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Jared Bennett

Aviary Creative Suite - 0 views

    A suite of multimedia editing tools similar to the more costly Adobe products. Free.
Jared Bennett

Turnitin - 0 views

    Powerful feedback/writing process tool. Ignore the plagiarism "gotcha" aspects and use it help students understand the process of re-writing, proofreading, and citing sources correctly. Limited OSAPAC licensing in secondary. Speak to your TL.
Jared Bennett for edu - 0 views

    This is a direct link to the edu sign-up page for prezi. A different take on the traditional slideshow-based presentation tool.
Jared Bennett

My Fake Wall - - 0 views

    Create your own "fake" facebook wall. Base it on a famous character from literature, a book you are reading in class, or as a tool to illustrate good digital footprint skills.
Jared Bennett

Convore - 0 views

    A very slick looking Group Chat/Back-channeling tool.
Thomas Ro

Boolify Project: An Educational Boolean Web Search Tool - 1 views

    "en"EnglishEspañolSvenskaPortugues Join our mailing list to learn about new Glean Learning Tools and other news about PLML! Every day we work hard to create new learning Tools and to improve the ones we already have. You--yes, you!--are an essential thought partner to our team.
Wendy Melnick

Flat Classroom™ Projects - 0 views

    The Flat Classroom Project™ is a global collaborative project that joins together middle and high school students (typically grade 9-12, 14-18 years old). Co-founded in 2006 by Vicki Davis (Westwood Schools, USA) and Julie Lindsay (now in Beijing, China) in 2006, this project uses Web 2.0 tools to support communication and interaction as well as collaboration and creation between students and teachers from classrooms around the world.
Lisa Neale

Top 100 Tools for Learning 2011 - 0 views

    crowd sourcing applications 
Jared Bennett

Bitstrips for Schools: Comics in the Classroom - 0 views

    A incredibly powerful comic-creation web software. Create a class. Share and comment on each other's creations.   
Jared Bennett

Today's Meet - 1 views

    Backchannel/collaborative conversation platform. Set up a forum for discussion in seconds.
Jared Bennett

Animoto - For education - 0 views

    • Jared Bennett
      Once students sign up with a promo code they have 6 months of "all-access". Currently there does not seem to be a way to extend this in concurrent years without re-applying for a code and having the students sign up with a different email address.
    A direct link to the Application form to get a promo code to render costly features free for edu.
Jared Bennett

GeoGebra - 0 views

    A program similar to The Geometer's Sketchpad. 
Jared Bennett

Learn360 - 0 views

    A video search site with curriculum-aligned content, character education clips, and full-length movies.
Jared Bennett

Growing Success with by Aaron Puley - 0 views

    A presentation on and how it can be used to increase achievement in the secondary classroom.
Jared Bennett

Vimeo Video School - 1 views

    A great resource for the budding auteur to hone their filmmaking skills.
Jared Bennett

Art Project, powered by Google - 0 views

    A collection of hi-res digital representations of art work from museums around the world.
Jared Bennett

Qwiki - 0 views

    An incredibly powerful visual dictionary/encyclopedia/resource.
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