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Amanda French

File:Arpanet 1974.svg - Wikimedia Commons - 1 views

    I've added a new avatar for our course Diigo group. It's based on a 1974 map of ARPAnet, the first "network of networks," and thus the precursor of today's Internet. I got it from Wikimedia Commons, which is a great source for all kinds of media that you're allowed to reproduce on the Internet.
Gordon Hall

Directory vs. Folder - 1 views

    This link gives information on the difference between a directory and a folder. The reason I found this link so useful was because it outlines the difference between the two for Mac and PC users.
    Congratulations, Gordon, on being the very first to post! :) I will say I'm not very impressed with the link, though -- it's a bit fuzzy on whether there is or is not a difference between a directory and a folder, except in a technical sense on Windows Vista. (I'd argue that in general there isn't, though I grant you there are special cases.) And you can't tell who wrote that piece, and it comes from the support database of a particular software company rather than from a site that's dedicated to explanations / teaching / learning / education. At least Wikipedia is deliberately trying to educate people, and it's better on this issue, I'd say, and provides a clearer argument that a directory is something structural in an OS whereas a folder is a visual "metaphor" for a collection of files, which may or may not be an actual directory:
Gordon Hall

Top 10 Most Usable Content Management Systems - 1 views

    In addition to the content management systems we talked about today like wordpress, there are plenty of other great content management systems out there for people to use.
    Although that article was written way back in 2009, I'd say it's still pretty accurate. All the CMSes I know of are in that list, plus some I hadn't heard of.
Alex Gregg - 0 views

The Obama administration seems to be upsetting photographers and compares their restrictions to that of the Soviet Union.

internet hist390 history web

started by Alex Gregg on 25 Nov 13 no follow-up yet
Gordon Hall

Historical Perspective Journal - 0 views

    This Journal, known as Perspectives on History, runs through the American Historical Association. It gives great perspective on various aspects of history through how its being used in teaching, the media, and through the archives. For any history majors out there, I strongly recommend checking out this journal.
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