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International School of Central Switzerland - 0 views

    Springing from the Classical Atlas Project and the Barrington Atlas of the Greek and Roman World, Pleiades is a historical gazetteer and more. It associates names and locations in time and provides structured information about the quality and provenance of these entities. There is also a graph in Pleiades: names and locations are collected within places and these collections are associated with other geographically connected places. Pleiades also serves as a vocabulary for talking about the geography of the ancient world within Linked Data sets and is referenced by research projects such as Google Ancient Places and PELAGIOS.
International School of Central Switzerland

Historic Sites | Historic Holidays | Historical Places | Historvius - 0 views

    search for historic sites by geography and time period
International School of Central Switzerland

History and Geography of Europe - 0 views

    links to many maps and pictures of historical Europe
International School of Central Switzerland

BIMCC :: Web links - 0 views

International School of Central Switzerland

Life in the Middle Ages - 2 views

International School of Central Switzerland

Les possessions des Ordres Religieux et Militaires en Europe et au Proche-Orient - 0 views

    Google map of Knights Templar possesions View this page in Firefox - it has a peculiar mouse action. Mode d'emploi de la carte : Vous pouvez utiliser celle-ci exactement de la même façon que vous utilisez Google Earth® ou Google Maps®. Placez votre souris sur la carte à n'importe quel endroit, ensuite double-cliquez et la carte fera un zoom sur l'endroit que vous avez sélectionné. Pour faire défiler la carte, il suffit de faire un clic droit sur celle-ci et de déplacer votre souris tout en maintenant le bouton droit enfoncé. Lorsque vous cliquerez sur unsymbole (croix ou épées croisées), une petite info-bulle apparaitra avec un lien vers la page présentant l'endroit que vous venez de sélectionner.
International School of Central Switzerland

Old Maps Online - 0 views

    click on the map to find links to old maps online for that location.
K Epps

Stephen and Matilda: Where History Happened | History Extra - 0 views

    "This little-known power struggle between competing claimants to the throne had consequences that reverberated through history. We visit eight places associated with the dispute."
K Epps

The Western Tradition by Eugen Weber: 52 Video Lectures | Open Culture - 0 views

    "The Western Tradition is a free series of videos that traces the arc of western civilization. Starting in Ancient Egypt, Greece and Rome, the survey proceeds to cover the Byzantine Empire and Medieval Europe,..."
International School of Central Switzerland

TimeMaps - World Map 3500 BC - 0 views

    "TimeMaps is best described as a mash-up of encyclopedia, timeline, and map elements. TimeMaps' world map is designed as an overview of the development of the world's societies. The map's timeline begins in 3500BC and concludes in 2005AD. Click on the timeline's icons or on the map's icons to learn more about each place represented on the map. " (from Richard Byrne's Free Technology for Teachers site)
International School of Central Switzerland

Euratlas Periodis Web - Maps to be Used for the History of Europe - 0 views

    eriodis Web - A Historical Atlas and Gazetteer of Europe from Year 1 to 2000
International School of Central Switzerland

Medieval Sourcebook: Maps - 0 views

International School of Central Switzerland

World History Maps by Thomas Lessman - 0 views

    46 Historical Maps of the Eastern Hemisphere: by Thomas A. Lessman including Medieval History Maps(500 AD to 1500 AD)13 Medieval maps currently finished.
International School of Central Switzerland

Medieval Flanders - 0 views

International School of Central Switzerland

A cooler Pacific may have severely affected medieval Europe, North America - 0 views

  • In Europe, the study period was preceded by three years of torrential rains, which led to the Great Famine from 1315 to 1320, and marked the transition from the Medieval Warm Period to the Little Ice Age, which began in the mid 1500s. During that time, extreme weather conditions were thought to be responsible for continued localized crop failures and famines throughout Europe during the remainder of the 14th Century
    In the time before Columbus sailed the ocean blue, a cooler central Pacific Ocean has been connected with drought conditions in Europe and North America that may be responsible for famines and the disappearance of cliff dwelling people in the American West.
International School of Central Switzerland

1st Crusade. Fortresses & cities of the Orient. - Google Earth Community - 0 views

    On the map shows the events from time of the First Crusade.. I mentioned the most important cities and fortresses of the Crusaders and the way of knights and armies to the Holy Land. Map applies only to the military part of the crusade.
International School of Central Switzerland

Animaps - 0 views

    Animaps extends the My Maps feature of Google Maps by letting you create maps with markers that move, images and text that pop up on cue, and lines and shapes that change over time. When you send your Animap to friends it appears like a video - they can play, pause, slow and speed up the action!
K Epps

The History Blog » Blog Archive » 17th c. French noblewoman found fully clothed in lead coffin - 1 views

    "The remains of a noblewoman buried at the Convent of the Jacobins in the northwestern French city of Rennes in 1656 have been found in exceptional condition. Discovered in March of 2014, the remains have been quietly studied by a multidisciplinary team who are now revealing the results of their investigations."
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