HowStuffWorks: "10 Differences Between Macs and PCs" - 0 views
Taylor Kreinces on 05 Sep 13This is a slide show about the differences between Apple computers and computers that are deemed "PCs". It compares everything from design to software. I thought it was interesting to see how people see these computers and what the actual difference between them were.
Amanda French on 11 Sep 13I see that both you and Marion have shared links from -- that site usually has pretty good information, especially for basic stuff. I find it interesting that they're classified as an "entertainment" site; they pay people a little (not much) to write the articles, and then they sell ads on the content. I know a guy who works there -- Jonathan Strickland. Great guy and great podcaster.
Amanda French on 11 Sep 13Interesting, Taylor, although I wish that article had a date on it. I bet it's a couple of years old: both Macs and PCs change a lot. Still, those differences still apply. Technically, of course, Macs are PCs, since PC stands for "Personal Computer," which a Mac is. But what can you do -- language is slippery.