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John Evans

Top 20 Must-Have Educational iPhone & iPad Apps - List Of Must-Have Educational iPhone ... - 13 views

    "Today, we bring you 20 of the best and must-have educational apps for your iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch. These apps can be utilized for different levels of classes. Not only these apps educate the students effectively, but students also take keen interest in learning with help of mobile devices and apps. Nearly all of these apps have been recommended by teachers and educators. Come, let us have a look at these educational apps."
John Evans

Free Technology for Teachers: We Wants Apps - A Great Place to Find Educational iPad Apps - 5 views

    We Want Apps is a free iPad and iPhone app for discovering new apps for kids. I discovered We Want Apps on David Kapuler's blog and immediately gave it a try on my iPad. With We Want Apps installed on your iPad you can search for apps according to the age of your students, the platform (iPhone or iPad), and price (free or paid). After choosing your search criteria you will be given a list of apps. Click on an app in the search results list to read a detailed description of that app.
Cyndi Danner-Kuhn

How Do You Find Good Educational Apps? | MindShift - 11 views

    "There are a lot of amazing new educational apps out there, whether you're looking for native apps or Web apps, apps for your mobile phone, for your tablet, or for your laptop. There a number of app stores too where you can find and download them: Apple's iTunes and its Mac App Store, the Amazon Appstore, Google's Android Market, the Chrome Web Store, the Google Apps Marketplace, GetJar, and so on."
John Evans

TabTimes presents the best 100 iPad apps of 2011 | TabTimes - 13 views

    "Our publishing schedule for the best apps of the year will be: Sunday, December 25: 20 best iPad productivity apps Monday, December 26: 15 best iPad education and reference apps Tuesday, December 27: 10 best iPad healthcare apps Wednesday, December 28: 20 best iPad business apps Thursday, December 29: 15 best iPad news apps Friday, December 30: 20 best iPad utility apps"
John Evans

45+ Teacher Recommended Educational Apps : Teacher Reboot Camp - 32 views

    "Educators are beginning to see the potential of using mobile devices and apps for ongoing professional development as well as to improve literacy and cognitive development for learners. Apps are equipped with several features that motivate learners to create stories, presentations, and projects that are hands-on and use their creativity as well as their critical thinking skills. Once an app is downloaded, many features can be accessed without an Internet connection. Educators can also use various apps at conferences to connect with other educators or capture a presentation. Below are the various apps nominated by teachers for an Edublog Award so they must be worth checking out. Each has a link and a description. Make sure to check out the Edublog Awards for blogs, wikis, and web tools that teachers worldwide have recommended."
John Evans

Apps in Education: 1000 Recommended Apps Sorted by Subject Area - 2 views

    "With more than 500,000 apps available for use on the iPad, which ones are best for education? TCEA (Texas Computer Education Association) helps by testing and recommending great apps for the classroom. They regularly try out new apps and list those that make the grade in the shared document available here for iPad. Apps are categorized into 46 different subject areas and 14 different personal use areas. Apps that are free are listed in white. "
John Evans

iPad Ed: Which Apps are Best? | eSpark - 20 views

    "The app store contains over 100,000 educational apps. Here at eSpark, we've identified the very best of these apps, narrowing to approximately 750 unique apps that appear in our curriculum. From there, we refine even further, identifying particular sets of 8-10 apps that meet individual student needs. So how exactly do we approach the daunting task of combing through thousands of apps to find those that are truly the best?"
John Evans

15 iPad Apps to Enhance Students Creativity ~ Educational Technology and Mobile Learning - 17 views

    "I am revisiting this topic of enhancing students creativity using iPad apps for the second time this year. Almost 10 months ago I featured here in Educational Technology and Mobile Learning a selection of some great apps that can be used in class to boost students creative thinking; and today and after having reviewed hundred of new educational apps since that post, I decided to compile an updated version of that list and include some newly featured apps in the category of creativity. Of course by creativity I mean giving students the chance to take their learning to the next step, one in which they are active producers and participators in knowledge building. Creativity is all about creation and iPad is an ideal device to support this creative thinking. Check out the apps I have handpicked for you today and share with us if you have other suggestions :"
John Evans

Dear App Developers…. - Teachers with Apps - 3 views

    "We know that apps are here to stay. Schools are jumping on board quicker than you can say, "WOW!" Our request? Please look at the gaps in education, as far as apps are concerned. ABC and Math apps are covered! How about some apps that address the various skills involved in reading, social studies, history, science, health, nutrition and physical education. There is a definite need for apps that cover content"
John Evans

What Would You Pay for a Great Educational App? | MindShift - 5 views

    "But there's one thing app users have discovered: there are apps and there are apps. Some will invariably be single-function duds. At $1, it's not much of a risk (though it does add up if apps are indiscriminately charged). The bigger question is this: Would consumers (parents) be willing to make the ideological jump to paying more for a quality educational app? Maybe - if they knew what goes into making it."
John Evans

7 Learning Apps You should not Miss - 39 views

    "However, here in Educational Technology and Mobile Learning we have a particular focus on iOS apps that work on iPad and we have been featuring some great learning apps pertaining to different subject matters, from Math to Arts and Drawing . Our purpose is to help educators put their hands on the proper educational apps to use with students. We have also compiled another list of new learning apps which you can check below :"
Peggy George

Gomeric Hill: My Latest Favorite Apps for iPhone - Part 2-Karen Montgomery - 0 views

    As I continue to explore new apps on my iPhone, I am striving to post about two types of apps each time: a game or fun app and one that is educational or increases productivity in some fashion. Also, I plan to highlight one free and one purchased app each time.
    Always great to find recommendations for iPhone apps from other educators. Liz Kolb mentioned Karen Montgomery in her recent radio show and Karen is sharing her favorites on her blog. Intrigued by Yummy which is a free bookmark manager that allows you to search Delicious and add/edit bookmarks from iPhone. Just wish it worked with Diigo too!
John Evans

Apps in Education: 10 Animation Apps - 17 views

    "I have blogged previously about the power of apps that tell stories as an educational activity. It stimulates higher order thinking skills, it provides opportunities for reflection and it enriches the learning experience for our students. So here I have listed apps that allow your students to create animations. I love the simplicity with which animations allow difficult concepts to be easily explained. These apps provide you with another set of tools to enhance your students learning."
Mu He

100+ iPad Apps Perfect for High School/Middle School - 16 views

  • If you’re a student, teacher, or administrator at a high school looking into adopting iPads for educational purposes, it’s important to know that the iPad is more than just an easy way to browse the web or visit the app store. Edudemic has published three featured articles on the best iPad apps for the classroom over the last month or so. These are invaluable lists for educators, students and parents. These apps obviously overlap but I thought it might be a good idea to put a link to all three of these articles for those people that share one ipad for multiple users.
    " 65+ iPad Apps Perfect For Elementary School"
John Evans

Apps in Education: Apps for Children with Special Needs - 12 views

    "This is a great site for locating apps for special needs education. a4cwsn is committed to helping the families and carers of children with special needs and the wider community of educators and therapists who support them, by producing videos that demonstrate how products designed to educate children and build their life skills really work from a user perspective. They have an easy to use apps index. "
John Evans

Apps in Education: Gifting an App - 4 views

    "As a individual consumer with an iTunes account you would normally buy one app and load it onto all of your iOS devices. As a school you need to ensure that you buy one app per device to ensure that you do not break the iTunes licensing agreement. The situation is even more complicated if you are using the device with multiple users, but that's another story. There are three or four viable ways you can do this, each of them have their advantages and pitfalls. The main ways of distributing apps include;"
John Evans

Five apps to entertain and educate your toddlers | TUAW - The Unofficial Apple Weblog - 11 views

    "Instead of continuing to buy cheap learning toys that break, my husband and I decided to use an iPad or an iPod touch filled with educational apps for our younger ones. In an earlier post, I listed five apps for the pre-school group. Now, I will list five of my favorite apps appropriate for toddlers (18 months to three-years-old). If you have any recommendations, please add them in the comments."
John Evans

A List of Great Google Apps for your iPad - 15 views

    "So you are looking fog Google best apps for iOS ? Well you landed in the right place. I have just finished compiling and reviewing a bunch of Google apps that you can use on your iPad. All of these apps work perfectly well and can have some educational value as well."
John Evans

Even More Fabulous Free Apps - Teachers with Apps - 13 views

    "Even More Fabulous, Free Apps is a continuation from an earlier post by TWA of More Fabulous, Free Apps. Finding great educational apps that are free, is not all that easy."
John Evans

Apps in Education: iPad Apps for the Visually Impaired Kids in your Class - 4 views

    " is one of those places that I go to for quick and easy lists of apps that complete specific tasks. These guys put a lot of time and effort into making these lists and often categorise apps within the lists. They always start with an Overview of what the apps do and then list them in categories; Essential, Notable, Decent and then others. "
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