"Will the Western media show these images?
All notes below by Tom Gross
Please scroll down below for photos of the new shopping mall that opened today in Gaza. I have also attached new photos and film of Gaza's hotels, beauty spas, swimming pools, beaches and street markets -- images the BBC, New York Times and others refuse to show you.
Meanwhile, Hamas are deliberately leaving some Gazans in plastic tents, in order to fool gullible Western journalists and politicians who are brought to Gaza to witness a staged "humanitarian crisis.""
Power of the Media - they say "Hundreds of thousands of Palestinians were displaced" but on the other hand: "several wars were fought involving Egypt, Jordan, Syria and Lebanon" and this is the interesting part:
Who started those wars? these countries. why? they did not accept the UN decision. Try to query a bit more on how these lands were occupied and under what circumstances.
Try to find out what happened to the Palestinians in Jordan, BBC happily share information about Palestinians refugees without detailing Israel's history.
All those who read this article and wants to know the truth about Israel should query for facts (non partial).