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How to Create and Restore System Image Backups on Windows 8.1? - 0 views

    Now, you can easily create and restore a system image backup without using third party tools. This is something interesting for system administrators.
Mashi Rozan


    Leslie Jean Porter is an award winning producer, director and writer. She communicates, not only in film, but also through her paintings, costumes and photographs.
Zaid Mark

Some Distinguishing Features of Windows 8 - 0 views

    Windows 8 slots in hundreds of new features to amuse and even amaze its users. It has been now quite a while since its release; the reviewers are still exploring and coming up with all new gears of this operating system. This text furthermore, focuses on the lately suggested tips and tweaks to personalize this OS to a higher extent.

INFOGRAPHIC: 8 Top Tips To Boost Your Learning - 0 views

  • ques. Each one has well documented evidence based results behind them and are easy to implement.   x—–x—–x—–x—–x Written by our Guest Blogger, Arun Pradhan Arun Pradhan has over 17 years’ experience in digital and blended learning. He currently works as the lead solution designer for DeakinPrime, helping to deliver 70:20:10 inspired performance solutions for some of Australia’s largest telcos, retailers, banks and insurers.   In his spare time Arun runs a blog about the neuroscience of learning & creativity entitled ‘Your Incredible Brain’; is an award winning fiction writer; an avid cartoonist; and is currently developing an app business to be launched in 2016. x—–x—–x—–x—–x Copyright of posts written by our Guest Bloggers are their own. Published on 30-Nov-2015    Subscribe to 'The Learnnovators Blog' by Email
    Work smarter and make learning stick with these eight simple techniques. Each one has well documented evidence based results behind them and are easy to implement.
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