member since 2008-06-17
Isabelle Jones
I am a Head of Languages in a large 11-16 multicultural comprehensive school in the North West of England. I currently teach French and Spanish but I have also taught German and EFL (EAL) in the past. I am also a qualified translator/ interpreter (ESUCA, Toulouse)
member since 2008-06-18
Dr. Fridemar Pache
Background: mathematics, computerscience (phd), classical music, later blues-oriented jazz in private groups. Looking for peers to realize animated MathSongs, sharing joy, work and income in virtual reality and beyond... Preferences: social networking, yoga, meditation, swimming, wandering, raw ...
member since 2008-06-18
member since 2014-02-02
member since 2012-10-30
member since 2012-11-13
member since 2010-01-25
member since 2009-08-20
explore Annenberg
explore™ (http://explore.org) is a multimedia organization that documents leaders around the world who have devoted their lives to extraordinary causes. Both educational and inspirational, explore creates a portal into the soul of humanity by championing the selfless acts of others.
member since 2009-07-24
member since 2009-07-17
member since 2008-10-10
member since 2008-06-19
member since 2008-06-17
member since 2015-09-17
Group Members
14 members total, 0 receiving alerts immediately, 6 receiving alerts daily, and 3 receiving alerts weekly.