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Apps in Education: 10 Productivity Apps - 4 views

    "There are certain apps that just make your day easier. These are apps that I have been using regularly as part of my daily workflow. There is a nice variety of apps here, some are for use at school exclusively other I like because it gives me the freedom to just come home and continue with my lesson preparation. Have a look and see if any of these might be useful for you."

Suite of Student and Teacher Apps - Teachers with Apps - 7 views

    "New York City science teacher and iOS developer, Frederick Feraco Jr., has 9 titles in the app store to help students prep for their regents and final exams. These apps are all part of his “Buddy” apps consist of lessons, videos, interactive quizzes, daily news feeds and flash cards. They are broken into topics: chemistry, biology, physics, earth science, environmental science, global history, US history, integrated algebra, geometry geography,anatomy and physiology, astronomy, middle school life science, physical science and health education."

Learning and Teaching with iPads: Educational Apps from Education Services Australia - 11 views

    "Education Services Australia has released more quality educational literacy and numeracy Apps, and the good thing is that they are free"

iPad Apps for Education - Jeffreys Grove Elementary - 13 views

    "iPads are more than just a cool tech tool, and the ways they can be used to support and enhance student learning are endless! Below you will find a list of iPad apps, organized by subject, that can help your child. Click on the name of the app to learn more about each one! The apps listed here are fr"

iDevBooks- Educational Math Apps | Teachers with Apps - 14 views

    " This suite of apps are a must-have for any school using mobile devices as well as parents who want to encourage mastery of math concepts for their children. A collection of 18 iPhone, iPod Touch, and iPad educational math apps with easy to use and intuitive interfaces. The iDevBooks math apps are used by schools, parents, and students worldwide."

16 Cool iPad Math Apps (That Your Child Might Actually Love!) - 16 views

    "If your iPad is drowning under the weight of mindlessly fun physics games or poor quality educational apps, then check out this list of 16 maths iPad apps that are actually both educational and great fun!"

EduApps | - Supporting the #UKEdChat Education Community - 5 views

    A fantastic list of apps for iPads in edu. On this page, we are showcasing Apple Apps which can help educators with teaching and learning activities, as recommended by various educators within the #UKEdchat forum. You can easily sort the columns by clicking the arrows by each heading. Are we missing an iPad app which you use a lot in school? Please let us know in the comments box at the foot of the page, or via @UKEdchat on twitter, facebook, or Google+.

20 iPad Apps To Teach Elementary Reading | TeachThought - 22 views

    "As anyone with a toddler knows, iPads are addictive for children. They seem to have some sort of special radar that lets them know when an iDevice is within their reach, and they'll do anything they can to get their hands on them. Resistance is futile, but instead of lamenting excessive screen time, you can make your child's iPad addiction a productive one with educational apps, including those that promote early reading. With these 20 apps, children can learn how to write letters, improve phonics fluency, and even write their own books."
    Thanks for these great resources. I particularly liked play and sing, with its great British accent. I'm keen to find apps with UK spelling and accents for primary school. Any ideas or pointers would be appreciated.

100 Apps for Tech-Savvy Teachers - 20 views

  • 100 Apps for Tech–Savvy Teachers Teachers have one of the most difficult jobs out there. As an educator, you have to manage a classroom of boisterous students, organize heaps of data, stay up–to–date with current events and plan lessons day in and day out. In today’s technologically linked world, the ability to use web applications is at your advantage as an educator, and we are here to tell you the best tools to use. Here is a collection of 100 web and iPhone applications that make the grade for tech–savvy teachers:
    100 Apps for Tech-Savvy Teachers Teachers have one of the most difficult jobs out there. As an educator, you have to manage a classroom of boisterous students, organize heaps of data, stay up-to-date with current events and plan lessons day in and day out. In today's technologically linked world, the ability to use web applications is at your advantage as an educator, and we are here to tell you the best tools to use. Here is a collection of 100 web and iPhone applications that make the grade for tech-savvy teachers:

My Brain on Apps | OT's with Apps - 12 views

    "This infographic reaffirms how difficult it can be to "sift and winnow" apps when there are more than 67,000 educational iPad apps. Finding the right one to support individuals with special needs can be a challenge and take time!"

Learning Without Boundaries - 31 views

    "The Virginia Department of Education has been involved in the development of apps that are available in the Apple App Store for downloading. Through these activities, the following apps have been developed by collaborators:"

App Smackdown - 18 views

    "Great apps for educators and some just for fun too! In true "smackdown" fashion we will continue to add the apps that we believe can be most helpful to educators as we discover them. So follow the boards and Get HappY!"

10 Incredible iPad Apps for Education - The Next Web - 14 views

    "The tablet market has paved the way for educational resources in the form of slick, new apps, with text-books now being replaced by online downloadable versions of themselves. An array of stunning apps are at your disposal waiting to be exercised, so with this in mind, we decided to whittle down our top 10 iPad educational apps for students."

Appealing Apps for Educators: Screencasting Smackdown - Videos in the Classro... - 5 views

    "Video lessons have become the newest trend in education. From Khan Academy to iTunes University, more and more teachers are capturing instruction on video to "flip the classroom." Screencasting apps are cropping up right and left, allowing anyone to author their own digital content and become video instructors"

APPitic - 1,300+ EDUapps - 7 views

shared by Cyndi Danner-Kuhn on 12 Nov 11 - No Cached
Lisa DiGangi liked it
    a collection of 1,300 + apps for learning. APPitic is a directory of apps for education by Apple Distinguished Educators (ADEs) to help you transform teaching and learning. These apps have been tested in a variety of different grade levels, instructional strategies and classroom settings.

9 Great iPad Apps for Teachers - 44 views

    "The commonality between all of these apps is that they were designed with teachers in mind. They have a great educational value and can help educators perform a variety of tasks from tracking students behavior to creating to-do-lists. Also some of these apps are free and some are paid ."

Apple - Education - Apps - 16 views

    "Thousands of apps. Endless potential. With thousands of educational apps on the App Store, you put thousands of learning possibilities at your fingertips. Take a look at some of our favorite apps for learning."

ICTAC MEMO iPhone Apps for Education - 8 views

    ICTAC MEMO iPhone Apps for Education. eLearning iphone app ipodtouch ICTAC

Teacher Reboot Camp » Blog Archive » 18 Educational Apps for Halloween - 0 views

    "alloween is one of the most fun holidays. Kids love the spooky monsters, sounds, music, dances, treats, traditions, haunted houses, and costumes that surround the holiday. As an educator or parent that has an iPad, iPhone, or iPod you can capitalize on this time to help kids learn while celebrating the holiday. Here are free apps to help encourage math, literacy, and problem-solving skills. Some of the apps are just fun!"

Using Speech to Text Apps on your iPad - 18 views

    There are a number of apps that are available that let you record your voice in order to convert it to text. I find this helpful when I need to transcribe longer pieces or even if I need to transcribe multiple entries. This technology is not yet perfect but it has improved considerably since these apps first came on the market. The first time I tried these app I got about 30% of the words correct, that figure is now more like 85% and with some effort on your part can be as high as 95%. Even with the minor inconsistencies it is still a quicker way for me to do larger pieces of text. I find these good when I want to just get the text down for a piece that I will spend some time formatting later. These are great for students as well, especially those kids who display great verbal intelligence but struggle with the written word.
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