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Продвижение идей регенеративной медицины и продления активного долголетия чер... - 2 views

    Жаворонков развлекается. есть еще

Люди, которые хотят жить вечно - 2 views

    Статья про иммортализм и трансгуманизм в беларусской газете "Обозреватель"

immortaz: Благая весть - 1 views

  • Modern medical science strives, if not exactly to exclude death, at least to eliminate as many as possible of its causes, to postpone it further and further, to prolong life more and more. But let us reflect for a moment: what would it really be like if we were to succeed, perhaps not in excluding death totally, but in postponing it indefinitely, in reaching an age of several hundred years?

Pope: Christ is the true medicine of immortality - 1 views

    Христос как альтернативное средство достижения бессмертия

Emptiness | Открытая Книга Мудрости (Часть II) - 2 views

    открытая книга мудрости - бессмертие

Проблемы научного иммортализма. Лекция Данилы Медведева. 3ч on Vimeo - 1 views


Проблемы научного иммортализма. Лекция Данилы Медведева. 1ч on Vimeo - 1 views


Alzheimer's Researchers Find High Protein Diet Shrinks Brain - 1 views

    One of the many reasons to pick a low-calorie, low-fat diet rich in vegetables, fruits, and fish is that a host of epidemiological studies have suggested that such a diet may delay the onset or slow the progression of Alzheimer's disease (AD). Now a study published in BioMed Central's open access journal Molecular Neurodegeneration tests the effects of several diets, head-to-head, for their effects on AD pathology in a mouse model of the disease. Although the researchers were focused on triggers for brain plaque formation, they also found that, unexpectedly, a high protein diet apparently led to a smaller brain.

Academic Earth - Philosophy of Life and Death - 1 views

    Может быть полезно для обзора.

Краткое руководство начинающего долгожителя - 1 views

    автор: Игорь Артюхов

Ученые раскрыли секрет вечной молодости - 1 views

    Хоть и пресса но тем не менее ... говорится о раскрытии учеными механизмов старения кожи
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