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International School of Central Switzerland

Smarthistory: a multimedia web-book about art and art history - 0 views

International School of Central Switzerland

Google Maps Mania: The Domesday Book on Google Maps - 0 views

    The Domesday Book is the result of a survey carried out in England and parts of Wales in 1086. The book is one of the first and therefore oldest public records in England and therefore serves as a great resource for geographers, genealogists and historians. The Open Domesday Book is the first free online copy of the Domesday Book. It also includes a great Google Maps interface that allows users to search for locations and quickly find references in the Domesday Book to the location and places nearby. If you search for a location you can view on a Google Map the places mentioned in the Book in that area. If you click through on any of the referenced locations you can view an image of the original text and a breakdown of the data recorded in the Domesday Book.
International School of Central Switzerland

ORB -- Medieval Women and Music - 0 views

    Women's involvement with medieval music took a variety of forms; they served at times as audience, as participant, as sponsor, and as creator. The evidence for their roles, like that for their male contemporaries, is sporadic at best. Many musical sources have been lost, and those sources that do survive only occasionally provide composer attributions. Information on specific performances is virtually non-existent, and the references to musical performances gleaned from literary allusions must be read critically. Similarly, an art-work portraying a women musician may be representational or symbolic--or both. Yet despite these handicaps, modern scholarship reveals many ways in which medieval women were engaged with--and enriched by--the music that flourished around them.
International School of Central Switzerland

Learning Historical Research - Home - 0 views

    Whenever you frame a question with reference to how things have changed over time, you commit yourself to doing historical research. All of us do this all the time, but not everyone thinks very carefully about the best ways of finding information about the past and how it relates to the present.
International School of Central Switzerland

ORB: The Online Reference Book for Medieval Studies - 0 views

    The Conqueror and His Sons For the next four lectures, I will diverge from my usual chronological plan. I will be talking about the policies of William and the two sons who followed him as king of England in a topical manner. The first of these lectures concerns the relations that obtained between England and Normandy under these Norman kings.
International School of Central Switzerland

Medieval Sourcebook: Abbot Suger: Life of King Louis the Fat - 0 views

    The subject of The Life of King Louis the Fat  was Louis VI, the first important Capetian king of France, who reigned from 1108 to 1137.  Louis's main achievement was to consolidate royal power within the Ile-de-France by suppressing the castellans who dominated the royal domain lands. (The term "castellan" refers to a noble who possessed one or more castles.) Louis's success owed much to an alliance he forged between the French monarch and the great Churchmen (bishops and abbots) and the leading townsmen of northern France.  Suspicious of the power of his barons, Louis used clergy and burghers rather than great nobles as royal administrators. His efforts to establish peace and maintain order facilitated the development of agriculture, trade and intellectual activity in the Ile-de-France. Under his rule, Paris began its expansion which would make it by 1200 the greatest Christian city north of the Alps. The following excerpts describe Louis's military actions against the "robber barons" of the Ile-de-France and the King of England Henry I (r.1100-1135).
K Epps

James Prescott - Le Viandier de Taillevent - Title Page and Table of Contents - 0 views

    Another famous collection, now known as Le Viandier de Taillevent, was originally compiled at the beginning of the 14th century; later it was attributed to the head chef of the Valois court, Guillaume Tirel, also known as Taillevent, who had a long and distinguished career as a professional chef. Tirel had the status of a squire and the coat of arms on his tomb, at St Germain en Laye outside Paris, incorporates a row of three cooking pots. The collection has the distinction of being the first printed cookery book; this occurred in the 1480s and the book went through several subsequent editions. The contents were modified considerably with the passage of time; the first printed version contains an additional group of contemporary recipes that have been described as the 15th century French 'nouvelle cuisine'! - you can see an online version at:
K Epps

Celtnet The Forme of Cury Medieval Recipes and Information Home Page - 0 views

    This page brings together all the recipes on this site redacted (updated) from the 1390 Medieval Manuscript The Forme of Cury (The [Proper] Method of Cookery). All recipes are given both in their original Middle English form, as updated English versions and as a modern redaction that and cook today could follow so that you, too, can prepare classic Georgian fare at home. Below I also provide a brief history of the manuscript. I am making my way through the entire recipe collection and as soon as they are added to my site they will be available here. (For the recipe list scroll down.) Read more at Celtnet: Copyright © celtnet
K Epps

Search Results: Parent_work_title equal to 'Cury' - Rylands Medieval Collection - 0 views

    The manuscript dates to the last years of the 14th century, and was compiled for the court of King Richard II; a printed version was first published in the 18th century.
K Epps

Food - 0 views

    have a close look and see what is on the table and being carried out around the scene. Can you identify any foodstuffs or recipes we've already discussed? Can you make out the eating implements, or a formal layout of the table? Share your findings or thoughts below.
K Epps

Where Did You Get That Idea? - 0 views

    "No matter which dates you use to define it, the medieval period was a very long time ago. Most of the people who existed during that time lived and died anonymously - at least as far as history is concerned. So how is it that we know anything about this period at all?"
K Epps

The Quest to Create the Perfect Map - Uri Friedman - The Atlantic Cities - 0 views

    "There are, in other words, no perfect maps-just maps that (more-or-less) perfectly capture our understanding of the world at discrete moments in time. In his new book, A History of the World in 12 Maps, Brotton masterfully catalogs the maps that tell us most about pivotal periods in human history. I asked him to walk me through the 12 maps he selected (you can click on each map below to enlarge it)."
K Epps

Thetford Priory and its Tudor Tombs on the App Store on iTunes - 0 views

    "This free interactive cultural and learning app will be of interest to anyone interested in Tudor history, cultural research, e-learning, art history, or the town of Thetford. It was created by a joint team from the University of Leicester, Norfolk Museums and Archaeology Service, English Heritage, Oxford University and Yale Center for British Art. It stems from a 3-year project applying space science technology to art historical monuments."
K Epps

Avalon Project - Major Document Collections - 0 views

    "Major Document Collections"
K Epps

Medieval Images of the Human Body - 0 views

    " By the later Middle Ages there was great interest in anatomy and how the body worked. Medieval people made illustrations to explain medical and anatomical issues of human body. Here is a list of medieval images of the whole or parts of the body, which offer a fascinating, unique and strange views from the Middle Ages."
K Epps

Images of the Medieval City - 0 views

    " What did medieval cities look like? Or more precisely, how did medieval people depict cities? Here are 15 images from the Middle Ages that show how the urban world looked like."
K Epps

Medieval manuscripts blog - 0 views

    "What do Magna Carta, Beowulf and the world's oldest Bibles have in common? They are all cared for by the British Library's Medieval and Earlier Manuscripts Section. This blog publicises our digitisation projects and other activities"
K Epps

Ten Medieval Kingdoms and States that No Longer Exist - 0 views

    " The map of the medieval world was constantly changing, as various kingdoms, principalities and states fought each other and redrew borders. In Europe and western Asia there were many states that rose to power and then later fell. Some of the most well-known ones include the Holy Roman Empire, the Kingdom of Jerusalem and the Abbasid Caliphate. Here, we take a look at 10 of the lesser known kingdoms that no longer exist."
K Epps

History of the English People, Volume I by John Richard Green - Free Ebook - 0 views

    "History of the English People, Volume I by John Richard Green" Read Chapter 4 re the Angevin Empire
K Epps

The Year 1200: A Centennial Exhibition at The Metropolitan Museum of Art | The Metropolitan Museum of Art - 0 views

    "The Year 1200: A Centennial Exhibition at The Metropolitan Museum of Art" catalogue to read online or download the pdf
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