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Kristin Key

Giant Weed Can Cause Blisters, Even Blindness - - 0 views

    Experts are urging residents of several states to beware of the "giant hogweed," a tall plant native to Central Asia with umbrella-size flowers containing toxic sap that can cause burns, blisters and, in some cases, even blindness.
Kristin Key

Idea to take the "D" out of PTSD studied - 0 views

    -The president of the American Psychiatric Association says he is "very open" to a request from the Army to come up with an alternative name for post-traumatic stress disorder so that troops returning from combat will feel less stigmatized and more encouraged to seek treatment.
Brigham Narins

Blood mystery solved - 0 views

    Two new blood types
Brenda Lerner

'Race against time' as 50 countries set to miss health-related MDGs - 0 views

    More than 50 countries look set to miss both millennium development goal targets for cutting mortality rates for young children and mothers by the 2015 deadline, according to a report
Kristin Key

Study Supports CT-Based 'Virtual' Colonoscopy to Spot Colon Cancer - - 0 views

    Check to see if information on virtual colonoscopy is in regular colonoscopy entry. Similar articles:
Kristin Key

The Crisis of Antibiotic Resistance: In-Depth Reports - 0 views

    Bacteria are finally overrunning our last defenses. Can we stop them? [collection of articles]
Kristin Key

'Atkins'-Type Diets May Raise Risk of Heart Problems: Study - - 0 views

Kristin Key

FDA OKs first new weight-loss pill in 13 years - Vitals - 0 views

    lorcaserin (Belviq)
Kristin Key

Many children with liver transplants from parents can safely stop using anti-rejection ... - 0 views

    Pilot study shows 60 percent of children who received liver tissue from a parent can safely discontinue immunosuppression; larger study planned
Kristin Key

Egg Yolks Almost as Bad for Arteries as Smoking: Study - - 0 views

    But industry and some health experts say the food may not be so dangerous.
Kristin Key

Embryonic stem cells improve vision for two women - - 0 views

    Two women with untreatable eye diseases said they had dramatic improvements in their vision after injections of human embryonic stem cells, making it the first documented time these controversial cells have helped someone.
Brigham Narins

CDC panel says boys should get HPV vaccine, too - Harvard Health Publications - 0 views

    Why? Males can't get cervical cancer. But they do contribute to it by spreading HPV to women through sexual activity. So vaccinating boys and young men against the virus will help prevent its transmission to women. Vaccination will also help prevent some of the 7,000 HPV-related cancers that occur in men each year....
Brigham Narins

Improve your vision with an app - tech - 08 October 2011 - New Scientist - 0 views

    I've seen this thing reported elsewhere, so there must be something to it. It seems like an interesting idea--especially for me with my magnifying spectacles. But it also seems like a scam: $95 for the app for three months, then a monthly fee. Red flags.
Brigham Narins

Analysis Of Woodpecker Anatomy May Help In Designing More Effective Helmets - 0 views

    Pretty cool thinking.
Jackie Longe

Researchers Discover Underlying Cause of Lou Gehrig's Disease - 0 views

    Louis Van Oeyen / WRHS / Getty Images Researchers report they've discovered a common cause of all forms of the fatal neurological disorder amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), or Lou Gehrig's disease. The findings, published in Nature, point to a possible new avenue for treatment.
Jackie Longe

OTC inhalers to be phased out to protect ozone layer - 0 views

    WASHINGTON - Asthma patients who rely on over-the-counter inhalers will need to switch to prescription-only alternatives as part of the federal government's latest attempt to protect the Earth's atmosphere. The Food and Drug Administration said Thursday patients who use the epinephrine inhalers to treat mild asthma will need to switch by Dec.
Jackie Longe

iPhone brain-training app could help you do away with reading glasses - 0 views

    Last updated at 11:57 AM on 29th September 2011 Far from making your sight worse, it seems that time spent staring at a computer or iPhone screen could soon improve vision. A brain-training app that gives middle-aged people the eyesight of those ten years younger will be available to download within months, developers say.
Jackie Longe

A Tick-Borne Parasite Invades the Blood Supply - 0 views

    A parasitic infection normally transmitted by deer ticks has made its way into the U.S. blood supply, researchers from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported on Tuesday
Brigham Narins

Mother's diet influences baby's allergies -- new research - 0 views

    The research found that if a mother's diet contains a certain group of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) - such as those found in fish, walnut oil or flaxseed - the baby's gut develops differently. The PUFAs are thought to improve how gut immune cells respond to bacteria and foreign substances, making the baby less likely to suffer from allergies.
Brigham Narins

Weight-Loss Program Could Save Up To $15 Billion For Medicare - 0 views

    If we do a book on public health, we should consider topics related to public health spending policy, like this one.
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