Kitchen Designs - 2 views
Denca CA on 05 Jun 14Discover awesome kitchen designs, from traditional to contemporary.
homelifeservices on 16 May 16Kitchen Refurbishment and Project Management Without lots of experience, arranging a kitchen refurbishment can be a difficult task. If you are planning to remodel your kitchen you probably have some concerns about how you'll manage. Juggling demanding jobs and family commitments with remodelling works can be a stressful process. Managing a kitchen refurbishment involves sourcing goods and materials, finding and meeting with different types of tradesmen, booking them in the relevant order, worrying over whether they will turn up or do the job properly, and the negotiating and handling of each individual fee, all of which can be very demanding and time consuming. Overcoming the day to day difficulties also adds pressure. Dealing with one contractor makes life so much easier. Being a multi trade company, Lancashire Home Life Services can offer you all the tradesmen and materials that your project requires, as well as provide you with a manager to be your single point of contact and to organise and oversee your project from start to finish. Our kitchen refurbishment services include: