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lindsey ackert

Renewable and Nonrenewable Resources - 0 views

    This site lists some renewable and nonrenewable resources, as well as discusses the replacement of these resources.
Chris Finck

Global Warming and Biodiversity - 4 views

    This website has many articles discussing global warming and loss of biodiversity, and what humans have done to escalate these problems.
Matthew Wu

Habitat Fragmentation - 0 views

    This website demonstrates, in an animation, how habitat fragmentation can cause species to die or become extinct. It also explains how humans cause habitat fragmentation.
Kyla McCaffrey

Deforestation - 4 views

This website talks about some causes, effects, and solutions to deforestation. It explains the importance of conserving forests and some individual things people can do to help.

started by Kyla McCaffrey on 29 Apr 12 no follow-up yet
Nikhil Dhawan

Ozone Science: The impact of CFCs | EPA - 2 views

    In this website, the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) explains the harmful effects of CFCs. The article is organized into different sections concerning different aspects of the topic of CFCs. It first explains the ozone layer and its importance and it provides a detailed diagram of the ozone layer. The website then goes on to explain CFCs and their role in ozone depletion. Finally, it explains the reaction of governments and people around the world.
tim cremins

Energy Production Methods - 0 views

    This website is great if you are looking for energy resources. The left side shows a list of different methods that produce energy and gives information about each of them including their pros and cons. It also explains the basics of how each method works and where we can best use them to produce energy for our population.
Vicky Z

Information on Ozone Depletion - 3 views

    This website explains what causes ozone depletion, it's effect on the bottom of the food chain, and the measures we have taken to try to stop it, although it takes time to completely fix.
Grace Palumbo

Air Pollution - 2 views

    This website answers some questions regarding air pollution, discusses possible causes, and solutions, and describes examples of air pollutants.
julia kollesar

Deforestation Facts, Deforestation Information, Effects of Deforestation - National Geo... - 1 views

    This article explains some effects of deforestation and some reasons about why it occurs.
Vanessa Lam-Tran

Eutrophication - 4 views

    This article explains the cause of eutrophication, its consequences, and how it can be prevented.
Olivia Ackerman

What Is Biological Magnification? - 4 views

    explains biological magnification.
Elizabeth Gagliardi

Alternative Energy Sources - 1 views

shared by Elizabeth Gagliardi on 27 Apr 12 - Cached
    Global warming is a problem for the Earth right now and it will continue to be in the future if we don't make a change in our pollution. Burning fossil fuels (which is currently our main source of energy) releases lots of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. This website presents wind and solar power as environmentally friendly alternatives for sources of energy and gives information on how they can be used.
Michael Guarino

Scientific Facts on Desertification - 2 views

    This website explains the scientific facts of desertification.

Kyoto Protocol - 1 views

shared by L V on 27 Apr 12 - Cached
    Want to know what the Kyoto protocol is?
Tyler S

About Eutrophication | World Resources Institute - 1 views

shared by Tyler S on 27 Apr 12 - No Cached
    This website contains information on what causes eutrophication, what it's effects are and how we can fix it. Eutrophication is bad, even though wikipedia makes it look pretty. Seriously look it up on wikipedia, the picture is pretty, but eutrophication is bad. Very bad.
Dylan Cook

People Cause More Soil Erosion Than All Natural Processes - 3 views

    This article talks about how humans cause soil erosion and how we are causing soil to erode faster than it can be replaced.
Jackie Kellogg

The End of the Line - 1 views

    Overview of increase of fishing leading to massive decrease of fish in the oceans.
Elizabeth Gagliardi

PCBs - 1 views

    This website explains information about PCB's, such as where they are found, and presents problems with using them.
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