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Tackling Security Threats In The Hospitality Industry | MetaCompliance - 0 views

  • The hospitality industry faces vast security threats, making it a natural target for cybercriminals because of the value and volume of personally identifiable information that these organisations hold.
  • Marriott, Radisson Hotel Group, InterContinental, Four Seasons, and Hilton Hotels are just some of the major corporations that have hit the headlines in recent years as a result of a data security attack.
  • approximately 55 million online hotel bookings are affected by fraudulent websites and call centers posing as hotel websites, according to the American Hotel and Lodging Association.
  • ...7 more annotations...
  • The majority of all cyber-attacks can be traced back to a phishing email that tricks the victim into divulging their credentials or downloading malicious malware.
  • A study conducted by Intel found that 97% of security experts fail at identifying phishing emails from genuine emails.
  • many hotels becoming completely digitalised in a bid to gain competitive advantage and keep up with online travel agencies such as Expedia and
  • Worryingly, ransomware is evolving into a new type of threat where cybercriminals are not just encrypting data but are also stealing it and threatening to release it on the internet
  • In recent years, hackers have been deploying new tactics and Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks have been growing in popularity. This type of attack is an attempt to make an online service unavailable by overwhelming it with huge volumes of traffic from multiple sources to cause great damage. This can include loss of data, loss of revenue, reputational damage, and a loss of customers.
  • According to a survey, almost half (44%) of firms have experienced a significant, business-altering data breach caused by a vendor.
  • With the hotel industry increasingly prone to malicious cyber attacks, there are a number of ways organisations can combat cyber security threats

Location-Based Marketing: The Ultimate Guide [2023] | GroundTruth - 1 views

  • around 83% of marketers say they can run more successful campaigns when they use location data.
    • teresastas
      This is because they feel like they understand what their customers need and they can deliver that.
  • more than 225 million American consumers, and 94% of all millennials, now own a smartphone. And they’re using them more and more.
    • teresastas
      This is important because location based marketing only works with a smart phone.
  • consumers now spend more time daily on mobile devices (3 hours and 43 minutes) than watching TV (3 hours and 35 minutes).
    • teresastas
      I would say that most people watching TV are still on their smart phones. It's clear that if you can advertise to someone's phone it's more effective than TV in this day.
  • ...23 more annotations...
  • If you want to grab customers’ eyeballs, you need to market where they’re looking. That’s why using location-based  advertising to target mobile device users is a smart marketing strategy.
  • IP address marketing lets you use that location information to target your marketing.
  • GPS marketing lets you target promotions based on this location information.
  • geofencing marketing involves setting up a virtual location or radius so that you can market to people with in that area. Related to that, proximity marketing lets you target advertising and marketing campaigns to people who are within range of a geofence you have previously setup.
  • Beacon marketing or beacon advertising allows you to use physical devices called beacons within the premises of a business to target marketing to people who are within range of that beacon.
  • Blueprints create geographical boundaries around points of interest and locations.
  • Proximity targeting lets you reach your desired customers in real time in or near locations you have previously geofenced.
  • Weather targeting lets you use prevailing or upcoming weather conditions to target ads and marketing promotions.
  • Geoconquesting is about using location data to win business from your competitors.
  • Audience targeting lets you market to people based on location, online and offline behavior, demographics, interests, and more.
  • Location-Based Marketing Benefits
    • teresastas
      There are 4 major marketing benefits to location based advertising. 1. Location Targeting (target ads to customers within a range of your business or competitor). 2. Data Offerings (marketers can gain deep understanding of customers shopping behaviors). 3. Enhanced Targeting (personalizing ads to the consumer making conversions more likely and improving ROI on ad spends). 4. Cost Per Visit Performance Model (you only pay when the consumer clicks on the ad, visits the store, or hits a certain number of impressions)/
  • 1. Location Targeting
  • 2. Data Offerings
  • 3. Enhanced Targeting
  • 4. Cost Per Visit Performance Model
  • Location-Based Marketing Disadvantages
    • teresastas
      Four disadvantages of Location Based Marketing. 1. Opt-In Requirements (consumers must give permission for apps to access location data). 2. Non-Smartphone Users (although this is becoming increasing irrelevant consumers without smartphones can't be geotargeted). 3. Inappropriate Targeting (It's important to segment your audience properly to get conversions). 4. Ineffective Location Data (the effectiveness of geolocation marketing relies on accurate location data).
  • 1. Opt-In Requirements
  • 2. Non-Smartphone Users
  • 3. Inappropriate Targeting
  • 4. Ineffective Location Data
  • Location-based marketing is an extremely effective tool for getting the word out about your business. It’s had the most success in boosting in-store traffic and increasing brand awareness. It’s also a relatively cost-effective form of advertising compared with other advertising methods.
  • What is Location-Based Marketing?
    • teresastas
      This article covers location-based marketing, explaining that it is when we use location data from a consumers device to display relevant content to them. It also discusses the importance of location0based marketing and why we should be using it, citing that "consumers now spend more time daily on mobile devices than watching TV". We learn that there are many types of location-based marketing but the six key types are IP address marketing, GPS marketing, geofencing marketing, proximity marketing, beacon marketing and blueprints location-based marketing. The article also discusses how to use location-based marketing correctly and the benefits and disadvantages.
  • Opt-In Requirements Place-based advertising only works when users use the location technology on their phones AND give verified apps access to that data. However, many people don’t do this because of privacy concerns. Without their participation, there’s no way to use location targeting with this group of users.
    Opt-In Requirements When learning about location based marketing, I immediately thought about the opt-in requirements that many shoppers would not agree to. Because our phones are sued for everything, allowing such access can pose concern for privacy threats.
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