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Joshua Bernard

The AP - 0 views

    Since AP seems to be the governing body of higher education in high school...they must have some sort of acceptable definition, right?
Jim Pickett

ReliefWeb - 0 views

    Worldwide maps, data, and analysis on global issues and crises...
Jim Pickett

Choices: Global Security Matrix - 0 views

    A GREAT guided matrix looking at risks across a wide field of thinking. Based on Jim Der Derian's work, the Global Security Matrix explores a broad range of threats across the layers of the international system. Check out the pandemic links!
Jim Pickett

Foreign Policy: Revenge of the Geographers - 0 views

  • Victorian geography is back in vogue. In The End of Poverty, Jeffrey Sachs blames geography for poverty, while in Guns, Germs, and Steel, Jared Diamond says that the different shapes of Eurasia and the Americas explain the course of global economic development. And now, in "The Revenge of Geography," Robert Kaplan suggests that states have had their day and that global society will dissolve into tribal conflicts over dwindling resources. He commends British geographer Halford Mackinder for his 1904 essay, "The Geographical Pivot of History," and its analysis of the geographical dynamics of the perennial struggle over Eurasia.For Kaplan, the appeal of environmental determinism is evident. It reduces otherwise complex theories of economic development or of international relations to a stable set of factors (such as climate, physiography, and location) and further suggests that the primary causes of social, political, and economic inequality lie outside the realm of human intervention. The revenge of geography centers on environmental realities that never cease to frustrate the grand schemes of men who would remake the world after their own ideals. But there are four problems with Mackinder's case, and ultimately Kaplan's argument, as he builds upon it. First, the fact that today's conflicts are in many of the same places as yesterday's is a testament not to the guiding hand of Mother Nature, but to the pitiful legacy of those earlier wars -- colonialism, political instability, and economic exploitation. (The British alone fought wars in Iraq during 1914-1918, 1920-1921, 1922-1924, 1943, and 1945, and in Afghanistan during 1839-1842, 1878-1880, and 1919, and of course are again in both places.) Second, cultural identities are created as distinct communities interact with one another, not through isolated communion with the Earth. Third, rich and powerful countries' interests in the affairs of poorer countries are driven as much by their economic needs as by the problems afflicting the poorer countries. Finally, for all the U.N.'s flaws, international relations are not solely structured around the threat of force; Wilsonian values are credible pillars of international institutions and affairs. Ideas matter more than Kaplan admits. None of these critiques is new and they were made by Mackinder's contemporaries. John Hobson, the author of the famous work, Imperialism: A Study (1902), wrote from a rich liberal tradition that was hostile to warmongering and he criticized the colonial wars that Mackinder celebrated. Élisée Reclus, who put together a monumental 19-volume survey of global geography, likewise argued that colonialism had serious and continuing consequences. In particular, Reclus showed that the commodification of land and resources produced food insecurity throughout indigenous societies. Another of Mackinder's contemporaries, geographer and anarchist Peter Kropótkin, insisted that identity was neither biological nor environmental fate, but rather a social creation enabling people to cultivate their higher natures. Mackinder, by contrast, saw colonialism as diffusing technology and civilized values to benighted savages. For him, environment determined racial character and this in turn dictated people's intellectual firepower and level of civilization. He saw a clear hierarchy of civilizations -- the further from Anglo-Saxon values you were, the more inferior your society. If we are to rehabilitate Victorian geography, as Kaplan attempts to do here, then, we must also recall its contested nature, and against simplistic environmentalism we must urge the relevance of a historical analysis that emphasizes colonialism, an understanding of cultures as dynamic and interdependent, and a recognition of the importance of cooperation, justice, and multilateral institutions.
    • Jim Pickett
      Hits the point RIGHT on the head. Kearns, a Mackinder scholar, gets Kaplan's errors "just right".
Jim Pickett

IRIN Africa | East Africa Great Lakes Horn of Africa North Africa Southern Africa West ... - 0 views

  • “Migration and mobility are always seen as exceptions but they are the norm. Mobility helps people get out of poverty
  • “If people affected by climate change lack access to resources or need to diversify their income sources, this lack should be [addressed] rather than be seen as a problem.”
  • Norman Myers, renowned environmentalist and fellow with Oxford University’s 21st Century School, who has just completed a study for the Swedish International Development Agency, said “hundreds of millions” of people could be driven from their homes by environmental crises and degradation by 2040
Jim Pickett

IRIN * humanitarian news and analysis from Africa, Asia and the Middle East - updated d... - 0 views

    Good resource for broad-based UN news and issues, including access to data and MAPS
Jim Pickett

A Peek Into Netflix Queues - - 0 views

    Cool use of maps and Netflix
Jim Pickett

Wolfram|Alpha and Mathematica: Geographic data - 0 views

    Scan in on this video to about time mark 3:50 (or just watch the whole thing). Great source for interactive data modeling.
Jim Pickett

GIS Mapping activities and data - 0 views

    Some interesting projects on medical geography, global demographic data, and economic development
Jim Pickett

Watch movies about History on using your iPhone - 0 views

    Could be fun; lots of good films here.
julia bleznak

Venezuela News - Breaking World Venezuela News - The New York Times - 0 views

    Venezuela leader, driving the wealthy and intelligent out of the country
Jim Pickett

Maps of War ::: Visual History of War, Religion, and Government - 0 views

    A curious mapping project...
Jim Pickett

Everyman Offers New Directions in Online Maps - - 0 views

    The new world of map creation... the ultimate democracy, perhaps?
Jim Pickett

DISEASES... Uganda: Out of the Wild - 0 views

    Great source on emerging diseases...
Jim Pickett

MEPC - TeachMideast - Educational Resources on the Middle East and Islam - TeachMideast - 0 views

    Great resource on understanding global Islam, and conceptions (true and false!) of the Middle East, Arab world, and Islam
Jim Pickett

Election maps - 0 views

    Interesting series of election data analysis maps using standard and cartogram depictions.
Jim Pickett

Soundcities: The Global soundmaps project. Sounds from around the world in an online d... - 0 views

    Now THESE are unique maps... to bad we can't do SMELLS ;-)
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