Attack Village, Slaughter 8 Christians with Machetes and Burn 7 Houses"
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