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John Evans

Ringwood North PS Junior Geniuses - RNPS iPad Trial - 6 views

    "There can be no debate - our kids know more than most adults about technology. And at our school, there is no doubt our Year 5/6 students are our resident experts when it comes to iPads. Yet rather than be threatened by this, why not harness their enthusiasm and willingness to share their knowledge?"
John Evans

Digital Stories - RNPS iPad Trial - 4 views

    "This was the perfect way for teachers to share skills and ideas, have professional conversations and extend their professional learning. During the session, teachers were given the challenge to "Create a digital story where you become the characters of a fairytale." They completed this in small groups using Dropbox to share photos, Strip Designer to cut themselves out and place themselves onto backgrounds and finally Keynote to put the story together."
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