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Alberto Adrián Schiano

Podcast Software (Clients) - 0 views

    Links to useful applications for iPod and iTunes
Alberto Adrián Schiano

The Unofficial Apple Weblog (TUAW) - 0 views

shared by Alberto Adrián Schiano on 28 Feb 07 - Cached
    resources to patch shortminded companies.
Alberto Adrián Schiano BlockParty - 0 views

  • Getting new content onto your computer, iPod, or other MP3-compatible player has never been easier. BlockParty is designed to make recording SHOUTcast-compatible music from the internet quick and easy.
    a www radio streamer for windows and iPod
Alberto Adrián Schiano

iPodSoft - Making the best, better - 0 views

  • PodPlus replaces iPod Agent and lets you get your music off your iPod as well as putting your contacts, emails, RSS feeds, podcasts and more on to it
    • Alberto Adrián Schiano
      Todo muy lindo, pero lo vende. Y bien que cree que se lo pagarán!!
    editor for iPod Notes
Alberto Adrián Schiano

TERRA: The Nature of Our World *video podcast* - 0 views

    artistic natural videos (similar to old national geographic)
Alberto Adrián Schiano

Podcasting News - 0 views

  • Daryl Hannah’s Love Life Now a Video Podcast April 19, 2006 Daryl Hannah is the host of a new podcast, Daryl Hannah’s Love Life, at The show is a professionally-produced video podcast that “explores inspirational and cutting-edge developments in green culture and lifestyle.” Episode topics have included biodiesel fuel, vegan junkfood and green architecture.
  • The MP3 Pleasure Orb April 22, 2006 MobiNote has introduced a luminescent multimedia accessory for MP3 users, the MobiNote Hipper 100, aka the MP3 Pleasure Orb. It’s an MP3 player, a speaker and a glowing light, all rolled into one. Plug in any USB devices storing MP3 music files, and the glowing orb will change color along with the music, “giving you great joy all day long”, according to the company.
    News about free podcast videos
seth kutcher

Fast and Reliable Computer Repair Services - 1 views

One day, I was working on my thesis which was due in three days and then suddenly my computer shut down. I then browsed for companies that offer computer repair services and found Computer Hardwar...

computer repair services

started by seth kutcher on 02 Nov 11 no follow-up yet
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