iPresentee | Keynote Themes for iPad | - 15 views
Cyndi Danner-Kuhn on 07 May 11iPresentee offers a variety of Keynote Themes for iPad you can choose from to create a new presentation. You can transfer pre-made Keynote templates to your iPad without creating presentation on your computer and build Keynote presentation on iPad. Furthermore you may create your presentation on a Mac and transfer it to your iPad. Share your great ideas effectively with iPad. Choose theme from a variety of presentation styles with coordinated fonts, colors, background textures, unique bullets and picture frames. Each Keynote Theme is available in 1024x768 and 800x600 sizes in pixels. To get the most out of Apple's Keynote choose Keynote Show only for $70. Keynote Show includes: 80 Keynote Themes, 52 Keynote Motion Themes, 33 Keynote Themes for iPad, 115 Keynote Animations and 181 Keynote 3D Stuff objects. Buy now! Keynote Themes for iPad requires Keynote installed on your iPad or Macintosh computer running Mac OS X with iWork '09. Keynote Themes for iPad includes 33 themes. Click on any Keynote Theme for iPad and see how it works! Purchase Keynote Themes for iPad only for $25. Buy now!