File Cabinet Pro is the file manager for the macOS menu bar. Quickly navigate to files without cluttering your desktop. Open, move, rename, compress, tag, trash, copy and paste files, all from the menu bar. You can open many file types natively in File Cabinet Pro or open files by launching other applications. It's easy to click into directories in icon view, drill through directories in list view, or navigate the file tree in column view.
Free Download of Hider 2 by MacPaw. Get it now, it's the easiest way to hide and encrypt files on your Mac. Official Hider 2 - Download the latest version for free.
Get Hider2 now!
Download CleanMyMac X for free. CleanMyMac X is a go-to utility that cleans, protects, and brings fresh power to your Mac. Use it everyday to free up GBs of space, remove malware, and monitor the health of your macOS. Download it for your MacBook or iMac now!
CleanMyMac X
Using PDF Image Xtractor is the easiest way to get images out of PDF files on macOS. All you have to do is drag and drop a PDF file onto the window and PDF Image Xtractor will go through each page and extract all the images out for you. You can even set a custom page range if you are only interested in extracting images on certain pages.
-Extract images out of PDF files.
-Save the extracted images as .png, .jpeg, .tiff, or .bmp!
-Extract images for an entire PDF document or set a custom page range.
PDF Image Xtractor
VMware Fusion delivers a secure and powerful desktop sandbox for running Windows or other operating systems on the Mac without rebooting. Use at home to run Windows DX11 games or for learning with a Personal License, or use Fusion Player to separate Work.
Run Windows applications side by side with Mac applications.
Ready for macOS 11.0 Big Sur, and the latest releases of Windows 10.
Enhanced 3D graphics with DirectX 11 and eGPU Support.
Easily run your BootCamp volume as-is, or convert it to a virtual machine.
Supports hundreds of Guest Operating Systems. [VMWare Fusion 12 Player, virtual machines, software testing]
Bitdefender Total Security - up to 5 devices / 1 year - Complete protection for Windows, macOS, iOS, and Android.
Stay anonymous on the web.
Get unlimited encrypted traffic.
Secure your wi-fi hotspots.
# 1 Leading Mac security and antivirus software since 1997. Award-winning AV, network security, utility and parental control software exclusively for Mac OS X and MacOS.
Intego ContentBarrier Secure X9 is our parental controls and Mac Internet security solution that allows you to create appropriate online boundaries for any child from toddler to teen. It also contains two of our best-selling products, VirusBarrier and NetBarrier, that product your Mac against malware and network attacks.
Parental Controls and Internet security software for Mac - ContentBarrier Secure X9
# 1 Leading Mac security and antivirus software since 1997. Award-winning AV, network security, utility and parental control software exclusively for Mac OS X and MacOS.
Intego Mac Washing Machine Secure X9 is a software bundle that includes a powerful Mac cleaner in addition to VirusBarrier X9 and NetBarrier X9, our award-winning Mac anti-virus and firewall software. It is the perfect combination of protection, security, and Mac cleaning utilities to keep your digital life clean, organized, and secure. Use Mac Washing Machine Secure X9 to optimize and organize your Mac, and keep your digital world protected from malware and network threats.
Mac Cleaner and Internet security - Mac Washing Machine Secure X9
Number 1 Leading Mac security and antivirus software since 1997. Award-winning AV, network security, utility and parental control software exclusively for Mac OS X and macOS. 30% DISCOUNT ON ANY STORE ITEM; PROMO CODE: INTEGOSECURE30
INTEGOSECURE30 - 30% Off Storewide
# 1 Leading Mac security and antivirus software since 1997. Award-winning AV, network security, utility and parental control software exclusively for Mac OS X and MacOS.
Shield your kids from inappropriate and dangerous Internet content.
Anti-predator chat monitoring blocks objectionable chat content.
Personalize settings by family member.
Set limits on your child's Internet time.
Always-on monitoring of your child's Internet use.
Antivirus, anti-phishing and anti-spyware.
Number 1 Leading Mac security and antivirus software since 1997. Award-winning AV, network security, utility and parental control software exclusively for Mac OS X and macOS
1997 年以来 Mac セキュリティ&ウイルス対策ソフトウェアのリーダーとして活躍。受賞歴を誇る Mac OS X と macOS 専用のウイルス対策、ネットワークセキュリティ、ユーティリティ、およびペアレンタルコントロールの各種ソフトウェア
数々の受賞歴をもつ Mac 用のアンチウイルスおよびファイアウォールソフトウェア
Marktführer für Mac-Sicherheits- und Netzwerksicherheits-, Dienstprogramm- und Kinderschutzsoftware exklusiv für Mac OS X und macOS
Kinderschutz- und Internetsicherheitssoftware für den Mac
Marktführer für Mac-Sicherheits- und Netzwerksicherheits-, Dienstprogramm- und Kinderschutzsoftware exklusiv für Mac OS X und macOS
Aufräum- und Internetsicherheitsprogramm für den Mac
Leader en matière de logiciels antivirus et de sécurité Mac depuis 1997. Logiciels de contrôles parentaux, utilitaires, de sécurité réseau et antivirus exclusivement destinés à Mac OS X et macOS
Logiciel antivirus et firewall primés pour Mac
Leader en matière de logiciels antivirus et de sécurité Mac depuis 1997. Logiciels de contrôles parentaux, utilitaires, de sécurité réseau et antivirus exclusivement destinés à Mac OS X et macOS
Suite complète de logiciels de sécurité Internet, de nettoyage et de sauveg-arde pour votre Mac
Leader en matière de logiciels antivirus et de sécurité Mac depuis 1997. Logiciels de contrôles parentaux, utilitaires, de sécurité réseau et antivirus exclusivement destinés à Mac OS X et macOS
Logiciel de contrôles parentaux et de sécurité Internet pour Mac
Número 1 en software de seguridad y antivirus para Mac desde 1997. Software de reconocido prestigio en materia de protección antivirus, seguridad en la red, utilidades y control parental exclusivamente para Mac OS X y macOS
Galardonado software antivirus y de firewall para Mac
Intego Mac Premium Bundle X9 contiene todo lo que necesita para mantener su Mac protegido, seguro, privado y limpio. Mantenga a raya el adware, malware y otras amenazas, evite que personas y aplicaciones desconocidas accedan al Mac, realice copias de seguridad de sus archivos importantes, detecte y elimine archivos duplicados, limpie y organice el Mac, recupere espacio valioso del disco y proporcione a su familia un acceso a internet seguro y apropiado. La combinación perfecta de protección, seguridad y tranquilidad.
Número 1 en software de seguridad y antivirus para Mac desde 1997. Software de reconocido prestigio en materia de protección antivirus, seguridad en la red, utilidades y control parental exclusivamente para Mac OS X y macOS
Paquete completo de software de seguridad en internet, limpieza y copia de seguridad para Mac