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International School of Central Switzerland

Caliph, Caliphs, Imam, Imams, Muslim Early History Chart - 0 views

    Caliph, Caliphs, Muslim Early History Chart General Information Muhammad (623-632) Abu Bakr (632-634) father-in-law (Arabic, khalifah, [successor]), khalifat Rasul Allah, [successor to the Messenger of God]), 1st Caliph Umar I (634-644) amir-al-mum-inin (Arabic, [commander of the believers], 2nd Caliph Uthman ibn Affan (644-656) Muhammad's son-in-law, 3rd Caliph Ali Ben Abu Talib (656-661) a cousin and son-in-law of Muhammad, 4th Caliph
International School of Central Switzerland

Leges Henrici Primi - 0 views

    Leges Henrici Primi:all facts at a glanceThe Leges Henrici Primi or Laws of Henry I is a legal treatise, written in about 1115, that records the legal customs of medieval England in the reign of King Henry I of England. The Leges Henrici Primi or Laws of Henry I is a legal treatise, written in about 1115, that records the legal customs of medieval England. It was written during the reign of King Henry I of England, and was part of a ... (Source: Wikipedia: Leges Henrici Primi)
K Epps

Story of medieval England 16/36 Henry II-Law and Order - Vìdeo Dailymotion - 0 views

    "Story of medieval England 16/36 Henry II-Law and Order" Video
K Epps

'Strike off a thumb, 20 shillings': digitised Textus Roffensis is a window on early British law | Books | - 0 views

    "A book of medieval law that predates the Magna Carta and is described as 'Britain's hidden treasure' has been made available to view online"
K Epps

The Common Laws of Europe - 0 views

    links to text of English Common Law documents
International School of Central Switzerland

The French royal state : theory - Historum - History Forums - 0 views

    The French state has its origin in the middle ages. Before the 13th century, the king of France had very little power. He had to deal with many other feudal lords, some of which were more powerful than him. He had, however a model : the Roman catholic Church who had just reorganized itself. The pope was surrounded by jurists as advisors. Roman law had been rediscovered too : the corpus iuris civilis of Justinian. Canon law had been codified according to this model with the decree of Gratien.
International School of Central Switzerland

Avalon Project - Medieval Documents : 400 - 1399 - 0 views

K Epps

Magna Carta Website is Now Live - Medieval manuscripts blog - 0 views

    "We're delighted to announce that our dedicated Magna Carta website is now live. It features a whole wealth of Magna Carta-related material, including: articles by distinguished contributors such as Shami Chakrabarti, Dan Jones, Geoffrey Robertson, and Joshua Rozenberg illustrated descriptions of the items on display in Magna Carta: Law, Liberty, Legacy a range of teaching resources for use in primary and secondary schools a series of videos, including talking heads such as William Hague and two animations narrated by Terry Jones"
K Epps

Avalon Project - Major Document Collections - 0 views

    "Major Document Collections"
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