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Home/ HIST 390-001 The Digital Past Fall 2013/ Group items matching "url" in title, tags, annotations or url

Group items matching
in title, tags, annotations or url

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Jimin Kwon

Understanding a URL - 1 views

    This web page has an easy and detailed explanation about what a URL is and its three basic parts: the protocol, the server name, and the resource ID.
    In theory that's a good resource, Jimin, except that it's wrong. :) The "server name" could be anything, and has very little to do with the domain name. It is true that you can usually log in to a server (a remote computer) by giving whatever program you're logging in with the domain name, but that doesn't mean that the server itself has the same name as the website. That page is also very, very wrong in calling the the top-level domain (.org etc.) the "domain name." It's important to note that that page was almost certainly written by a librarian, not a tech professional. (Of course, I'm an English PhD, not a tech professional myself, but still.) And when I looked at the source code, I could tell that it was hand-coded in HTML, which indicates to me that it's probably many years old. Wish there were a "dislike" button. :)
James Hemdal

Top 10 YouTube URL Tricks - 0 views

    This website has some more advanced URL tricks to make your YouTube experience better. Most of these tips are for embedding videos, but there are tips for viewing as well.
    Anything that has the words "tips" or "tricks" in it, I like, even when it's not related to what we've been discussing lately. :)
Amanda French

Namechk: Check for Usernames Across the Web - 2 views

Could be useful, thanks! I've given you credit. Natalie, can you please delete this Topic and post the link as a Bookmark? It'll keep the group neater.

username social media awesome

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