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Contents contributed and discussions participated by Peter Vojtek

Peter Vojtek

a filmmaker travels to Ghana to find out what happens to our old electronics (video) - 1 views

    In "The Electronic Afterlife," filmmaker Alex Gorosh travels to the Republic of Ghana suburb Agbogbloshie, the world's largest dump site for electronic waste, to find out what happens after we throw out our devices. uz pred prvou navstevou ghany som vedel o tom slume Agbogbloshie, ale na mieste som nenasiel odvahu sa tam ist pozriet..tak aspon takto :)
Peter Vojtek

One Hacker Way (video) - 0 views

    excentricky clovek tam zabavnym sposobom vysvetluje preco si mysli ze agilny pristup a TDD su zlo a namiesto toho treba uprednostnit "the hacker way". zaujala ma jeho poznamka na zaver - ze sami programatori musia byt ochotni zaplatit vela za softver ktory pouzivaju, lebo inak tym hovoria, ze ani ich vlastna praca nema hodnotu.
Peter Vojtek

The Ruby C API - 0 views

    The official Ruby interpreter is written in C. That means that everything you can do in Ruby, you can also do using function calls to Ruby's C API.
Peter Vojtek

Paradoxes of Software Architecture - 0 views

    Making everything easy to change makes the entire system very complex. Technical debt is a metaphor developed by Ward Cunningham, who uses the term to describe the design tradeoffs we make in order to meet schedules and customer expectations.
Peter Vojtek

How to Take the 'Cult' Out of Your Company Culture - 2 views

    By taking the leader's opinions as fact, your company may grow so rigid that innovation becomes impossible.
Peter Vojtek

Protesters Storm, Burn Burkina Faso Parliament - 0 views

    ktovie ako sa dari nasim serverom..
Peter Vojtek

India UID based time attendance system - 0 views

    Fingera pre indickych uradnikov
Peter Vojtek

Decorellated Errors and Meetings - 1 views

    uryvok z knizky Thinking, Fast and Slow od D. Kahnemana: "The principle of independent judgments (and decorrelated errors) has immediate applications for the conduct of meetings, an activity in which executives in organizations spend a great deal of their working days. A simple rule can help: before an issue is discussed, all members of the committee should be asked to write a very brief summary of their position. This procedure makes good use of the value of the diversity of knowledge and opinion in the group. The standard practice of open discussion gives too much weight to the opinions of those who speak early and assertively, causing others to line up behind them."
Peter Vojtek

Morpho Finger On the Fly - contactless four finger scanner - 2 views

    pekne video, ale podla mna to bude nepouzitelne bez supervisora - dizajnovo z toho nie je vobec zrejme ze je to contactless, intuitivne nie je zrejme co mas s spravit s rukou, a tak tam budu ludia prikladat prsty na opticku plochu a to bude degradovat kvalitu..
Peter Vojtek

MasterCard reveals biometrics payment success - 0 views

    > The results were very exciting, yielding a successful verification rate of 98%, mixing a combination of voice and facial recognition." ja by som to povazoval za "fail a nie "success". FRR je 2% pri neznamom FAR a pritom pouzivaju dve biometricke modality. > The firm said that the process took under 10 seconds a je to zufalo pomale..
Peter Vojtek

They Write the Right Stuff - 1 views

    the last three versions of the program -- each 420,000 lines long-had just one error each. The last 11 versions of this software had a total of 17 errors. Commercial programs of equivalent complexity would have 5,000 errors. Take the upgrade of the software to permit the shuttle to navigate with Global Positioning Satellites, a change that involves just 1.5% of the program, or 6,366 lines of code. The specs for that one change run 2,500 pages, a volume thicker than a phone book. The specs for the current program fill 30 volumes and run 40,000 pages.
Peter Vojtek

Face Recognition SDK od Nikonu - 1 views

    ale vyzera ze tam tie stvorceky boli dokreslene rucne..
Peter Vojtek

hinduisticky král Hunuman zaregistrovany do Undia UID - 0 views

    Na existenci průkazu se přišlo ve chvíli, kdy se poštovní doručovatel pokusil doklad donést příjemci, ale na dané adrese ve státě Rádžasthán žádného Hanumána nenašel. Když se podíval na fotografii, došlo mu, že jde patrně o žert. Není zatím jasné, komu patří sken duhovky a otisk prstu na průkazu.
Peter Vojtek

ChatGrape - Intelligent chat that makes your team communication twice as fast - 1 views

    keby niekto k tomu spravil plugin do produktov od Atlassianu, tak by to bolo zaujimave. v kazdom pripade, na chatovanie mi pride cokolvek lepsie nez Skype.
Peter Vojtek

Odtlacok prstu na Vestonickej venusi - 0 views

    otisk je s největší pravděpodobností stopou dotyku dítěte starého tak jedenáct let.
Peter Vojtek

What We Do and Don't Know about Software Development Effort Estimation - 0 views

    In this article, author talks about how to improve the accuracy of software development effort estimations. He suggests to use relevant historical data improve estimation accuracy and to avoid early estimates based on incomplete information. He also discusses how to measure and predict productivity in software projects.
Peter Vojtek

Woman burns off fingerprints to avoid ID - 1 views

    "She studied a lot on how to get rid of them," fotky prstov nastastie nie su prilozene.
Peter Vojtek

Pouzitie odtlackov prstov za ery sovietskych Gulag-ov - 6 views

fingerprints identity gulag nkvd ussr
started by Peter Vojtek on 23 Jul 14 no follow-up yet
  • Peter Vojtek
    "When an escape took place, the NKVD would inform the local population, who understood the bounty system. It was enough to deliver to the authorities the escaped prisoner's right hand; identity was confirmed by comparing fingerprints. For each prisoner "returned," the reward was a sack of flour. Many died accidentally this way, many hunters, travelers, geologists."

    z knizky Ryszard Kapuscinski - Imperium
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