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#occupyedu: challenge schools to change « Cooperative Catalyst - 1 views

  • Filed Under  #occupyedu, Edreform, Educational transformtion, Occupy Education
  • We cannot re-imagine or recapture schools without the stakeholders they serve
  • It’s about creating a new public education system that recognizes and values a broader definition of learning than that accounted for by tests
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • It’s about recognizing and valuing a broader community of children than those who benefit from the tests
  • It’s about fostering sustainable communities of learners and problem-solvers that include all children in personally meaningful work of lasting worth and joy to themselves and our society
  • We’ve been promised relief that is not relief

Two ways we separate children & why we should care « Cooperative Catalyst - 1 views

  • #occupy edu, Edreform, Educational transformation, Occupy Education, School scheduling, School staffing, Standardized testing
  • However, differentiation that involves students requires more of us than offering a choice between teacher-designed pieces of work. Differentiation that involves students requires more of us than diagnosing a student’s weakness and prescribing the appropriate intervention. Differentiation that involves students requires students’ voices and efforts to make meaning of learning – it is not a process of finding the best way for a student to memorize or repeat what we adults consider to be important.
  • When we differentiate by what we think a kid can do – instead of through what a kid wants to do
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • Why aren’t we building spaces that encourage writers to write across the curricula? That inspire mathematicians to analyze the maths of communication? The enable artists to create non-print products in response to their learning about every subject?
  • It’s not that we shouldn’t assess our kids’ learning. It’s not that schools schools become the land of do as you please. It is this: We should find out what our children have to teach us about learning, community, and excellent work of lasting value by seeing how much meaning they can make of the world together and with our help. We should keep track of that work at the local level to make sure our schools are the land of learn and help and solve as you please.

Teachers Teaching Teachers � Blog Archive » Asking Frank Questions with Fred ... - 1 views

    "We asked important questions about reading, censorship, teaching with prescribed curriculums, freedom, and more on this episode of Teachers Teaching Teachers"

Teachers Teaching Teachers � Blog Archive » Learning from Occupy Wall Street ... - 1 views

    Mary Beth in Philly -- went down to occupy and hand out fliers about occupy education; Jose "B" interested in Youth Voices and his students (forget what); Paul -- "Elementary One-Room Schoolhouse" in Youth Voices; JLV, math coach and math teacher in NYC; Occupy the Classroom; Chad Sansing -- at his school talking about how to affect change in our classrooms; trying to make it a more student led place; working with Mary Beth and others to create a companion site called Occupy Edu; Paul: when stuff like Occupy Wall Street comes up, as a teacher I want to highlight what is happening; but how to do that without making it teacher centric ... interesting conversations follows; Sheri Edwards ... obligations to bring up Wall Street ... teaching 6, 7, 8th grades and do group blogging ... Paul asked about difficulties at her school; being student centered is not an easy task given the different things that are going on there; David Loitz working from the democratic something something, teaching pre-school, moderating the occupy edu blog. JLV thinking education as a big monster and thinking about Occupy and what to learn to support education as a whole and how we can build new arms (more about inclusion and not exclusion) ... lots of powerful work happening ... Chris has an example of a student posting and lots of different people have identified with movement ... Mary Beth everything I see I see through the lens of education ("the disease I have") everything was organized ... thinking about how we as teachers have these things happening to us, why can't we also self-organized ... we have a core thing we agree on ... amazing to see the microcosm of a community grown outside city hall. David studying small communities and amazing to see this happening ... a shift in our society finally taking what is real online and bring that idea back into face to face connections ... here I have something to give, who else does, let's put them together and make something better ...
    Important for students to hear their own voices. really important for teachers to hear their own voices along with parents too but is so essential for change ... Chad asked about Occupy the Classroom ... how has it come to where it is and where is it ... who is involved and how is it supporting the capturing of voice and amplifying ... where is it in promoting conversations about the bedrock conversations about schooling ... JLV talked about the blog post that helped to set the tone ... it tends to have a Freire style with a focus on pedagogy ... what is it that will change the conversation from anti-this to pro-that ... once that became the conversation then it went crazy from there ... various places and people picked it up ... Occupy Edu paralleling the efforts is excellent ... I know of see my role under this hashtag what can we do now ... from small to large ... will encourage cross-posting and get them to help each other some more. Cataloging what we can learn, as educators, from the Occupy movement. Lets list them. Paul talks about the year he worked in a new school and everything was decided by consensus and ended up getting rid of lots of things and restarted the school ... wondering if where I am now if that would be more possible. I realize I don't even know how decision are made as a teacher, let alone the teachers. ... Chris says he doesn' tthink we teach studnets to do this -- instead it's about arguing, win debates, spot fallacies ... but speaking for myself I don't think I do a good enough job teaching them to come to consensus. Dave would second it and also point out that other schools do this and reaching out to folks who are doing this already ... not seeing ourselves in silos. That is something we can learn ... we don't need to fight about all the things that are different that if we can find that core we have a lot to teach each other ... Jose came into LAUSD came into a school that was about consensus ... unfortunately its been downhill since

Clay Shirky: How cognitive surplus will change the world | Video on - 0 views

    digital technology generosity

Teachers Teaching Teachers � Blog Archive » Seven Teachers from Seven States ... - 2 views

    beginning of year show; excitement about working happening on Youth Voices (example of student editing wikipedia photo and the posting); also challenges (teachers of younger students not comfortable with title of post of one of Paul's students); also Paul's old computers and kind of excited; students are thrilled about the work online and talking about it; talking more about projects like Margaret working on like storybird with her students -- and about the intention of the tool versus how the students used it, agency and communication about the forum, interesting to learn from, students rough drafting first and then in this forum that driven by the images, so where are we going to end up?; also students appreciated feedback on their stories; talking about the design of the forum and the intentions and communication opening up teacher thinking about it and working with it; once Matthew received so much response and is excited -- found it very motivated (young writing in 2nd grade); getting him to write even though he's verbal ... storybird has really helped him motivate him.; Paul asking about a suggestion Margaret made about writing about Fall in their area ... but maybe won't work in this area ... love to hear what others think; we have a mission for the K-6th graders but it may not work but would love to hear from others ... and/or Paul suggested that maybe we can give a choice of different tools; idea of a collaborative voicethread comes up; asking about how you do that ... as well as other recommendations ... sketckfu as another idea. Provocative title issue comes up ... did appreciate the thoughtfulness of the comments but certainly the title is a read flag .. want to learn more -- how was it handled? Paul and Briana edited the title ... Briana said Paul was wrong to make a more provocative title. Learning experience -- is this also a learning experience for the community too since this is a place where teachers and students will make mistakes. Our responsiven

Teachers Teaching Teachers � Blog Archive » What changes when we allow connec... - 0 views

    open discussion; concerns about elementary and high school kids in youth voices together; asking about writing as writing or writing as composition; Paul playing audio recording and student example of work ... writing and reading going back and forth ... learning from a long-history of this work using radio and speaking/listening to support writing; detox process/detox booth at Innovation lab ... learning to learn process as part of larger research project ... improvement seen in the video of self and reflecting on their process and reflection ... five questions are asked, ie. notice the unlikely, dream boldly, connect (something), do what matters most, be. ... Maybe we can do that too in Youth Voices too?; Fred spoke about the connection with the museum ... unknown pieces that the middle school students ... conversation moves into space and how it can be so different all the time; moves into badges and motivation based on an idea Fred had about badges related to making and sharing; conversations about what Valerie needs in her classroom moved into cell phone conversation; then moves again into badges, different ages on Youth Voices, cyber bullying, etc.; closing with comment about inviting on Dayna Boyd and how this is all about having the courage to reach out to people and say "hey, we want to talk with you" (and that Dave Cormier has supported that thinking). Ideas for future shows and planning.

Teachers Teaching Teachers � Blog Archive » Wacky Learning Matters: Alex & Ph... - 1 views

    Monika organized this show and then facilitated it. Innovation and self-driven learning as a thread through this. Guests include Alexander Pappas, Co-founder at HourSchool, Katherine von Jan, CEO of RadMatter and Managing Partner at KvJ & Company, Jodhbir Singh, a computer engineer, empathetic educator and friend of the Innovation Lab, and writer for the Michigan Tech Lode and The Daily Bull, Lisa Nielsen, an educational technologist for the NYC Department of Education, Phill Pappas just published a book, One Page At A Time: Getting Through College With ADHD.

DLC « Instructional Technology - 0 views

  • As part of a two-year commitment to professional growth, teachers work in collaborative teams to develop personal and professional proficiency with technology and innovative instructional practices, ultimately resulting in increased student achievement.
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