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Resources and examples pertaining to high schools.
google art project interactive museums
CEMSE science informal learning design excellent
iPad apps HOTS Blooms integration PD excellent iBook
khan khanacademy flipped_classroom flipped critique mustread excellent Interlochen
BIE projectbasedlearning PBL search director
high school chemistry GoogleSites
reference research list primary repositories
history socialstudies research primary sources primary_sources
music arts dance interactive drama performing
YouTube Art Artists visual performing arts
art dance contemporary_dance interactive research
history primarysources socialstudies high middle
studies social elementary primarysources DBQ
history war witness primarysources veterans
history socialstudies zinn resources lessonplans
History imported documents SiteoftheDay Favorites primarysources
history socialstudies primarysource primarysources exploration
history photos socialstudies resources video
history resources docs digital primarysources documentary