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Amanda French

The Rise And Fall of the ARPANET (1969-1989) in One GIF - 0 views

    An animated GIF of the expansion of ARPANET! Almost want to make this the avatar for the Diigo group instead ...
Michael Olivarez

Technical history of ARPANET - 0 views

    This website provides a simple timeline of ARPANET events
Amanda French

History of the Internet - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 0 views

    Wikipedia page about the History of the Internet that I showed in class. Note that the first Internet connection (really, the first ARPANET connection) was made between UCLA and Stanford -- most early work on the Internet was done at universities and was funded by government grants. It was only after the launch of the Web in the early 90s that businesses began devoting resources to the Internet and the Web.
Amanda French

File:Arpanet 1974.svg - Wikimedia Commons - 1 views

    I've added a new avatar for our course Diigo group. It's based on a 1974 map of ARPAnet, the first "network of networks," and thus the precursor of today's Internet. I got it from Wikimedia Commons, which is a great source for all kinds of media that you're allowed to reproduce on the Internet.
Amanda French

The Internet's Save-the-Date: A Tiny Item in a UCLA Student Newspaper - 1 views

    An item from UCLA's school newspaper from 1969 reporting that "A computer facility here will become the first station in a nation-wide network which, for the first time, will link together computers of different makes and using different machine languages."
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