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India UID based time attendance system - 0 views

    Fingera pre indickych uradnikov

Introducing Inspeqtor | Mike Perham - 1 views

    I've written server-side applications for a decade now, and monitoring the components of your application is critical but painful. What monitors the CPU and RAM usage of your custom daemons? What monitors Redis, MySQL, memcached and the other parts of your system to ensure they are all behaving normally? What if I told you you could do all that and set it up in less than 5 minutes?

Father.IO - The First Person Shooter in Real Life - 1 views

shared by Stano Bocinec on 01 Oct 14 - No Cached
    na najblizsom teambuildingu by sme si mohli zahrat tuto novu alternativu k ingressu, ak sa to dovtedy uvolni :)

Decorellated Errors and Meetings - 1 views

    uryvok z knizky Thinking, Fast and Slow od D. Kahnemana: "The principle of independent judgments (and decorrelated errors) has immediate applications for the conduct of meetings, an activity in which executives in organizations spend a great deal of their working days. A simple rule can help: before an issue is discussed, all members of the committee should be asked to write a very brief summary of their position. This procedure makes good use of the value of the diversity of knowledge and opinion in the group. The standard practice of open discussion gives too much weight to the opinions of those who speak early and assertively, causing others to line up behind them."

SymbolHound: Search Better. Code Better. - 2 views

    SymbolHound is a search engine that doesn't ignore special characters. This means you can easily search for symbols like &, %, and π. We hope SymbolHound will help programmers find information about their chosen languages and frameworks more easily. Example searches: === javascript scala => lisp #' ruby $$

I was just asked to crack a program in a job interview - 1 views

    + part 2 zaujimavy kratky clanok o crackovani neznameho programu.

Morpho Finger On the Fly - contactless four finger scanner - 2 views

    pekne video, ale podla mna to bude nepouzitelne bez supervisora - dizajnovo z toho nie je vobec zrejme ze je to contactless, intuitivne nie je zrejme co mas s spravit s rukou, a tak tam budu ludia prikladat prsty na opticku plochu a to bude degradovat kvalitu..
    myslis, ze je dolezita vlastnost, aby to bolo pouzitelne bez supervisora? ja som vzdy na uradoch, ci letiskach daval odtlacky len so supervizorom. ale inak na prezentacii to vyzera pekne, pripomina mi to susiaky mokrych ruk Dyson :)

MasterCard reveals biometrics payment success - 0 views

    > The results were very exciting, yielding a successful verification rate of 98%, mixing a combination of voice and facial recognition." ja by som to povazoval za "fail a nie "success". FRR je 2% pri neznamom FAR a pritom pouzivaju dve biometricke modality. > The firm said that the process took under 10 seconds a je to zufalo pomale..

They Write the Right Stuff - 1 views

    the last three versions of the program -- each 420,000 lines long-had just one error each. The last 11 versions of this software had a total of 17 errors. Commercial programs of equivalent complexity would have 5,000 errors. Take the upgrade of the software to permit the shuttle to navigate with Global Positioning Satellites, a change that involves just 1.5% of the program, or 6,366 lines of code. The specs for that one change run 2,500 pages, a volume thicker than a phone book. The specs for the current program fill 30 volumes and run 40,000 pages.

Face Recognition SDK od Nikonu - 1 views

    ale vyzera ze tam tie stvorceky boli dokreslene rucne..

hinduisticky král Hunuman zaregistrovany do Undia UID - 0 views

    Na existenci průkazu se přišlo ve chvíli, kdy se poštovní doručovatel pokusil doklad donést příjemci, ale na dané adrese ve státě Rádžasthán žádného Hanumána nenašel. Když se podíval na fotografii, došlo mu, že jde patrně o žert. Není zatím jasné, komu patří sken duhovky a otisk prstu na průkazu.

ChatGrape - Intelligent chat that makes your team communication twice as fast - 1 views

    keby niekto k tomu spravil plugin do produktov od Atlassianu, tak by to bolo zaujimave. v kazdom pripade, na chatovanie mi pride cokolvek lepsie nez Skype.
    Tiez ma ten Skype nenadchyna... Atlassian ma vlastne riesenie na chat: HipChat.

Ruby's Unary Operators and How to Redefine Their Functionality - 0 views

    Rubysti: nieco o unarnych operatoroch a ako ich (re)definovat.

What Does an Idle CPU Do? - 1 views

    In the last post I said the fundamental axiom of OS behavior is that at any given time, exactly one and only one task is active on a CPU. But if there's absolutely nothing to do, then what?

Protesters Storm, Burn Burkina Faso Parliament - 0 views

    ktovie ako sa dari nasim serverom..
    tiez som vcera pozeral, celkom to tam iskri. snad sa to tam uplne nerozducha, bolo by skoda dalsieho nasilia, aj serverov.

Why You Should Organize Your Workspace Like a Chef - 0 views

    nejako mi to pripomenulo dnesne zufale pokusy stiahnut nejake data zo serveru v malawi: The ten minutes you spent planning will save 30 minutes later in the day when you don't have to spend the time shuffling through the papers on your desk, looking for that one thing you misplaced. Think like a chef: Put everything in its place today, and watch your workflow speed up to five-star quality.

A Virtual Conference for Developers - 1 views

    Vystúpi tam množstvo veľmi zaujímavých speakerov. Napr. tvorcovia UML, Ruby on Rails, Google Glass, GNU Bash shell, wiki, TDD, agile a mnoho ďalších.

Ruby in your shell - 3 views

shared by Peter Vojtek on 12 Nov 14 - No Cached

Zawinski's law of software envelopment - 0 views

    Every program attempts to expand until it can read mail. Those programs which cannot so expand are replaced by ones which can.

The Anti-Dashboard Manifesto - 0 views

    It's not useful to reserve a portion of my screen for displaying which applications are running, as the things that are running are visible and the things that aren't visible can be found when necessary. There's no need for an icon displaying wifi status; if I'm connected it's uninteresting and if I'm not connected I'll surely discover it if I attempt to use the internet.
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