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Peter Vojtek

10 ways to be a faster code reviewer - 2 views

    Vyborne tipy, nielen z hladiska review, napr. body 1 a 4.
Michal Holub

Non-Alphanumeric Ruby for Fun and Not Much Else - 0 views

    programovanie v Ruby bez pismen :)
Peter Vojtek

Spritz - to change the way people read - 3 views

    nelinearne citanie na ktore staci maly displej. tie ukazky na stranke posobia dost presvedcivo.
Michal Holub

The three biggest workplace distractions - 1 views

    - " seems most office workers would rather be in an office..." - "...89% -- said they are most productive when working alone"
Michal Holub

The 15 best gems for ruby on rails web applications - 0 views

    pekny zoznam uzitocnych gemov aj so strucnym popisom - vela veci urobil uz niekto pred nami, a tak netreba znovu vynachadzat koleso

JRuby - The Pain of Broken Subprocess Management on JDK - 1 views

    I prefer to write happy posts...I really do. But tonight I'm completely defeated by the JDK's implementation of subprocess launching, and I need to tell the world why. JRuby has always strived to mimic MRI's behavior as much as possible, which in many cases has meant we need to route around the JDK to get at true POSIX APIs and behaviors.
Michal Holub

Apache Apollo 1.0 Released! - 0 views

    vylepseny ActiveMQ s "radically different threading architecture which lets it scale to large number of concurrent connections and destinations while using a constant number of threads"
Stano Bocinec

New Method For Analysing Fingerprints Uses Tiny Patterns Of Sweat - 2 views

    Fingerprints, as most of us know, are composed of whorls, loops and arches. But keep zooming in, and you'll find tiny, tiny sweat pores arranged in patterns equally unique. Scientists in Korea have found a new way to map those pores that could help identify decade-old fingerprint fragments.
Michal Holub

TDD is dead. Long live testing. (DHH) - 3 views

    priamo od tvorcu Rails "... I rarely unit test in the traditional sense of the word, where all dependencies are mocked out..."
Peter Vojtek

Android app: ICE Unlock Fingerprint Scanner - 0 views

    namiesto skeneru pouziva kameru. funguje to, ale je to dost nepohodlne.
Stano Bocinec

Ruby Security Have You Not! - Hakiri - 0 views

    The first metric I was wondering about is the distribution of gems in Gemfiles. How many gems does a common Ruby developer use in their projects? The numbers are somewhat expected: the average number of gems per Gemfile is 113.08 with the standard deviation of 52.19.... The next question I had was how many of those gems contain at least one vulnerability? The numbers are staggering! 1,333 Gemfiles, or 66% of the total, are affected! I definitely didn't expect that two thirds of all projects would contain at least one publicly known vulnerability.
Jozef Fulop

How to be an open source gardener - 0 views

    I do a lot of work on open source, but my most valuable contributions haven't been code. Writing a patch is the easiest part of open source. The truly hard stuff is all of the rest: bug trackers, mailing lists, documentation, and other management tasks. Here's some things I've learned along the way...
Peter Vojtek

Gemalto Coesys Border Management - 0 views

    gemalto uz uspesne rebrandovalo riesenia od avalonu
Peter Vojtek

Počet výherných automatov je na osemročnom minime - 1 views

    co na to casis?
Jozef Fulop

The Twelve-Factor App - 1 views

    In the modern era, software is commonly delivered as a service: called web apps, or software-as-a-service. The twelve-factor app is a methodology for building software-as-a-service apps that: - Use declarative formats for setup automation, to minimize time and cost for new developers joining the project; - Have a clean contract with the underlying operating system, offering maximum portability between execution environments; - Are suitable for deployment on modern cloud platforms, obviating the need for servers and systems administration; - Minimize divergence between development and production, enabling continuous deployment for maximum agility; - And can scale up without significant changes to tooling, architecture, or development practices. The twelve-factor methodology can be applied to apps written in any programming language, and which use any combination of backing services (database, queue, memory cache, etc).
Peter Vojtek

Git Source Code Review - 3 views

    toto nie je citanie pre tych co chcu lepsie rozumiet gitu z pouzivatelskeho hladiska, ale je to vyborne citanie o tom, ako sa robi zaujimava softverova architektura.
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