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Karl Wabst

Picking an anti-fraud team » Adotas - 0 views

    Online fraud is a $4 billion dollar a year industry. It grows as the unemployment rate increases and the jobless attempt to earn a living through whatever means necessary. Meanwhile, the Internet's footprint on the global economy and culture becomes larger every day. The expansion of fraud and the identification of this risk will create more jobs in the fields of compliance, risk management, and best practices. Who will fill these positions? For many companies looking to take action, the initial move will be to consolidate roles. Individuals in areas such as sales and marketing will absorb fraud identification, reporting, and prevention responsibilities. This will prove to be ineffective for the following reasons: 1. The sales and marketing staffs are not trained to identify fraud and they cannot keep up with the ever-changing tactics. 2. Associates are conflicted when faced with a fraud incident. They are not motivated to report fraud and their compensation structure dissuades them from reporting incidents. 3. Business goals are not aligned appropriately, which naturally moved fraud last on the priority list for the associates assigned the additional responsibilities. 4. While the internal attempt is made, no time is spent on partner due diligence and monitoring. Organizations will benefit in the long term by hiring dedicated staff. This tactic is one component of my company's Best Practice approach to doing business. My dedicated team helped realign business goals and create a culture that now embraces a higher set of standards and expectations. Staffing and training were the largest challenges I have faced in the last year. The positions were new, the skill set was specific, and as a result we received a dichotomous set of resumes. Applicants with online marketing experience had little to no experience with fraud, or they came from companies where more unscrupulous methods were used, and I was not confident those habits would be easily kicked. The app
Karl Wabst

Fighting Fraud and Saving Money » Adotas - 0 views

    The largest threat to online advertising is growing as the economy declines. More individuals will turn criminal, purchasing products or generating income through fraudulent means. Billions of dollars are stolen from businesses each year, and in 2009 companies will fight fraud with fewer resources.According to CyberSource, an estimated $4 billion dollars was lost to fraud in 2008 up from $3.7 billion in 2007, and 87% of merchants must fight fraud with the same or less staff in 2009. The increase in eCommerce fraud from 2007 to 2008 (and one can expect, in 2009) follows the advertisers' shift to spend more of their budget online. Much like crime statistics, one has to wonder how much fraud is not being reported because, among many reasons, commission-driven employees are not motivated or your company lacks resources.In early 2008, I was approached by our CEO to start a new division that would address our partners' fraud concerns-both real and perceived. He said, "I'm not going to lie to you. It's a SOB job." I was sold, and the Best Practices Division began.My team establishes best practices (measurable, repeatable events, processes, and procedures) and applies them internally and externally (to our partners' online marketing practices). At its core, best practices (BPs) are a set of standards that provide transparency and clear expectations of behavior and results to everyone involved in the business process. This accountability will drive the long-term performance of the online advertising industry while maintaining profitability without additional federal regulation.The BP approach can be applied to every business model and used to fight fraud-wherever you find it. Industry norm places the onus on the advertiser to successfully qualify inbound leads as well as identify fraudulent traffic. In the past, advertisers had only two options: become an online fraud expert, or hire a vendor.Only a small percentage of companies will be successful with the
Karl Wabst

Pack Rat Nation - Network World - 0 views

    As they play in the global information economy, U.S companies stash away more data than they can handle effectively. The six-part 2009 New Data Center series opens with a look at how they're coping with the escalating problem.
Karl Wabst

Nice Resume, I'd Prefer Your SS# - 0 views

    It is hard work looking for a job, Matt Sawyer said. "Well with the economy being down right now, it's pretty hard," said Sawyer. Like most job hunters, Matt is posting his resume on various online job sites. But you have to be careful when sending out your personal information over the Internet, privacy expert Pam Dixon said. "The problem is, if you don't use it correctly, it can come back to haunt you," she said. Dixon runs the World Privacy Forum and warns job hunters to be cautious with their personal information when posting their resume. "In fact any competent job site will give you the option of hiding your personal information," said Dixon. Scam artists have been known to steal personal information from resumes and use it to apply for credit. That is why Dixon said you should only include your first initial and last name, no full names, when writing your resume. She also said not to include your phone number or address. Dixon said you should create an email address that is temporary and just use it for your job search. Dixon said scam artist will even call people from their resume and ask for detailed information like a copy of their driver's license or social security number or even their credit card information. The scammers will claim it's for a background check but it's only to steal from the job seeker. Matt admits if he was approached for a job he might give away too much information. "I think when people first get that call and they're real excited about it, they might just jump into it and go ahead and do it," he said.
Karl Wabst

Obama Administration Outlines Cyber Security Strategy - Security FixSecurity Fix - 0 views

    The key points of the plan closely mirror recommendations offered late last year by a bipartisan commission of computer security experts, which urged then president-elect Obama to set up a high-level post to tackle cyber security, consider new regulations to combat cyber crime and shore up the security of the nation's most sensitive computer networks. The strategy, as outlined in a broader policy document on homeland security priorities posted on the Web site Wednesday, states the following goals: * Strengthen Federal Leadership on Cyber Security: Declare the cyber infrastructure a strategic asset and establish the position of national cyber advisor who will report directly to the president and will be responsible for coordinating federal agency efforts and development of national cyber policy. * Initiate a Safe Computing R&D Effort and Harden our Nation's Cyber Infrastructure: Support an initiative to develop next-generation secure computers and networking for national security applications. Work with industry and academia to develop and deploy a new generation of secure hardware and software for our critical cyber infrastructure. * Protect the IT Infrastructure That Keeps America's Economy Safe: Work with the private sector to establish tough new standards for cyber security and physical resilience. * Prevent Corporate Cyber-Espionage: Work with industry to develop the systems necessary to protect our nation's trade secrets and our research and development. Innovations in software, engineering, pharmaceuticals and other fields are being stolen online from U.S. businesses at an alarming rate. * Develop a Cyber Crime Strategy to Minimize the Opportunities for Criminal Profit: Shut down the mechanisms used to transmit criminal profits by shutting down untraceable Internet payment schemes. Initiate a grant and training program to provide federal, state, and local law enforcement agencies the tools they need to detect and prosecute cyber crime. *
Karl Wabst

Guidelines for Processing Personal Data Across Borders (January 2009) - 0 views

    The Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada (OPC) has developed these guidelines to explain how the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA) applies to transfers of personal information to a third party, including a third party operating outside of Canada, for processing. As the legislation itself states, PIPEDA is intended to "support and promote electronic commerce by protecting personal information that is collected, used or disclosed in certain circumstances…" This acknowledges that proper protection of personal information both facilitates and promotes commerce by building consumer confidence. Today's globally interdependent economy relies on international flows of information. These cross-border transfers do raise some legitimate concerns about where personal information is going as well as what happens to it while in transit and after it arrives at some foreign destination. Consumer confidence will be enhanced, and trust will be fostered, if consumers know that transfers of their personal information are governed by clear and transparent rules. There are different approaches to protecting personal information that is being transferred for processing. European Union member states have passed laws prohibiting the transfer of personal information to another jurisdiction unless the European Commission has determined that the other jurisdiction offers "adequate" protection for personal information.
Karl Wabst

Microsoft Study Finds Consumers Want Control Over Data -- Online Privacy -- Information... - 0 views

    The software vendor's commissioned research will be revealed during a panel discussion with leaders from the California Office of Privacy Protection, Intel, and MySpace. Wednesday, Jan. 28, 2009, is Data Privacy Day, and to mark the occasion, Microsoft is participating in a panel discussion in San Francisco with privacy experts from the California Office of Privacy Protection, the Center for Democracy and Technology, Intel (NSDQ: INTC), and MySpace. Better this week than last, when Heartland Payment Systems and disclosed major malware-driven data breaches that promise privacy headaches or worse for affected account holders. It is such incidents that worry Peter Cullen, Microsoft (NSDQ: MSFT)'s chief privacy strategist, because of the impact they can have on consumer trust. "Trust is becoming increasingly important," he said. That's why Data Privacy Day exists. Microsoft and other organizations recognize that without trust, the online economy only gets worse for everyone. Cullen explained that Data Privacy Day represents a global opportunity for organizations and individuals to come together to discuss how to better educate consumers about data privacy issues. One way to advance the discussion, Cullen said, was to commission some research, which Microsoft did in two cities, in California and Texas. "We wanted to understand how different segments of consumers, from teens to professionals to boomers, thought about privacy," he said. "There were some rather interesting results that came out of this." "Our hypothesis is that across these three segments, there would be different ways of thinking about these things," said Cullen. "We were really surprised to learn there's a large degree of similarity in the way people think about privacy."
Karl Wabst

Heartland: What We've Learned - 0 views

    It's funny. Was it just a month ago that we were enjoying the holiday respite, wondering what 2009 would have in store for us? Mind you, I didn't have any delusions. After the breaches, news events and regulatory issues of 2008, I didn't think we were going to turn the calendar page and emerge in a new world of a healthy economy and soaring consumer confidence. But neither did I think, four weeks later, we'd already have our first major security breach of the year - Heartland Payment Systems (HPY) and that it would so dominate our industry's attention. I get it, though, why we're so enamored of this case. It speaks to our biggest fears, first of all, that unknown electronic assailants can sneak into our systems and pry away our customers' names and critical information. Then there's the unknown enormity - we truly don't know how big this breach was. And, finally, it hits home. For you, the banking institution, you're the one left replacing your customers' cards and explaining why. For me, the banking customer ... well, mine is one of the banks doing the explaining. Needless to say, we're monitoring accounts closely. So, we were among the first to break the Heartland story when it first broke last Tuesday, and we've continued to follow it closely. After the initial media surge, where we saw news outlets and solutions providers tripping over one another to opine over what they think happened to Heartland and what it all means, here is what I believe we've learned so far from the case: 1) The Damage Goes Far Beyond the Breach. Heartland execs absolutely did the right thing by stepping forward last week and saying "We were breached," but the company has suffered for it ever since. The market responded to the news by gutting the company's value from over $14 per share last Tuesday to a low of just under $8 this week. Reputationally, you just can't measure the damage - Heartland is now synonymous with "breach," and that's a tough tag to shake. Unable to answer quest
Karl Wabst

2009 Legislation/Regulations Forecast - 0 views

    The new Obama Administration and a stronger Democratic party control of Congress set in the midst of a struggling economy and foreign policy issues, has created an interesting environment for legislation and regulations affecting customer interactions both federally and at state levels. While contact center-and-direct marketing-affecting issues such as offshoring, privacy, and telemarketing may haven been pushed offstage, they are not out of the hall. Ironically, economic pressures may shove them back into the spotlight as governments, especially states, seek ways to keep jobs and revenue sources, which contact centers provide. Federal Legislation Here is an examination of federal industry issues that lawmakers and regulators are and may be addressing in 2009: * Offshoring Federal lawmakers may reintroduce a bill similar to HR 1776, The Call Center Consumer's Right to Know Act, which would require contact center agents to disclose the physical location of such employee at the beginning of inbound and outbound calls. Firms would also have to annually certify to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC (News - Alert)) their compliance with such requirement. HR 1776 is an attempt to restrict offshoring by making customers aware that their calls may be going to or originating out of country. The bill's supporters hope customers and negative publicity would pressure firms to bring such jobs back to the U.S. The downsides are that such bills may significantly add to contact center costs in both onshoring and time spent location disclosing and in compliance, which would ultimately be paid for by consumers. In doing so bills like it that hike contact center expenses may also be self-defeating as they may result in fewer domestic jobs. "The particular type of disclosure contemplated by HR 1776 is a burdensome additional disclosure without clear benefit to the consumer," American Teleservices Association (ATA) CEO Tim Searcy told the House Energy and Commerce subcom
Karl Wabst

CQ Politics | A Battle Over Ads That Know Too Much About You - 0 views

    Some consumers say they like the way Internet retailers will suggest new purchases to them based on what they've bought previously. Others feel creeped out when a banner ad seems to know a bit too much about their Web surfing habits. It's called behavioral advertising, and it's central to the business success of all manner of Internet commerce, from bookstores to newspapers. The practice needs regulation, says Rep. Rick Boucher , the Virginia Democrat who chairs the House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Communications, Technology and the Internet. Boucher says legislation to protect consumer privacy online will spur people to surf more. But Internet advertising companies are not happy about regulation, especially because Boucher's plan would require, in some cases, that consumers agree in advance before their surfing habits could be tracked. Such an approach "would really be a sea change in the U.S. regulatory framework," says Mike Zaneis, vice president for public policy at the Interactive Advertising Bureau. Virtually all consumer protection laws, he says, permit people to opt out of solicitation, for instance, with a "do not call" registry. For the Internet, Congress has done almost nothing. "To suddenly move toward a draconian opt-in standard," he says, "would really be damaging not just to businesses but consumers." Zaneis, whose group includes such news heavyweights as the New York Times Co. and Conde Nast Publications, says now is not the time to upend Internet companies' business models, right when the economy is in the tank and print advertising is drying up. He argues further that new Web browsers make the issue moot by giving consumers the ability to easily block the electronic "cookies" that track their online movements. The issue promises to be a lobbying extravaganza. Last year, when the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) was developing self-regulatory guidelines for Web companies engaging in behavioral advertising, it
Karl Wabst

FTC plans regulations for online marketing - - 0 views

    The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) is planning to regulate online viral marketing that uses blogs and social networking sites. Marketers are spending billions worldwide to get the endorsements of key bloggers and groups on social networking sites. One tactic, used by Microsoft and others, is to send products to bloggers on 'long-term loans' on the understanding that they will comment about them on their sites. AdvertisementUnder the new regulations being proposed, such bloggers would be legally liable if they make untrue statements about the products or services. The companies too would face sanctions. "This impacts every industry and almost every single brand in our economy, and that trickles down into social media," Anthony DiResta, an attorney representing several advertising associations, told The Financial Times. This is the first revision of the rules on this kind of advertising by the FTC since 1980 and is needed, according to the organisation, because new forms of communication have opened up new fields to marketing. "The guides needed to be updated to address not only the changes in technology, but the consequences of new marketing practices," said Richard Cleland, assistant director for the FTC's division of advertising practices. " Word-of-mouth marketing is not exempt from the laws of truthful advertising." Advertisers are resisting the changes, however, which threaten a highly effective form of marketing new products and services. "Regulating these developing media too soon may have a chilling effect on blogs and other forms of viral marketing, as bloggers and other viral marketers will be discouraged from publishing content for fear of being held liable for any potentially misleading claim," Richard O'Brien, vice president of the American Association of Advertising Agencies, said in an advisory to the FTC.
Karl Wabst

FTC plans online marketing rules - FierceCIO - 0 views

    The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) is getting tough on online viral marketing using blogs and other social networking sites. The proposed rules would make bloggers legally liable if they make untrue statements about products or services. Companies would face sanctions, too, if they use blogs and social networking sites to make untrue claims. "This impacts every industry and almost every single brand in our economy, and that trickles down into social media," Anthony DiResta, an attorney representing several advertising associations, told The rules have been a long time coming. It's the first revision of the FTC's advertising rules since 1980. New kinds of marketing have sprouted in the last 30 years, but this is the first time the FTC is paying attention to these kinds of advertising practices. Not everyone agrees that this is a good idea. Richard O'Brien, vice-president of the American Association of Advertising Agencies, told the website, "Regulating these developing media too soon may have a chilling effect on blogs and other forms of viral marketing, as bloggers and other viral marketers will be discouraged from publishing content for fear of being held liable for any potentially misleading claim."
Karl Wabst

Internet Ad Group: Pols Should Be Careful With Privacy Rules - Business Center - PC World - 0 views

    Behavioral targeting is not bad as a concept but advertisers would have the public opt-in by default without knowing what is being collected and what it is being used for. On the other hand not many in the public seem very concerned about this subject.
    The Internet contributes about US$300 billion a year to the U.S. economy, and U.S. lawmakers should be careful about tinkering with the advertising-supported Internet content model in the name of privacy, the Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) said. An IAB-commissioned study by two Harvard University professors, released Wednesday, found that 1.2 million U.S. residents are directly employed in Internet-related jobs, and another 1.9 million U.S. jobs support those Internet workers. IAB released the study Wednesday, as 30 publishers of small Web sites converged on Washington, D.C., to urge U.S. lawmakers to avoid passing legislation that would harm their ad-supported business models. Chief among those publishers' concern was talk in the U.S. Congress about requiring Web sites to gain opt-in permission from users before tracking their Web habits as a way to deliver personalized advertising to them. Many users wouldn't give the permission, and without offering targeted advertising, many small Web sites could fold, some small publishers said. Small Web publishers and sellers "are the face of small business" in the U.S. in recent years, said Susan Martin, publisher of, a home improvement site.
Karl Wabst

Obama: Hope and Change for IT? - IT Management - 0 views

    How will Barack Obama's administration affect IT spending in the trenches, where technology decision makers are dealing with strapped budgets and a shaky economy? President Barack Obama's official campaign Web site is a model of how 21st century technology tools can boost a candidate's popularity, building significant buzz via blogs, IM applications and e-merchandising. And Obama's campaign wasn't confined to his own site either, because he chose to expand his presence on social networking sites like Facebook, MySpace, Eons and BlackPlanet. His images and words also constantly popped up at outlets such as Flickr, Digg and YouTube. All these efforts made Obama an accessible, immediate and appealing figure to both younger voters and older ones who regularly connect to the Internet. Ultimately, they energized his campaign and helped secure a decisive victory for the nation's first African-American president. Certainly, Obama enters the White House with a reputation as one of the most-if not the most-tech-savvy chief executives ever. For starters, he's created the position of a federal chief technology officer to oversee the future of information technology for government agencies.
Karl Wabst

Signs of the Times: Threats on MySpace, rabbits in the pot | Reuters - 0 views

    The global recession manifests itself in big and small ways, most gloomy, some quirky and often reflecting the inventive human spirit. Here is a look at some signs of the times. * With record defaults on consumer loans, collection agencies in the United States are going to extra lengths to recover the money. Illinois resident and Mercedes driver James Ricobene says an agency hired by JP Morgan Chase left a post on his daughter's MySpace page threatening action that could lead to prison, unless she contacted the agency within five days about its efforts to repossess her father's car. Ricobene has sued the collection agency and JP Morgan for libel, fraud and invasion of privacy.
Karl Wabst

Survey: Financial crisis fuels identity theft fears - SC Magazine US - 0 views

    Most Americans believe the world financial crisis has increased their risk of identity theft or related crimes, according to the latest Unisys Security Index. The biannual survey of consumers in nine countries found that more than two-thirds of Americans are "extremely or very concerned" about other people obtaining and using their credit or debit card details -- with 90 percent at least "somewhat concerned." In addition, computer security remains a major concern. More than 40 percent of Americans are extremely or very concerned about security in relation to viruses or unsolicited emails. Three-quarters of Americans believe that the world financial crisis will increase the risk that they will personally experience identity theft or related crimes. More than one-quarter believe that the risk will increase substantially. "Financial security for Americans has moved from third place to front and center, number one," Tim Kelleher, vice president of enterprise security at Unisys, provider of information technology consulting services, told Monday. "People feel they are much more financially at risk." This has major implications for banks and other financial institutions, as well as internet businesses, he said. "Banks and businesses need to understand that customers are more wary than ever about using services that may compromise their personal data," Kelleher said. "If economic concerns increase these fears, companies need new strategies to strengthen customer confidence through accountability and transparency, which also plays to part of the Obama administration's call to action for government and business." The U.S. Security Index is based on a random telephone survey of 1,004 persons ages 18 and over. The first wave of the study was conducted in August 2007.
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Karl Wabst

Self-Regulation Shouldn't Be Advertising's Best-Kept Secret - Advertising Age - Rance C... - 0 views

    As if you needed another sign that times are tough, here's a fairly reliable measure: The number of cases handled by the advertising industry's best-kept secret -- self-regulation -- are on the rise. Last year the National Advertising Division of the Council of Better Business Bureaus handled 214 cases, up 22% from 2007. And in 2008 ad challenges, in which one advertiser challenges a competitor's claim, rose 31% to 81 cases. Why the increased activity? It's a deadly fight for share of market out there, and in down times advertisers tend to revert to hard-hitting comparative advertising. NAD's purpose is to substantiate these kinds of attack ads, and it can do it faster and cheaper than litigation can. The Federal Trade Commission seems to like the idea of letting advertisers settle their own disputes. When the National Advertising Review Council, the body that sets the policies and procedures for the NAD to enforce, started 38 years ago, then-FTC Chairman Bob Pitofsky wasn't an early convert. "If the truth be known," he said 10 years ago, "there was some skepticism about how the whole thing would work. The FTC had been burned time and time again by unkept promises of self-regulation by other industries. But this group has proved the skeptics wrong. Today, advertising has the best self-regulatory system of any industry in the country." The outgoing chairman of the FTC, William Kovacic, is also a fan. But the current crop of FTC commissioners don't seem as convinced, although they seem somewhat willing to give self-regulation a chance. In issuing guidelines for online behavioral advertising, FTC Commissioner Jon Leibowitz said the industry needs to do a better job of "meaningful, rigorous self-regulation, or it will certainly invite legislation by Congress and a more regulatory approach by our commission."A joint industry task force quickly seized on that statement as an endorsement for self-regulation, and said it supported FTC's goal of a "comprehensive and eff
Karl Wabst

Human Error Cited As Greatest Security Risk -- Security -- InformationWeek - 0 views

    In Deloitte's sixth annual Global Security Survey, people are the problem. "[P]eople continue to be an organization's greatest asset as well as its greatest worry," Adel Melek, global leader of security and privacy services at Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu, said in the report. "That has not changed from 2007. What has changed is the environment. The economic meltdown was not at its peak when respondents took this survey. If there was ever an environment more likely to facilitate an organization's people being distracted, nervous, fearful, or disgruntled, this is it. To state that security vigilance is even more important at a time like this is an understatement." On one level, that couldn't be more obvious: It's not as if anyone worries about squirrels hacking servers; security has always been about people. (Robots, the report says, are unlikely to replace the human workforce during the lifetime of anyone reading the report. Finally, some good employment news.) Yet despite the obviousness of the problem, the obvious solution -- complete denial of access -- doesn't work. People use computers and computers are more useful when connected and it just gets worse from there. That may explain why identity and access management remained top of mind for survey respondents. Deloitte's survey, drawn from major financial companies around the globe, focuses on governance, investment, risk, use of security technologies, quality of operations, and privacy. It includes some good news -- external breaches have declined sharply over the past year -- and troublesome news -- fewer companies say they have the commitment and funding to address regulatory compliance. In terms of risk, specifically information systems failure, people are identified as the most significant vulnerability. "Human error is overwhelmingly stated as the greatest weakness this year (86%), followed by technology (a distant 63%)," the report states. It attributes the rising risk to increased adoption of new techno
Karl Wabst

Paper: Consumer Data Helps Fuel Internet Economy - PC World - 0 views

    Online targeted advertising and the collection of consumer data are the fuel of Internet commerce, not the major privacy problems described by some advocates and U.S. lawmakers, according to a new paper. "The use of such data permits firms to target their marketing messages to consumers' interests, pays for a wealth of content on the Internet, and helps protect consumers from a variety of online threats," said the paper, released Monday by the Technology Policy Institute (TPI), an antiregulation think tank. "It forms the basis for many of the business models that are fueling the growth of the Internet." Privacy groups want a "free lunch" online, with strong privacy controls that make it tougher for advertising to work online, the paper said. "Privacy advocates have provided little detail on the benefits of more privacy and have typically ignored the costs or trade-offs associated with increasing privacy," the paper said. Data collection delivers ads that people want and that advertising pays for a multitude of free services online, said the paper, co-authored by TPI President Thomas Lenard and Emory University law and economics professor Paul Rubin.
Karl Wabst

Technology, Media and Telecommunications Industries Spending on Security and Privacy De... - 0 views

  • Companies in the technology, media and telecommunications industries (TMT) significantly reduced investment in security spending in 2008, according to a new survey from Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu. The third edition of the Deloitte TMT Global Security Survey reveals that 32 percent of respondents reduced their information security budgets, while 60 percent of respondents believe they are "falling behind" or still "catching up" to their security threats -- a significant increase from 49 percent over the previous year. "This year's results indicate companies are explicitly scaling back. With funding decreasing and the threats increasing, it is more important than ever for TMT companies to be highly cost efficient in addressing their security risks," said Irfan Saif, a principal in Deloitte & Touche LLP's Audit and Enterprise Risk Services practice. "Companies that do not have a sound understanding of their security risk profile, or who under-invest in security now, may find themselves exposed to significant and increasingly sophisticated threats that they are not equipped to mitigate." With the proliferation of digitized assets, security should claim a significant portion of a company's overall IT budget. However, only 6 percent of respondents allocate 7 percent or more of their total budget to IT security. This year represents a significant decline from the previous edition of the survey, which showed that 36 percent of the respondents allocated 7 percent or more of their budget to IT security. The survey also indicates that declining security investment is hindering adoption of new security technologies, with only 53 percent of respondents considering their organizations to be early adopters, or part of the early majority, down from 67 percent in 2007. Companies are focusing more effort on optimizing solutions that are already in place rather than investing in cutting-edge technology that can be capitalized upon during economic recovery.
    Companies in the technology, media and telecommunications industries (TMT) significantly reduced investment in security spending in 2008, according to a new survey from Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu. The third edition of the Deloitte TMT Global Security Survey reveals that 32 percent of respondents reduced their information security budgets, while 60 percent of respondents believe they are "falling behind" or still "catching up" to their security threats -- a significant increase from 49 percent over the previous year. "This year's results indicate companies are explicitly scaling back. With funding decreasing and the threats increasing, it is more important than ever for TMT companies to be highly cost efficient in addressing their security risks," said Irfan Saif, a principal in Deloitte & Touche LLP's Audit and Enterprise Risk Services practice. "Companies that do not have a sound understanding of their security risk profile, or who under-invest in security now, may find themselves exposed to significant and increasingly sophisticated threats that they are not equipped to mitigate." With the proliferation of digitized assets, security should claim a significant portion of a company's overall IT budget. However, only 6 percent of respondents allocate 7 percent or more of their total budget to IT security. This year represents a significant decline from the previous edition of the survey, which showed that 36 percent of the respondents allocated 7 percent or more of their budget to IT security. The survey also indicates that declining security investment is hindering adoption of new security technologies, with only 53 percent of respondents considering their organizations to be early adopters, or part of the early majority, down from 67 percent in 2007. Companies are focusing more effort on optimizing solutions that are already in place rather than investing in cutting-edge technology that can be capitalized upon during economic recovery.
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