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International School of Central Switzerland

European History Primary Sources | - 0 views

    Welcome to European History Primary Sources (EHPS), an index of scholarly websites that offer online access to digitised primary Sources on the history of Europe. The websites listed on EHPS are not only meta-Sources but also include invented archives and born digital Sources. Each website that is listed in EHPS has a short description and is categorised according to country, language, period, subject and type of source. The portal can be searched in a variety of ways. The listed websites can be accessed for free, though sometimes a registration is required.
K Epps

Why do historians disagree? A comparison of biographies of Henry V - 0 views

    "In this essay, I shall be examining what I feel are the main issues surrounding the problem of why historians do not agree whether Henry V was a good king. The main reasons all stem from individual choices of the historian, and include their choice of frameworks, of sources, how these sources are interpreted and finally the historian's own motives for writing. Through this, I hope to conclusively show how a historian's opinion on a historical figure is often a subjective opinion, just as if they were judging how successful a person alive today had become."
K Epps

The Presentation of the Franks in Selected Muslim Sources from the Crusades of the 12th Century » De Re Militari - 0 views

    "The Presentation of the Franks in Selected Muslim Sources from the Crusades of the 12th Century  By Niall G. F. Christie Submitted for the Degree of M.Litt. in the University of St. Andrews (September, 1996)"
International School of Central Switzerland

ORB -- Medieval Women and Music - 0 views

    Women's involvement with medieval music took a variety of forms; they served at times as audience, as participant, as sponsor, and as creator. The evidence for their roles, like that for their male contemporaries, is sporadic at best. Many musical sources have been lost, and those sources that do survive only occasionally provide composer attributions. Information on specific performances is virtually non-existent, and the references to musical performances gleaned from literary allusions must be read critically. Similarly, an art-work portraying a women musician may be representational or symbolic--or both. Yet despite these handicaps, modern scholarship reveals many ways in which medieval women were engaged with--and enriched by--the music that flourished around them.
International School of Central Switzerland

The Battle of Hastings: sources and ... - Stephen Morillo - Google Books - 0 views

    The Battle of Hastings: sources and interpretations By Stephen Morillo
International School of Central Switzerland

material sources « meta-meta-medieval - 0 views

    Primary materials. Primarily, freely-available online texts, in the broadest sense of WRITTEN THINGS: * documents, manuscripts, printed books, music, and images; * transcriptions, facsimiles, editions, and translations; * hyperprojects that also come under MEDIEVAL & RENAISSANCE HYPERPROJECTS: digital humanities, electronic, hypertext projects; featuring encoded or marked-up text, relational or searchable databases, … * digital catalogues (especially of manuscripts).
International School of Central Switzerland

British History Online - 0 views

    British History Online is the digital library containing some of the core printed primary and secondary sources for the medieval and modern history of the British Isles. Created by the Institute of Historical Research and the History of Parliament Trust, we aim to support academic and personal users around the world in their learning, teaching and research.
International School of Central Switzerland

Domesday - Prosopography of Anglo-Saxon England - 0 views

    The Prosopography of Anglo-Saxon England (PASE) is a database which aims to cover all of the recorded inhabitants of England from the late sixth to the end of the eleventh century. It is based on a systematic examination of the available written sources for the period, including chronicles, saints' Lives, charters, libri vitae, inscriptions, and coins.
K Epps

Medieval Sourcebook: Urban II: Speech at Council of Clermont, 1095, according to Fulcherof Chartres - 0 views

    "This text is part of the Internet Medieval Source Book. The Sourcebook is a collection of public domain and copy-permitted texts related to medieval and Byzantine history."
International School of Central Switzerland

Leges Henrici Primi - 0 views

    Leges Henrici Primi:all facts at a glanceThe Leges Henrici Primi or Laws of Henry I is a legal treatise, written in about 1115, that records the legal customs of medieval England in the reign of King Henry I of England. The Leges Henrici Primi or Laws of Henry I is a legal treatise, written in about 1115, that records the legal customs of medieval England. It was written during the reign of King Henry I of England, and was part of a ... (Source: Wikipedia: Leges Henrici Primi)
International School of Central Switzerland

English rural life in the fifteenth century - 1 views

    "Introduction: History sometimes has scattered poppy without merit. We know little of many who were once great in the earth, and still less of the life of the people in their times. The life of the past must be visualized by piecing together detached and scattered fragments from many sources. The result is a composite picture, not a portrait. It is only now and then that the student of history is able to penetrate behind the veil of obscurity and get glimpses of intimate personal life and learn to know the men and women of the past with some degree of acquaintance."
K Epps

ChronoZoom - 0 views

    The open source tool turns the vast history of the universe -- 13.8 billion years of information -- into an interactive, visual timeline. Features enable users to zoom in and out as they explore curated content about, for example, the history of life on Earth, extinction of the dinosaurs, or causes of World War I. Users also can author and share their own timelines about specific events or eras.
K Epps

Empress Matilda and the anarchy: the problem of royal succession in medieval England - 0 views

    "Introduction: A visitor to the Empress Matilda's tomb at Rouen might be mistaken in believing that its occupant had never sought the English throne in her own right. Yet in the long struggle which engulfed the kingdom after her father's death in 1135 this is exactly what she did. Matilda may indeed have been the greatest English heiress of the twelfth century to fail to secure her inheritance. Charles Beem remarks that Matilda's epitaph 'described the summit of earthly achievement to which a twelfth-century aristocratic woman could aspire, according to the dictate of a male-dominated feudal society'. Matilda's rule lasted less than seven months before she was unceremoniously driven out of London in the spring of 1141. Even so, her lordship bore many of the typical characteristics of royal administration, and with King Stephen imprisoned by her supporters Matilda for a time was recognised as the sole source of royal authority in the kingdom."
International School of Central Switzerland

Friedrich-Meinecke-Institut: The letters of Pope Clement IV (1265-1268) - 0 views

    The letters of Pope Clement IV (1265-1268) contain largely chronologically arranged, with its 556 pieces of the political and personal correspondence of the Pope and are well regarded as the main source of his pontificate. The target audience is broad and largely prominent. Included are letters to the kings of Sicily, France, England, Aragon, Castile, to the Emperor of Byzantium and the princes of the Tartars, in many cases, to cardinals, who were just outside the Roman Curia, and the rest to various ecclesiastical prelates, secular lords, to acquaintances and relatives of Provençal home of the Pope and many others.
International School of Central Switzerland

EuroDocs - 0 views

    "EuroDocs: Online Sources for European History Selected Transcriptions, Facsimiles and Translations"
International School of Central Switzerland

Old English Course Pack - 0 views

    Welcome to Old English Literature: A Hypertext Coursepack. This site is designed to help you study several of the primary texts that have been included in many Old English Courses. A range of resources are available including primary texts with a running glossary and notes, reading lists, translations, contextual information and sources of the poem. There is also a facility to allow you to add comments or additional notes to each of the texts via an online discussion forum. Just select the text you are interested in on the right hand side.
International School of Central Switzerland

EyeWitness to History - history through the eyes of those who lived it - 0 views

International School of Central Switzerland by the Ahlul Bayt DILP - Home - 0 views

    Welcome to We invite you to begin a journey of clicks to explore this site thoroughly. We hope this journey is a source of education and enlightenment.
International School of Central Switzerland

The Assassins: a radical sect in Islam - Google Books - 0 views

    The word 'Assassin' was brought back from Syria by the Crusaders, and in time acquired the meaning of murderer. Originally it was applied to the members of a Muslim religious sect - a branch of the Ismailis, and the followers of a leader known as the Old Man of the Mountain. Their beliefs and their methods made them a by-word for both fanaticism and terrorism in Syria and Persia in the 11th and 12th centuries, and the subject of a luxuriant growth of myth and legend. In this book, Bernard Lewis begins by tracing the development of these legends in medieval and modern Europe and the gradual percolation of accurate knowledge concerning the Ismailis. He then examines the origins and activities of the sect, on the basis of contemporary Persian and Arabic sources, and against the background of Middle Eastern and Islamic history. In a final chapter he discusses some of the political, social and economic implications of the Ismailis, and examines the significance of the Assassins in the history of revolutionary and terrorist movements.
International School of Central Switzerland

Internet History Sourcebooks - 0 views

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